Even though most of the content on e621 is usually uncensored, there's still a noticeable amount from various sources that's censored
However, the various tags for categorizing censored posts seem to be used without much context
There's the umbrella tag, censored, which seems to cover both
Censor bars:
post #230448
post #16676
And mosaic censoring:
post #258570
post #246772
However, there doesn't seem to be a 'real' tag for mosiac censoring, other than mosaic, which covers both the censor type (post #2885), and the art form (post #105984)
Some suggestions:
- Keeping the censor bar tag
- Creating a separate tag for posts with pixellized (mosaic) censoring; maybe mosaic censoring
- Reserving mosaic for the art form only
- Implicating censor bar -> censored & mosaic censoring (or whatever equivalent that's decided on) -> censored
What do you all think?
Updated by edidaf