The porygon seziures I knew about...but I had no idea the inhabitants... well lets just say ash likes pikachu stew.. @_@:
Updated by NotMeNotYou
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The porygon seziures I knew about...but I had no idea the inhabitants... well lets just say ash likes pikachu stew.. @_@:
Updated by NotMeNotYou
Heh. I wonder if there's vegetarians in Pokemon.
Today we're going to prepare an oddish salad with bayleef lettuce
Updated by anonymous
I think I actually knew all of those things...
you know, in pokemon red/blue i distinctly remember professor oak saying that pokemon are a kind of ANIMAL, which implies there are animals around that are not pokemon!... even though we never see them.
I also like how organised crime gangs will give up whatever activities they're engaged in if you beat up their pokemon. They just pick up the animal, give you money and then run off, presumably to repent at a church or something.
Come to think of it, why do people keep these things as pets anyway? a pikachu has enough voltage to kill someone. some of the bigger ones could destroy entire city blocks! The only qualification for owning any of these is you have to be older than 10!
If i was a team rocket i'd be going "hey, charizard? see that punk kid giving out all those orders? eat him."
Updated by anonymous
great....NEWS AT 12! Giving 10 year olds Living Weapons of Mass Destruction. what could go wrong stay with us at 12 and find out!
Updated by anonymous
Esme_Belles said:
great....NEWS AT !@! Giving 10 year olds Living Weapons of Mass Destruction. what could go wrong stay with us at 12 and find out!
That reminded me of a VGCats comic
Edit: This one
Also, I knew about the bit of eating them, like Farfetch'd, the pokedex said so...
Updated by anonymous
Scott Ramsoomair still said it best.
But yeah, most facts were either known or rather uninteresting.
If someone would like more useless knowledge about games try .
Updated by anonymous