Due to people tagging sexual oreintaion, ive been dealing with a massive overloading spike of male female solo tagged images.
People are going to continue to tag badly untill someone finally finds the perfect deterrent.
either way right now these tags are linked together and because of this that hot babe you've been looking for was blacklisted because the owner chose to tag his or her sexual oreintation thus adding a straight tag, which adds the male tag, who doesn't exist...
Then we have the solo tag. Lets get an example shall we,
female cat w/faceless males floating disembodied cock fucking her in the ass.... not solo!
Orientation needs to be re-qddressed, as it seems to be becoming forgotten due to not being able to find it.
Honestly the important rules such as gender, outside information and when to use it, ect ect need to be put in bold red text between the saved tags and the edit box on the edit tag page. Should say something like, "STOP! Read this before tagging."
Some of these tags I look after have gotten so bad I ignore them now and stick to single edits... simply more errors coming in than being fixed.
Updated by 123easy