Topic: yesterday, 5/21 had two wisdom teeth pulled, just now think i popped my!

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I woke up from a dream to find for some reason or other I was trying to streach my jaw open (I have jot been able to do so more than a little, just enough to eat through a straw carefully) well as I woke up I felt a sensation like a pop (if you've ever eaten pop rocks, it felt like that but just once) there was a sharp pain that lasted for a few seconds, and a strong copper taste. Now there is a sharp stinging sensation (keep in mind I did the top right and lower right wisdom teeth, bottom was infected so it was left open top was stitched, probably with dissolving stitches) I have a dental mirror and used a small flashlight and my bathroom wall mirror to examine the area but the bloodclot is so dense I cant really tell what I'm looking at. It does sort of look like the dentist broke the tooth next to the top (snapped the crown) cuz there's a tiny whitesh bump next to the main tooth, don't know if its puss, tissue or tooth. either way my mouth is still stinging which is a new pain for me since I take some pretty strong pain meds I don't feel the "ache" most will have so the pains concerning me, so is the blood and the fact the bottom was infected and could get into the top if the stitches whent. tried to call a relitive but shes asleep and my grandmother sorta disowned me so no help there. Dentist is closed so I don't know if there's someone I can call or what. I'm just very concerned right now as both the stinging and blood hasn't stopped.
First time ive had teeth pulled/stitches in mouth, and ive had to open my mouth wide a few times. Most recently in the er because my face looks like I have a cantalope in my cheek, the doctor was a ditz an none to gentle when she pried my mouth open to examine the area. Ive also had to open it far enough (which is hard to do because my jaw doesn't want to open very much, in order to swallow some whole blueberries and honeydew melon chunks, basicly my lunch)
If anyone knows who i should call id be very grateful as this is quite quite uncomfortable and I should have ∅ pain, since it was oxycodone and oxycotin I was perscribed for the pain.
So x.x'

Updated by treos

i posted this exact question on Yahoo answers.....gota remember to stop using that shit. Mlposted here whent back to YA and low and behold a reply, some jackass linked me to a makeup tips blog...had jothingnwhatsoever to do with dental. Guh...fucking Hate people sometimes.

Updated by anonymous

Well make sure the blood clot doesn't come out or you will get dry socket. And the loud pop could just be you jaw poping after having your mouth open during the surgery.

Updated by anonymous

Now that I think about it the stinging could be dry socket, and the blood clot you mentioned could be a new one to replace the one you might have lost.

Updated by anonymous

Queen_Tyr'ahnee said:
Well make sure the blood clot doesn't come out or you will get dry socket. And the loud pop could just be you jaw poping after having your mouth open during the surgery.

Uh, clot came out of the bottom couple hours ago x.x'

Updated by anonymous

Well the top is where it hurts, bottoms just throbbing a little. The top was the stitched one and that's where I felt the pop, it was very sharp quick feeling but located directly over the top extraction site

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
Uh, clot came out of the bottom couple hours ago x.x'

Well,then I guess you have dry socket, try to survive through the night, and make your way to the dentist tomorrow.

Updated by anonymous

Theclarinetist said:
go to the hospital. RIGHT NOW.

Id love to, sadly when I was there erlier today they nearly killed me while trying to cure a migrane. I had a seziure and couldn't breath. All they told me to do was relax and breath deeply,.. even though I told them I couldn't breath. Not to mention the doctor wrenched my jaw open to its limit when she checked on my tooth pulled sites, she was very.... rough.

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
Id love to, sadly when I was there erlier today they nearly killed me while trying to cure a migrane. I had a seziure and couldn't breath. All they told me to do was relax and breath deeply,.. even though I told them I couldn't breath. Not to mention the doctor wrenched my jaw open to its limit when she checked on my tooth pulled sites, she was very.... rough.

You should consider finding a new hospital to go to if they straight up not listen to their patient.

Updated by anonymous

They didn't put any stitches in when I had my wisdom teeth pulled.
Hurray military dentists.

Updated by anonymous

Anyway, bleeding slowed down, the bottom pull site looks like its dark red inside, wet too. But it does ache (which it shouldn't Im on two narcotic painkillers...) so I guess I'll deal with it tommarow. Hate this, already had to have my mother drive up three times this week, tommarow will be four. Anyways thanks for the help. Was definitely better than the Yahoo answers User who have me tips on "dark spot removal" and "toenail care" lets not forget it was a link to a "do it yourself makeup blog " facepalmsgona try to sleep now so, laters

Updated by anonymous

Did they give you cotton packing for it?
That helps a lot with the bleeding if you have some.

