Topic: The Music Hole - General Music Sharing Thread

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I'm sure this type of thread has been done before, but eh I don't really care lol.

The Music Hole!

Wanted to make a thread that's just about discussing and sharing music from different bands/musicians no matter how popular or niche they are.

I've been personally delving into vinyl collecting and I recently got the live version of Pink Floyd's "Dark Side Of The Moon". I absolutely love the live versions of these songs. I personally think they sound a lot more emotional compared to the studio version of "Dark Side Of The Moon".

Here are some of my personal favorite picks off the album:
Pink Floyd - Breathe (In The Air) (Live At Wembley 1974) [2023 Master]
Pink Floyd - Time (Live At Wembley 1974) [2023 Master]

I've been collecting vinyl since around 2008. The very first record I bought was a sealed original copy of Masters At Work's 1993 album The Album. The most recent record I bought was a 2022 reissue of The Winstons' 1969 album Color Him Father.

paraphonic said:
I've been collecting vinyl since around 2008. The very first record I bought was a sealed original copy of Masters At Work's 1993 album The Album. The most recent record I bought was a 2022 reissue of The Winstons' 1969 album Color Him Father.

Vinyl is such a fun way to collect music honestly, not to mention all the fun different cover designs/trinkets you can get from a vinyl.

Another Pink Floyd related one here, but when I got the vinyl version of "Wish You Were Here" it came with this neat little postcard that reflected on the album's theme of Syd Barret's departure from the band.
They didn't have to include it, but the fact they did makes things a lot more special.

pumpp0wer said:
Vinyl is such a fun way to collect music honestly, not to mention all the fun different cover designs/trinkets you can get from a vinyl.

Another Pink Floyd related one here, but when I got the vinyl version of "Wish You Were Here" it came with this neat little postcard that reflected on the album's theme of Syd Barret's departure from the band.
They didn't have to include it, but the fact they did makes things a lot more special.

What kind of turntable do you have? I've got an ancient AWA SP-03.

pumpp0wer said:
Vinyl is such a fun way to collect music honestly, not to mention all the fun different cover designs/trinkets you can get from a vinyl.

Another Pink Floyd related one here, but when I got the vinyl version of "Wish You Were Here" it came with this neat little postcard that reflected on the album's theme of Syd Barret's departure from the band.
They didn't have to include it, but the fact they did makes things a lot more special.

This is why a physical music collection is so nice, the extras like that. Digital can't compare in that regard of course. I buy mostly CDs, sometimes vinyl of albums I really like. Got them in racks beside my desk, right under my CD player. Love listening to them and taking a look at the art books and whatnot.
I'll share Lifestyles of the Laptop Cafe by The Other People Place from 2001. Nice chill techno album, was drawn to it originally by its cover art which I love as a fan of nature and older tech, loved the music upon listening, and bought a CD of it a few years ago.
Favorite track is Sunrays.

jerdude002 said:
Good shit, what a coincidence xD
Got mine on my rack bonus points if you have or know of the other adjacent albums :)


Boards Of Canada: I have Music Has The Right To Children on CD. I haven't listened to Geogaddi or The Campfire Headphase yet.

Autechre: I've listened to both Amber and Incunabula on YouTube. The track Bike was in GTA IV.

Luke Slater: I have the tracks I Can Complete You and The Opening (as Clementine) on Fabriclive 100.

John Beltran: I have the track Placid Angels on Lone - DJ-Kicks.

paraphonic said:

Boards Of Canada: I have Music Has The Right To Children on CD. I haven't listened to Geogaddi or The Campfire Headphase yet.

Autechre: I've listened to both Amber and Incunabula on YouTube. The track Bike was in GTA IV.

Luke Slater: I have the tracks I Can Complete You and The Opening (as Clementine) on Fabriclive 100.

John Beltran: I have the track Placid Angels on Lone - DJ-Kicks.

Highly recommend listening to Geogaddi and Campfire Headphase, and In a Beautiful Place out in the Country EP as well... I have those three and MHTRTC all on CD xD

Retro CD / vinyl takes too much space and no convenient way to backup offline music collection. So, I use only computer files and 1TB microSD on portable device. I never buy smartphone that doesn’t supports microSD, so I always have such portable device.

Mostly my foreground music is action oriented, so it sounds like that.
Also, you if like classic DooM game you will like also that remastered soundtrack

For background music I use trance and synthwave genre to keep mind calm


Some random music, metal heavy :3

This slaps >:D
Eruption - Cloaks of Oblivion - Full Album

Crusader - No Remorse OST, great game and music.

