Topic: new ads on deviantart

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just thought i'd point this out for anyone who may not have already noticed. apparently deviantart now has ads when you click the download link to view the full size of pics. not a problem if you use adblock plus like me but it also added another annoyance. regardless of whether the ad shows or not it comes with a short timer bar, oonly a few seconds long, that you have to sit through before the pic pops up.

i guess they weren't getting enough money through other means so...yeah, more ads on the site. >.>

Updated by YLYL

lmao deviantart is dying due to tumblr and imgur and even gaiaonline is going to shut down. We are watching as the past of the internet slowly starts to degrade and become reborn in new forms.

Updated by anonymous



I get an 'error' asking me to disable my Adblocker. Then the download continues anyway.

No biggie.

Updated by anonymous

I don't see any adds when clicking download. Neither when logged in on firefox with adblock and noscript, nor when not logged on IE.

Updated by anonymous

memeboy said:
lmao deviantart is dying due to tumblr and imgur and even gaiaonline is going to shut down. We are watching as the past of the internet slowly starts to degrade and become reborn in new forms.

i imagine a ton of sites have been dying off since ad blockers picked up so much popularity.

actually, a while back i had been keeping track of a few threadson the adblock plus forums when this happened and showed up on they're blog.

shortly before that happened a thread popped up with the owner of some bogus weather site claiming that adblocking programs like this were illegal.

and then theres the thread(s) made by webmaster's and website owners every now and then going on and on about how adblock users are killing the internet. that's kinda funny actually, since most of the complaints in that regard come from site owners who rely primarily on ad revenue.

the more we block ads, the more such site owners will pump them out in response and try using anti-adblock scripts and other things.

i wonder what the internet will look like when ads eventually die out...if they do. i highly doubt the end of ads will be the end of the internet like all those doom & gloom webmaster's and website owners keep saying but it'll be interesting to see what happens as things progress.

edit: had the wrong thread in that 3rd link. >.>

Updated by anonymous

I only block ads on most sites because they are all the same as on TV (they're even more annoying around these months, with all the elections shit going on)

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
i wonder what the internet will look like when ads eventually die out...

This content requires a premium account for only $.49/month

Updated by anonymous

I personally think if people stuck with text ads or static banner ads rather than obnoxious SWFs and gifs there'd be nowhere near as many people using adblock. I didn't even bother installing it until I repeatedly encountered a flash ad that repeatedly opened tabs without me even clicking on it.

Some sites genuinely rely on ad revenue, and it's a shame that more and more people are downloading adblockers.

Updated by anonymous

Tuvalu said:
Some sites genuinely rely on ad revenue, and it's a shame that more and more people are downloading adblockers.

That's why I try to unblock sites I like and whose ads aren't trying to harass me. The ones I can't really stand are forced waits, which is why I'll probably never unblock YouTube...

Updated by anonymous

  • I block flash by default, ads never load through this besides youtube and a few other sites (e621 is not one of them as I've had several occassions where I would open up 20-50 tabs with flash files for tagging purposes, and now the modqueue)
  • I adblock by default because of sites like paheal which redirect, potential for malicious links, etc. Pornhub has this things where if you open things in a new window, it sometimes redirects the search page you were on to an ad, which is not worth supporting the site with ad revenue.
  • I don't mind youtube ads, but I block them while listening to music. I'm sorry, they are just rarely relevant to me and I find them extremely distracting (vocals are are distracting enough as it is). Alternatively I download the music or mixes from artists/groups that let me, or use soundcloud (Spotify doesn't have enough of what I listen to).
  • App store redirects are worse than any of this (Clash of Clans can die), but I figured out (on iOS at least) that if you disable the app store in restrictions, it won't open it up. :D
  • I unblock sites I frequent more often than not as long as they are unobtrusive.

Updated by anonymous

I am a huge adblock plus fan. If only there was a way it could work on native advertising. For those of you who don't know what that is, John Oliver had a good section on it.

Updated by anonymous

i'm one of those people who just dislikes ads in general but i DO keep that "acceptable ads" thing turned on in adblock plus so not all ads are blocked everywhere.

that said, i've seen hardly any ads anywhere compared to a few years ago before i had adblock plus. you install it and start browsing and its like: omg, where did all the clutter go? the internet, its finally clean!

add to that, i rarely EVER get so much as a minor antivirus alert since installing ABP as well. iirc the last several major alerts in the past few years were mainly from me making the rare bad download OR a false positive or 2 regarding games i try to download and install. other than that, nothing, anywhere. no spy/ad/mal/etc. ware anywhere to be seen. my laptop was cleansed of all such evils thanks to ABP. :)

Updated by anonymous

They're the ones that would rather have obnoxious and annoying ads that also bump up bandwidth that having regular ads that adblock would allow. 100% their own fault.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
that said, i've seen hardly any ads anywhere compared to a few years ago before i had adblock plus. you install it and start browsing and its like: omg, where did all the clutter go? the internet, its finally clean!

Part of that might be the size/resolution of your screen. :P

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
just thought i'd point this out for anyone who may not have already noticed. apparently deviantart now has ads when you click the download link to view the full size of pics. not a problem if you use adblock plus like me but it also added another annoyance. regardless of whether the ad shows or not it comes with a short timer bar, oonly a few seconds long, that you have to sit through before the pic pops up.

i guess they weren't getting enough money through other means so...yeah, more ads on the site. >.>

>adblock plus
Pleb tastes, get uBlock m8

Updated by anonymous

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