Updated by anonymous

Don't sleep with cotton in your mouth, you could suffocate.
Also, swish some hydrogen peroxide and call your doctor to see what to do if this is happening.
Call the hospital if you can't get a doctor, a bill is worth not bleeding out and dying.

Updated by anonymous

I have cotton, hadn't used it after 2 hours "after" the procedure. Because the bleeding had stopped. Used some tonight mild blood stains on it, definitely notnlike when I had just had them pulled. So I definitely not worried about bleeding out, its just the ache and stinging. Keep in mind, up untill that poping sensation my mouth wasn't all, because of the meds. Now it hurts. So I'll call tommarow after I talk to my mom about it.

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
I have cotton, hadn't used it after 2 hours "after" the procedure. Because the bleeding had stopped. Used some tonight mild blood stains on it, definitely notnlike when I had just had them pulled. So I definitely not worried about bleeding out, its just the ache and stinging. Keep in mind, up untill that loping sensation my mouth wasn't all, because of the meds. Now it hurts. So I'll call tommarow after I talk to my mom about it.

Do you have vicodin?
That's what they gave me after mine were pulled, got me through the next few days.

If not, take 800 mg of Ibuprofen, that's double the recommended dosage for over the counter, but it's the prescription dosage and is safe if you don't go more than 2 weeks taking that 1-2 times a day.
Frankly, if the pain is still bad enough that you need pills after 1 week, that's longer than it should take and you may need to visit a doctor.

Updated by anonymous

Nice...called the hospital, they transferred me to the emergency room (er) she said call your dentist or come in the emergency room because shes not allowed to give advice over the phone. So yep, tommarow it looks like I'll be dragging poor mum around again. -sigh

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Do you have vicodin?
That's what they gave me after mine were pulled, got me through the next few days.

No I was given basicly the same thing as oxycodone mixed with acetametiphine.
ive been taking onenof those along with a 600mg motrin. Up untill the incident my mouths been fine, not even a twinge (even when the nurse wrenched my mouth open to look inside). I took some more incase it was wearing off so I'll go to sleep and deal with it in the morning, if it gets any worse I will defdinitly call for an ambulance for another trip to the er.
I have decent insurance so I wount get a bill from the er visit, though I might for the ambulance ride... last one I had I remembrance was like 3,000$ course we didn't have insurances....

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
Nice...called the hospital, they transferred me to the emergency room (er) she said call your dentist or come in the emergency room because shes not allowed to give advice over the phone. So yep, tommarow it looks like I'll be dragging poor mum around again. -sigh

Jesus Christ. These are the kinds of medical staff that give hospitals a bad name. These people need a serious kick in the pants. From what I've read, do you have enough to file a lawsuit for negligence? A doctor not listening when you say you can't breathe and then someone violently forcing your jaw open sounds like major negligence on their part. I'm sorry you had to deal with this bullshit all day. Please get better, Esme, and I wish you the best of luck! *hugs*

Updated by anonymous

Just read the title and could'nt read past it and just thought "Ow! Fuck!" >_<

gonna read the post now

You okay?

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Jesus Christ. These are the kinds of medical staff that give hospitals a bad name. These people need a serious kick in the pants. From what I've read, do you have enough to file a lawsuit for negligence? A doctor not listening when you say you can't breathe and then someone violently forcing your jaw open sounds like major negligence on their part. I'm sorry you had to deal with this bullshit all day. Please get better, Esme, and I wish you the best of luck! *hugs*

I probably do, first off they did the mouth thing, then to take care of the miagrane they gave me four medications at once mind you and then a few seconds later a fifth medication with a needle and then everyone just walked out of the room, if my mom hadn't been in the room with me ibwould have crashed, as it was I started having a seziure, couldn't breath, scalp, chest, stomach and pelvic area felt like it was being burned by fire, and the best part. My mom rushes out of the room yelling for help and that "something is wrong" does anyone even pay attention? No the damned doctor keeps on walking away down the hall as if shes deaf, the nurses don't even look up, my mom actually had to grab and shake the doctor to get her to listen. Three people come in, tell me to sit up and take deep breaths and try to relax. I tell them I cant sit up no muscle control, cant breath (must have said cant breath like 6 times) I'm shaking like a leaf in a hurricane and gasping for air. Nurse tells my mom I'll be fine and they would get me some oxygen, course they take their sweet ass time. Honestly I thought that was it and that I wasn't getting off the bed. They gave me a potent medical cocktail that they even said has serious negitive reactions to.....and then just leave the room... the doctor kept saying "oh somepeople feelblike their going to jump out of their skin, its quite common." Wasn't anything like that. Hell when I first got there the receptionist asked what's wrong, the registrations asked what's wrong. We wait an hour while I'm suffering, doctor comes in and first words outa her mouth is "why on earth did you come to the emergency room for a simple toothache?" I look at her dumbstruck, mum looks at her in shocked anger, we both say at the same time. "We arnt here for a toothache."

