Topic: Extinctioner, Andorozon, or Skunkworks fan? Help this Kickstarter!

Posted under Art Talk

If you're a fan of either of these series and looking to see more of them, you should considering helping out if you got a few bucks. There are various gifts you can receive if the goal of $12,000 is reached, including cameos in the comics. Lots of stuff! And the more money that's pledged the more they can offer, and the sooner these works can be printed.

Let's make it get national distribution!

Updated by Xch3l

More advertisement?

Edit: Lol, this user's first post of any sort is a big ad...

Updated by anonymous

As long as it's not like spamming or anything then I don't see the harm in sharing events with people that might be interested.

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
As long as it's not like spamming or anything then I don't see the harm in sharing events with people that might be interested.

Yeah, but making an account just to make an advertisement? Come on now...

You guys are opening the doors to everyone with a Kickstarter to come in and make ads left and right about it. You don't let people advertise in their uploads, so why let them do it in the forums?

Updated by anonymous

Psst! You want to buy organ? Fresh and cheap. Ready for transplant!

Updated by anonymous


better on the texture, will should be underlined and Viggo Industries centered

Updated by anonymous

Come at the store who makes weapons and gets in fights

Updated by anonymous

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