Xentrix - For Whose Advantage Full Album

Some trash aw yea!

Something else entirely (some finnish techno music) x)
Huopatossu Mononen - Paluumatkailija, BeroTracker
Tekniset - Kuudan Yo
Luomuhappo - Haapaneitty
Luomuhappo - Metsässä & Polkat

This is the good stuff.
Amiga Music: Jogeir Liljedahl Compilation #1
Also some Perturbator - Death Squad Extended

Random suggestion, sounded nifty.
Traveler - Deepspace

ADHD Relief Music, bit random indeed but this is really nice for studying and at least for me (adhd) getting things done or just chilling and want some background music.
These two at the same time give really nice background hum ^ ^ :3

paraphonic said:
What kind of turntable do you have? I've got an ancient AWA SP-03.

I got Victrola's Journey Suitcase Record Player.
It's a lot more modern with Bluetooth support added on to it but I mainly just use it to play vinyls. It's pretty good though I will say! It can get pretty loud which is honestly a plus when you have vinyls from bands like Nirvana and Metallica.

hoppers12 said:
Some random music, metal heavy :3

This slaps >:D
Eruption - Cloaks of Oblivion - Full Album

Crusader - No Remorse OST, great game and music.

Xentrix - For Whose Advantage Full Album

Some trash aw yea!

Something else entirely (some finnish techno music) x)
Huopatossu Mononen - Paluumatkailija, BeroTracker
Tekniset - Kuudan Yo
Luomuhappo - Haapaneitty
Luomuhappo - Metsässä & Polkat

This is the good stuff.
Amiga Music: Jogeir Liljedahl Compilation #1
Also some Perturbator - Death Squad Extended

Random suggestion, sounded nifty.
Traveler - Deepspace

ADHD Relief Music, bit random indeed but this is really nice for studying and at least for me (adhd) getting things done or just chilling and want some background music.
These two at the same time give really nice background hum ^ ^ :3

Perturbator... my goat...
Loved his work on Hotline Miami. Been meaning to listen to some of his albums in full, he makes killer electronic music.

Despite how old Vinyl is, it will forever seem like something futuristic.
The description of "a piece of plastic that sings when you run it through a diamond" just proves it.

Anyways, might as well list some of my all-time favorite albums:

1. The Glow, Pt. 2 by The Microphones, currently my favorite album of all time.
2. The Low End Theory by A Tribe Called Quest.
3. Blonde by Frank Ocean.
4. Faces by Mac Miller.
5. How To Leave Town by Car Seat Headrest.
6. loveless by my bloody valentine.
7. A Love Supreme by John Coltrane.
8. Geogaddi by Boards of Canada.
9. Vespertine by Björk.
10. Cosmogramma by Flying Lotus.

i need to get some more vinyl at some point. currently i have a strange selection, Gorillaz, sabaton, and Alvin and the chipmunks cowboy music lol.

non vinyl I have very eclectic music tastes, my husband never lets me play my playlist because he doesn't like it shifting genres lol.

currently obsessed with E-rotic, actually due to this post lmao:

That reminds me!
Since we're still talking about vinyl I wanted to mention I've made a small list of albums I've been hoping to get for my record player.

Can't remember all that was on it, but the albums I do remember were:
1. Quebec - Ween
2. Ride the Lightning - Metallica
3. Meteora - Linkin Park
4. In Utero - Nirvana
5. The Dark Side Of The Moon - Pink Floyd

I think that's it. There were some others like Nirvana's Unplugged at New York City but I already got that one.

6 Fuss Tiefer - OOMPH!
Where We Started From - Gemini Syndrome
Shotgun Blues - Volbeat
Stained - Linkin Park
Godspeed - Wage War
Relapse - Wage War

Basically the top 6 songs I listen to frequently

Do music from games count?

Dungeons of Dredmor - Icebattle
Raiden X stage 1 - Mildew Forest

Non videogame related:

Dolly Parton - Jolene
Gotye - Somebody That I Used

Strong atmosphere that makes you feel somber, carefree, melancholic etc really does it for me

I'm pretty basic when it comes to music taste, never really branch out much and didn't even get into listening to a whole lot until early 2024 but so far my top artists and respective songs are:

Boards of Canada | Favorite: Olson
Aphex Twin | Favorite: Ageispolis
Steve Reich | Favorite: Music for 18 Musicians
Autechre | Favorite: Foil
Clark | Favorite: Herzog

I started collecting some vinyl records earlier last year as well. I have a few from Boards of Canada, and a big box set of Selected Ambient Works II by Aphex Twin.