So yeah, I doubt I can sue for malpractice because they all cover echothers asses, and nothing permenent happened, though my mouth disagrees Atm...

Updated by anonymous

You're asking furries for advice? Esme you should have known to go to hospital when something like that happens..

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
You're asking furries for advice? Esme you should have known to go to hospital when something like that happens..

I'm asking people, not furrys. And its notnlife threatening Atm just painful. My main concern, the reason I asked on here and Yahoo is because I couldn't get in touch with neither my dentist, doctor, mother and my grandmother of course wount even pick up the phone if I called her. Called the hospital and they didn't even ask how bad it was, just told me to call my doctor, dentist or go to the emergency room. And as you can see from the post above yours, last time Which was at around 10am today, was bad bad bad

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
I probably do, first off they did the mouth thing, then to take care of the miagrane they gave me four medications at once mind you and then a few seconds later a fifth medication with a needle and then everyone just walked out of the room, if my mom hadn't been in the room with me ibwould have crashed, as it was I started having a seziure, couldn't breath, scalp, chest, stomach and pelvic area felt like it was being burned by fire, and the best part. My mom rushes out of the room yelling for help and that "something is wrong" does anyone even pay attention? No the damned doctor keeps on walking away down the hall as if shes deaf, the nurses don't even look up, my mom actually had to grab and shake the doctor to get her to listen. Three people come in, tell me to sit up and take deep breaths and try to relax. I tell them I cant sit up no muscle control, cant breath (must have said cant breath like 6 times) I'm shaking like a leaf in a hurricane and gasping for air. Nurse tells my mom I'll be fine and they would get me some oxygen, course they take their sweet ass time. Honestly I thought that was it and that I wasn't getting off the bed. They gave me a potent medical cocktail that they even said has serious negitive reactions to.....and then just leave the room... the doctor kept saying "oh somepeople feelblike their going to jump out of their skin, its quite common." Wasn't anything like that. Hell when I first got there the receptionist asked what's wrong, the registrations asked what's wrong. We wait an hour while I'm suffering, doctor comes in and first words outa her mouth is "why on earth did you come to the emergency room for a simple toothache?" I look at her dumbstruck, mum looks at her in shocked anger, we both say at the same time. "We arnt here for a toothache."

So yeah, I doubt I can sue for malpractice because they all cover echothers asses, and nothing permenent happened, though my mouth disagrees Atm...

Oh, wonderful. I hate hospitals enough as it is. This didn't help.

Updated by anonymous

Basicly if y'all are wondering why I did post this, some advice is better than NO advice. If I had more than one person saying go to the er now. I would have packed my kindle up and been out the door minutes later.
I sorta trust you guys cuz I haven't been misled in the past nor trolled when asking questions. Plus your people too so maybe one of you had gone through the same thing and had good advice, yah know.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

It's pretty common, from what I've heard.
Personally, I bled all over my bed and pillow overnight after my tooth got pulled. Didn't stop hurting for a couple of days, either.

Updated by anonymous

Don't do the ambulance if you need to get to the hospital tomorrow.
It's not a life threatening thing, and they're stupidly expensive.

Worst case, get a taxi, will cost you maybe $20-30 instead of like $1000+ for an ambulance ride.

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
Basicly if y'all are wondering why I did post this, some advice is better than NO advice. If I had more than one person saying go to the er now. I would have packed my kindle up and been out the door minutes later.
I sorta trust you guys cuz I haven't been misled in the past nor trolled when asking questions. Plus your people too so maybe one of you had gone through the same thing and had good advice, yah know.

thank you! we really care! now like I said: go to the hospital. RIGHT NOW

Updated by anonymous

Theclarinetist said:
thank you! we really care! now like I said: go to the hospital. RIGHT NOW

Well Hun, no offence it needs to be more then just you. The bleeding stopped, pains faded (still stings Abit) so I feel that I can address it tommarow morning.
You sort of get all eh, dramatic. When It comes to medical stuff, even your own. The swelling, even though it looks like I have a baseball in my cheek is apparently normal since the doctor said it is. Though on that I'm not quite sure since it has some strange effects, such as traveling up the side of my head (doc said its because of a nerve that runs along the jaw and up to the temple) anyways, I'm going to try to get some sleep now, nobody worry about me if it changes at all I'll go to the hospital immediately.
hell I'll even post tommarow on what happens. But for right now rest is probably best. (I'll wait a few minutes for anymore responses then go to sleep.) So goodnight for those of you who are at nighttime riht now.

