Topic: i need help with some tag cleaning

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

white_eyes tag has 10+ pages of posts with anything but characters with white eyes. i have been trying to clean up that mess but its a lot to do for one person.

Updated by pc-king

Seems like a lot of them have it due to light reflection such as post #387521

Is there a tag to describe that effect instead of white_eyes?

Updated by anonymous

apparently 90% of these incorrectly tagged pictures are posted by same user and my guess is that they has been using white eyes tag as white sclera tag because there are included posts without that lighy reflection

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Yep, looks like it's the usual suspect again.
Most of his uploads have multiple tagging errors. I'm already working on cleaning up some of his other mistags (will still take months to finish), so someone else will have to sort out this one.

It's not just white_eyes either, he's been mistagging all colors.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Yep, looks like it's the usual suspect again.
Most of his uploads have multiple tagging errors. I'm already working on cleaning up some of his other mistags (will still take months to finish), so someone else will have to sort out this one.

I've been working on white_eyes blue_eyes solo on and off for the time being. It feels less daunting when I narrow it a bit lol

Updated by anonymous

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