Looking to get into some older rock as well, I recently started listening to Pink Floyd and it's fantastic.

paraphonic said:
I have this and Selected Ambient Works 85-92 on CD.

Fantastic :)

I've got the 85-92 vinyl record and it sounds nice. I've been slacking on getting more CD's, especially since they make much more sense from a financial standpoint but they aren't as cool as records in my opinion.

Lately I've been exploring the "doom metal" genre

bands and songs that have really caught me attention are
Soen - lotus
Witchcraft - white light suicide
The Necromancers - Salem girl pt 1
Alcest - Saphire

ryovari said:
Lately I've been exploring the "doom metal" genre

bands and songs that have really caught me attention are
Soen - lotus
Witchcraft - white light suicide
The Necromancers - Salem girl pt 1
Alcest - Saphire

I like metal, but not that extreme. Metalcore is my current interest, thanks to Sirius XM Octane lol.

Excess (Perturbator cover) - Health

This song gives me chills everytime. Even better listening to it with headphones in the dark

Today i found out e621 had forums, reading about all your music has been pretty cool :D
Hard to comment on each of your tracks, but i have experienced some new tracks (especially excess) i like and hope to return some.
These start as 80s atmospheric then become more pop/dance

I will contribute some of my favourites:

Swamp Thing - Chameleons

New Dawn Fades - Joy Division

I Don't Want To Be A Hero - Johnny Hates Jazz

Age of Consent - New Order

She Bangs the Drums - The Stone Roses

lonewolf36 said:
I like metal, but not that extreme. Metalcore is my current interest, thanks to Sirius XM Octane lol.

The “doom” genre is not really that extreme, most of it is lower tone and tempo
It’s darker in theme too
Of the 4 I posted the necromancers is the heaviest

Octane is great
Used to ozzys boneyard and Liquid Metal when I had satellite radio

ryovari said:
You and me both lol
Long time user of the gallery
Never even thought about a forum here

Here’s the kick I was on last year
I call it an Appalachia sound

Amigo the devil - Once upon a time at Texaco

Amigo the devil - capture

Goodnight Texas - moonshiners

Have you heard the chain by fleetwood mac? that's the closest I know to this kind of sound

Back again to recommend a really good new wave/dark wave band.
They're a French band called "Little Nemo". Their album Past and Future is a really good listen.

From what I've heard the album has two sides with one being named past and the other future. It's dope as hell and I'd recommend it if you're into new wave/dark wave stuff!

lonewolf36 said:
REM - Losing My Religion

After all the years of listening to this song, the chorus is now hitting home. I need to try and ask a girl out, or I'll be stuck like this forever.

Finding meaning in a song is always a wild feeling
Here’s a song that always messed me up a bit
Part that gets me is the way he asks “what have I done?”
It always felt so ambiguous in the way it’s asked
Was it meant as a regretful question or a personal insight
Hit me recently that he always asks twice
Makes me think it was both

gloster_javelin said:
Have you heard the chain by fleetwood mac? that's the closest I know to this kind of sound

I’ve heard the name but always thought it was a newer pop group
Imagine my surprise lol
Thanks for the suggestion
I’m going to have to check out more of their songs

Any recommendations?

ryovari said:
Finding meaning in a song is always a wild feeling
Here’s a song that always messed me up a bit
Part that gets me is the way he asks “what have I done?”
It always felt so ambiguous in the way it’s asked
Was it meant as a regretful question or a personal insight
Hit me recently that he always asks twice
Makes me think it was both

Someone once said "when you're young, you enjoy the music. When you're older, you feel the lyrics."

Other songs I enjoyed as a kid, "Behind Blue Eyes" by Limp Bizkit, "Loser" by 3 Doors Down, and "Race Against Myself" by The Offspring hits me completely different as an adult, as now they were like my life's anthems

ryovari said:
I’ve heard the name but always thought it was a newer pop group
Imagine my surprise lol
Thanks for the suggestion
I’m going to have to check out more of their songs

Any recommendations?

Sadly I don't listen to a lot of their stuff, the other one I listen to is "Everywhere", however that song differs quite significantly. I can shotgun blast some vaguely similar sounding songs at you in mind to your original posts:

Sense of Purpose (by The Sound) -
Blue Hotel (by Chris Isaak) -
Lady Writer (by Dire Straits) -

But they all lean more into my tastes so they probably won't be as impressive as the chain.

gloster_javelin said:
Sadly I don't listen to a lot of their stuff, the other one I listen to is "Everywhere", however that song differs quite significantly. I can shotgun blast some vaguely similar sounding songs at you in mind to your original posts:

Sense of Purpose (by The Sound) -
Blue Hotel (by Chris Isaak) -
Lady Writer (by Dire Straits) -

But they all lean more into my tastes so they probably won't be as impressive as the chain.

