Topic: Tag discussion: Censoring

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Even though most of the content on e621 is usually uncensored, there's still a noticeable amount from various sources that's censored

However, the various tags for categorizing censored posts seem to be used without much context

There's the umbrella tag, censored, which seems to cover both

Censor bars:
post #230448
post #16676

And mosaic censoring:
post #258570
post #246772

However, there doesn't seem to be a 'real' tag for mosiac censoring, other than mosaic, which covers both the censor type (post #2885), and the art form (post #105984)

Some suggestions:

What do you all think?

Updated by edidaf

This was brought up ages ago, but nothing was really done

I say we have
censored -> [umbrella term]

Then have
censor_bar -> censored (implication)
pixelated (the mosaic type) -> censored
And the other ones,

natural_censorship (when like fur is covering it) -> censored
convenient_censorship (when objects are conveniently in the way) -> censored

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
This was brought up ages ago, but nothing was really done

I say we have
censored -> [umbrella term]

Then have
censor_bar -> censored (implication)
pixelated (the mosaic type) -> censored
And the other ones,

natural_censorship (when like fur is covering it) -> censored
convenient_censorship (when objects are conveniently in the way) -> censored

Natural censorship doesn't make sense to me.
Would you say
is "censored" that way?

Updated by anonymous

There really should be a tag for the mosaic/pixelated and blurring censorship types, I thought there was one...

Perhaps mosaic_censorship: It seems like the censorship type tags should be names *_censorship

Updated by anonymous

Why can't we just have censored work for everything? Why do we need to clutter it up with a bunch of superfluous tags when censored works for all the instances given by RD?

Updated by anonymous

Because things are censored in different ways. The way something i censored can also affect the rating such as for things that should have genitalia clearly visible but are covered by fur

The point is, a bar censor and tufts of fur covering up nipples have very different aesthetics

Updated by anonymous

Ok, since I've missed this topic's been open for ~3 months now, and there's still no tag for mosaic censors, let's see if we can get things done

Rainbow_Dash said:
This was brought up ages ago, but nothing was really done

I say we have
censored -> [umbrella term]

Then have
censor_bar -> censored (implication)
pixelated (the mosaic type) -> censored
And the other ones,

natural_censorship (when like fur is covering it) -> censored
convenient_censorship (when objects are conveniently in the way) -> censored

This sounds great;

The pixelated tag seems a bit ambiguous though, since it can refer to posts with noticeable aliasing (like oekaki posts, even though that's not really pixelation per se). But it's much more intuitive than the word mosaic


ThenIThought said:
There really should be a tag for the mosaic/pixelated and blurring censorship types, I thought there was one...

Perhaps mosaic_censorship: It seems like the censorship type tags should be names *_censorship

Great idea as well! That does make it much easier to search using wildcards

The *_censorship format would look a bit odd for the censor bar tag though (bar_censorship?)

Suggestion: Using bar_censorship or a *_censorship equivalent


Der_Traubenfuchs said:
Natural censorship doesn't make sense to me.
Would you say
is "censored" that way?

It does sound a bit ambiguous, since 'natural' can refer to almost anything

What about changing the tag name to something more specific?

Suggestion: body censorship (works for posts where someone else's body parts are acting as the censor, as opposed to inanimate objects (tables, mist etc.) for the convenient censorship tag

Then again, convenient_censorship sounds ambiguous as well. Do you all think it should be changed to something more specific as well?

Suggestion: object censorship (though it sounds like the object is being censored, rather than doing the censoring, but that doesn't make much sense anyway when you think about it)

To recap, we have:

Current Tags

censor bar
naturally censored
convenient censorship


censor bar -> censored
[A tag for censorship by a body part] -> censored
[A tag for censorship by an object] -> censored
[A mosaic censorship tag] -> censored

Suggested tags & tag changes (aliases)

naturally censored -> natural censorship
natural censorship -> body censorship

convenient censorship -> object censorship

mosaic censorship


Note: Don't forget that aliases/implications are currently bugged, so avoid submitting any of those till it's fixed

Updated by anonymous

Der_Traubenfuchs said:
Natural censorship doesn't make sense to me.
Would you say
is "censored" that way?

There doesn't seem to be any genitals in that post at all (from what I watched), so I'd probably go with the neuter tag

According to the wiki, it seems like the naturally censored tag is used mainly for posts where the artist didn't draw any nipples on a character with breasts

That's a very, very specific use of the tag. How about (officially) expanding that usage to include censoring by body parts as well?

Updated by anonymous

Censoring is taking what's there and obscuring or garbling it. If it wasn't there in the first place, it isn't censored. Unless you're crazy enough to call every anthro in every kids' cartoon ever outside of Japan, censored.

Updated by anonymous

I'm not sure why we need to include the -ship at all. A set of plain *_censor tags that each imply censored seems like the most eloquent solution. Additionally, when put in this form, I think the meaning of a natural_censor becomes pretty obvious.

  • bar_censor
    • Stuff obscured by black bars and the like
  • blur_censor
    • Stuff obscured by blurs, Gaussian or otherwise
  • mosaic_censor
    • Stuff obscured by great big pixels (or potentially other shapes) that derive their colors from the stuff they're obscuring
  • natural_censor
    • Naughty bits obscured by a character's own body parts in their natural states (the character should not have to be consciously willing them into doing so)
    • e.g. fur/scales naturally covering nipples as opposed to a hand/arm being brought up to cover them
  • object_censor
    • Naughty bits obscured by convenient objects placed between them and the viewer

Updated by anonymous

So, if a character is covering themselves with hands/arm/tail that would be covering, not censored, right?

Updated by anonymous

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