Topic: all hail princess celestia not the administrator note if your not a brony a pony an equestrian or a con or higher this is not for you

Posted under Off Topic

This topic has been locked.

i am not trying to insult anyone so please keep this mostly on topic and mostly formal

this is about the new and old season/ seasons of mlp fim and mlp fan ideas and please no insulting derpy hooves

Updated by null0010

This belongs in off-topic, Derpy has stupid-looking eyes, and you need to learn how to use the Shift key.

Updated by anonymous

Test-Subject_217601 said:
This belongs in off-topic, Derpy has stupid-looking eyes, and you need to learn how to use the Shift key.

shes my princess

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Princess Derpy, hmm...

of topic and no insults plus not princess derpy hooves my derpy hooves

Updated by anonymous

Test-Subject_217601 said:
This belongs in off-topic, Derpy has stupid-looking eyes, and you need to learn how to use the Shift key.

my shift key is mostly broken

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Thread lock is inevitable. :I


Updated by anonymous

naughtyirish said:

Some Thread Title

I say what silly names we've got Who is on first What is on second I Don't Know is on third....

Hey, you're getting better.

Updated by anonymous

naughtyirish said:
my shift key is mostly broken

It's really interesting. I've seen people with broken CapsLock, shift, and punctuation mark keys, but I haven't seen anyone with letters or digits broken. Is it ultimate flaw of all keyboards?

Updated by anonymous

anomaly said:
It's really interesting. I've seen people with broken CapsLock, shift, and punctuation mark keys, but I haven't seen anyone with letters or digits broken. Is it ultimate flaw of all keyboards?

When my old keyboard broke it was the spacebar.

Updated by anonymous

naughtyirish said:
i am not trying to insult anyone so please keep this mostly on topic and mostly formal

this is about the new and old season/seasons of mlp fim and mlp fan ideas and please no insulting derpy hooves

Maybe you're looking for 20PC. more Luna for S3 and more muffins

naughtyirish said:
my shift key is mostly broken

There are programs that let you map one key to other. Don't remember the name

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Maybe you're looking for 20PC. more Luna for S3 and more muffins

There are programs that let you map one key to other. Don't remember the name

Don't forget about virtual keyboards.

Updated by anonymous


Fucking hell!

Please, at least get that right in the fucking THREAD TITLE. How can one even look at that? T_T
Apart from that, I have my brony collective and we're gonna watch the premiere and I'm happy and this si gonna be awesome and I almost don't wanna go to sleep.....

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
Okay so what are we talking about here?

OP is excited about some season three.

Updated by anonymous

No one make fun of my precious ponies or Ill tell on you

Updated by anonymous

No one make fun of my face or I'll bop you on the head with a spoon

So what about fim?

Updated by anonymous

Laevateinn said:
Ya'll niggas weird.

Raiden_Gekkou said:
Bunch of freaks.

I hate the show my brother watches too. But do we have to resort to taking it out on those who watch it? Hate the show, tolerate the Bronies, thats my policy. Though I have to admit if an anthromorphic anime-style-art version of it aimed at teenage audiences were made I would check it out.

Updated by anonymous

As Princess Celestia's self-appointed messenger...


Updated by anonymous

Alright, I'm taking bets on how long until naughtyirish gets banned.
I got 1:50 for spot on
I got 1:20 >1 week to <2weeks
And 1:5 >2 weeks <2.5 weeks

Updated by anonymous

TheTundraTerror said:
Alright, I'm taking bets on how long until naughtyirish gets banned.
I got 1:50 for spot on
I got 1:20 >1 week to <2weeks
And 1:5 >2 weeks <2.5 weeks


Updated by anonymous

Hey, you guys remember what I told Ippiki about guys like this guy?

They don't listen well, but they obey quite happily if forced to do so.

I think he needs to be made to obey one simple command: stop being a fourteen year old fuckass who has no business being on the internet, let alone on a pornsite.

Updated by anonymous

TheTundraTerror said:
Alright, I'm taking bets on how long until naughtyirish gets banned.
I got 1:50 for spot on
I got 1:20 >1 week to <2weeks
And 1:5 >2 weeks <2.5 weeks

I think:
>1 week to <2weeks

Updated by anonymous

And for Sean Connery's sake!
Make him correct his thread title! >_<

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
wort wort wort

Dangit Celestia why you got to take my lines like that?

Anyway, this guy hasn't done anything wrong, so everyone please be respectful and if you don't like what you are reading then click out of the page

Updated by anonymous

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