I just found this today, looks like a cool place...
Updated by Aurali
Posted under Off Topic
I just found this today, looks like a cool place...
Updated by Aurali
Also furpiled.com
Updated by anonymous
fchan also not that much there but it's a still cool place
Updated by anonymous
conkerfan said:
fchan also not that much there but it's a still cool place
fchan is full of admins and moderators who want to admin and moderate but aren't any good at it.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Yes I know about all of the above. I am not a n00b you know.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
http://www.furaffinity.net <-going to eat itself soon ;-)
Updated by anonymous
deadjackal said:
http://www.furaffinity.net <-going to eat itself soon ;-)
why is that? because it's more organized and easier on the eyes?
Updated by anonymous
hg3300 said:
more organized
Updated by anonymous
e621 is still the best of all listed above xD
Updated by anonymous
hg3300 said:
why is that? because it's more organized and easier on the eyes?
Because the mods are horribly incompetent.
Updated by anonymous
hg3300 said:
more organized and easier on the eyes
No, and no. And trust me. I used to work on that site.
Updated by anonymous