Updated by anonymous

I had all 4 of mine pulled at the same time, luckily I didn't have any major problems besides jaw pain from having mouth open during surgery.

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
Well Hun, no offence it needs to be more then just you. The bleeding stopped, pains faded (still stings Abit) so I feel that I can address it tommarow morning.
You sort of get all eh, dramatic. When It comes to medical stuff, even your own. The swelling, even though it looks like I have a baseball in my cheek is apparently normal since the doctor said it is. Though on that I'm not quite sure since it has some strange effects, such as traveling up the side of my head (doc said its because of a nerve that runs along the jaw and up to the temple) anyways, I'm going to try to get some sleep now, nobody worry about me if it changes at all I'll go to the hospital immediately.
hell I'll even post tommarow on what happens. But for right now rest is probably best. (I'll wait a few minutes for anymore responses then go to sleep.) So goodnight for those of you who are at nighttime riht now.

well as long as you don't get an infection or something like that and your gonna be ok thats all that matters! G'night by the way

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
Well Hun, no offence it needs to be more then just you. The bleeding stopped, pains faded (still stings Abit) so I feel that I can address it tommarow morning.
You sort of get all eh, dramatic. When It comes to medical stuff, even your own. The swelling, even though it looks like I have a baseball in my cheek is apparently normal since the doctor said it is. Though on that I'm not quite sure since it has some strange effects, such as traveling up the side of my head (doc said its because of a nerve that runs along the jaw and up to the temple) anyways, I'm going to try to get some sleep now, nobody worry about me if it changes at all I'll go to the hospital immediately.
hell I'll even post tommarow on what happens. But for right now rest is probably best. (I'll wait a few minutes for anymore responses then go to sleep.) So goodnight for those of you who are at nighttime riht now.


Dramatic like that? :P

Just a tip: if you see too much blood, pass a cotton swab (gently!) on the wound to clean it

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Just a tip: if you see too much blood, pass a cotton swab (gently!) on the wound to clean it

Dab, don't wipe.

Updated by anonymous

Ah, memories... I have a 4 year old picture saved of myself after getting mine pulled, high as shit. I don't remember taking it.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Dab, don't wipe.


Dammit, language differences strike again >_>

Updated by anonymous

I've had teeth pulled before. I was, I think 12 or so. I remember not being able to talk because I had cotton in my mouth and novocaine in my gums. It was okay, though, because I got a Battle-Scarred Gundam figure out of it. Yeah, I was and still am into Gundam. There are so many awesome Gundam figures I'd love to get, but no retailers here carry them anymore. I remember when you used to be able to walk into Toys R us or K-Mart or even Walgreens and get a Gundam figure. Ah, the good old days. Anyway, I didn't need any major surgery. It was just a quick numb-and-pull and I was good. Sorry for the tangent. I guess I'm just nostalgic.

Updated by anonymous

So far, it sounds normal. Honestly. If you have pain outside of 24 hours, you may want to get it checked out, but it's not a real emergency if it's been more than 48.

Pain is good, numbness is not. If you have full range of motion in your jaw, it's okay. If you are being physically stopped from moving your jaw, see a doctor.

It does sound like your doctor might not be a contender for Doctor of the Year, but unless the swelling doesn't go down after a couple of days, you should be fine.

But, as with everything... if in doubt, go see a doctor. They don't do 12 years of schooling for the humor.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:

EDF... that wasn't my doctor doctor, it was a emergency medical ward doctor. Yah know? Like a doctor who'd take care of you if you stumbled in to the ER with a gunshot wound? That's where the dentist sent me yesterday, mum too. So I was actually surprised at her actions and how rough she was.

Updated by anonymous

Anyway, called the dentist. They want me to come in for an emergency checkup and restiching, Prolly pack some medicine into the bottom hole too. I remember the dentist pulling the bottom, in under a minute minimal effort the tooth just practically slid out. It was infected but the dentist hadn't asked if any of them where... well he takes one look (and probably could smell it through his mask, I certainly could) at the tooth and said, "uh, esme you should have been on antibiotics 'before' you had this pulled and after." That's how bad the infection was. But I'll tell you this, when that tooth came out, almost instant relief.
So they'll Prolly pack somekinda antibiotics stuff into the hole to help it heal and stay healthy might do the same for the top too, dono

Updated by anonymous

sucks that that happened, sounds like it hurt. had all my teeth removed a while back (never bothered to take care of them >.>) but luckily my gums stopped bleeding later that day and i was already eating (drinking?) soup. ty for me before removing them nice dentist. :) i didn't even know what happened till i woke up.

that said, being toothless isn't so bad, i can actually eat better now than when i had those messed up teeth so i'm not complaining (no more tooth aches either :P).

well, hope you get to feeling better.

Updated by anonymous

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