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Alright guys. And girls.

Let's have a challenge to see who can go a week without masturbating AT ALL. (Don't even touch yourself with the intent to masturbate)

You start when you see this thread and respond "I begin".

After your first day without masturbating, comment "Day 1". For the second day, comment "Day 2". And for day three, well, you understand.

If you masturbate, comment "I failed", along with the number of days you went without masturbating.

I shall start. I begin.

Updated by NotMeNotYou

Stay on topic please.

I almost become a nazi when it comes to keeping my threads under control.

I always skip straight to tracking someone down and handing out death threats.

If you live close enough to me, I will literally come to your house and stalk you.

Updated by anonymous

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