Topic: Grammer Error in Blacklist Help Page

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

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There is this grammar error in the blacklist help page("then" when it should say "than")

Honestly, I'm pretty disappointed with how this site is run when such a simple error isn't detected by the sites' staff. Because of this, I have decided to contact most of the major companies who run advertisements on e621, so that they may demonetize this site so that we can migrate to a new furry adult art gallary website that actually CARES about how the help pages are written, instead of confusing its users with a deluge of abhorrent grammar mistakes. The way you run this site shows a clear lack of professionalism and user-friendliness.
Thank you.

Updated by Rainbow Dash

I'm going to just assume this is some form of trolling, otherwise contacting advertisers over a simple grammar (the correct way to spell it) mistake is truly unhinged behaviour.

Bad Dragon sure runs a lot of ads here, make sure to tell them to stop advertising too /joke

the sites' staff

Not sure if grammar error or intentionally plural. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.


Donovan DMC

Former Staff

I can't believe management didn't pay for English professors to proof read each and every help page, this is a disgrace

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