As far as Fleetwood Mac goes, I only listen to Rhiannon and Landslide

lonewolf36 said:
Someone once said "when you're young, you enjoy the music. When you're older, you feel the lyrics."

Other songs I enjoyed as a kid, "Behind Blue Eyes" by Limp Bizkit, "Loser" by 3 Doors Down, and "Race Against Myself" by The Offspring hits me completely different as an adult, as now they were like my life's anthems

I found it went the other way for me. Though I am, even now, extremely temperamental, when I was younger I mostly listened to pop-punk/rock, and if the lyrics didn't have much impact I'd find the music boring. Bands like Joy Division/Nirvana/Radiohead helped bridge a gap to a lot of older music, which I ended up really liking for it's sound alone, leading back to even instrumental songs like Magic Fly. That and a generally improved attitude towards things. Though I will always keep the moody playlist :p

Time for some cheese

Power quest - cemetery gates

First time I heard it I was hooked by the synth, second or third time I listened to it something about the lyrics jumped out at me.
I realized my parents are getting older and that scares me
Song says life goes on but it still questions it

I had fallen into a rabbit hole of mostly old school love songs a while ago thanks to YouTube which happened because I was looking for a song that was playing on someone's videos

The Rabbit Hole

21st Century - Remember The Rain (The reason the rabbit hole started)
After Hours - I Don't Wanna Cry
the tridels - 'this thing called love' portsmouth, virginia sweet soul 45 on speidel
The Moments - To You With Love - Beautiful soul ballad (Early Ray, Goodman and Brown)
Living In The Past
Oh Honey
Cry Love
Fresh Air - Kill Yourself
The Dynamics We Found Love
The Exceptions - It Must Be Love
al glover & gloria - 'till the end of time' norfolk, virginia sweet soul ballad 45 on gregory
The Inclinations I'm Gonna Make Love Last This Time
Chappells You're Acting Kind Of Strange
The Love Potion This Love
Love Won't You Hurry
Young Ladies - He's Gone To Another
I'll Wait for You
Sister Sledge - Easier To Love
Sonia Ferguson - Easier To Love
All I Can Say
Cheryl Glasgow - Even now (I Need You)
Jennifer Lara - I Am In Love
There He Is
Patience - This Is All I Can Say
Sparkle In Your Eyes
Adriana Evans - Love Is All Around (Extended Edit)
You Mean Everything to Me
The Show Is Over
Patti & The Lovelites Oh My Love
The Magic of Your Love
The Loving Touch
Ruby Andrews - A Love Feeling [US] Soul (1977)

Other Music I Came Across During The Rabbit Hole

ryovari said:
Best song from the best album in the Static-X discography

Static-X - the only

The Only is a genuine banger and the MV is just as good as the song itself.

pumpp0wer said:
I'm sure this type of thread has been done before, but eh I don't really care lol.

The Music Hole!

Wanted to make a thread that's just about discussing and sharing music from different bands/musicians no matter how popular or niche they are.

I've been personally delving into vinyl collecting and I recently got the live version of Pink Floyd's "Dark Side Of The Moon". I absolutely love the live versions of these songs. I personally think they sound a lot more emotional compared to the studio version of "Dark Side Of The Moon".

Here are some of my personal favorite picks off the album:
Pink Floyd - Breathe (In The Air) (Live At Wembley 1974) [2023 Master]
Pink Floyd - Time (Live At Wembley 1974) [2023 Master]

I'll go ahead and share this one (Digital Bath by Deftones)
Probably THE alt metal/nu-metal song I've ever heard. It's usually just one or two songs I like from most bands I come across but Deftones are definitely an exception, I like a lot of their songs.

wiindchime said:
The Only is a genuine banger and the MV is just as good as the song itself.

I'll go ahead and share this one (Digital Bath by Deftones)
Probably THE alt metal/nu-metal song I've ever heard. It's usually just one or two songs I like from most bands I come across but Deftones are definitely an exception, I like a lot of their songs.

Not much into Deftones, except for Change (In The House of Flies)

I've been into Amon Tobin's music for quite a while now. Check out his album "Permutations." No one else is doing anything even remotely similar.