Topic: I'm looking for writers for my text adventure game, LEWD. Can anyone help?

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I've been working on a game, and was hoping some of you may be interested in helping, or may have friends to show it to that may be interested in helping.

Oh, and there aren't really anthros in it. There's aliens, and monstergirl and monster sort of things, but not really anthros. If this bothers you, well then of course you shouldn't bother trying for a spot on the team.

I've gotten my tools mostly done, and an almost feature complete new engine for the game to run on with some new features it couldn't handle before. Now I need some writers who have the talent and time to add a good deal of content.

I created a snippet from the dev tools where you can submit a sample of what you can make, which works roughly the same as actually adding content to the game. (Some things are stripped out for simplification, like the map and tools for creating and editing things other than Scenarios)

Some guidelines

  • Familiarize yourself with the game and what it's about by playing it. You need to have writing that's a somewhat similar style, and it needs to fit within the context of the game. (Scifi, another solar system, really lewd, aliens, etc) While the style needs to be similar, such as being second person and more emotive than verbose, you absolutely don't have to mirror it! Varying styles are fine. That link of the game is running on the old engine, and there are some bugs with it. I haven't ported it over yet.
  • Your writing should at least be as good as what's in the game currently.
  • You should be able to cover a variety of kinks/fetishes
  • However, you'll have a lot of free reign on the sort of kinky erotic stuff you write, you will still need to wrap it in the context of a story and not force it on people. Ideally, something fetishy should be written in a way that it's still appealing to people without such a fetish, when possible.
  • You do **not** need to have a mastery of the dev tool, but as the tutorial says on it: you should be able to at least show you have a basic understanding of it. You can not simply write a long thing and have someone else "code" it for you. You should be able to figure out the basics.

How to submit your writing to try out for the team
A tutorial there will walk you through how it works. Again, as noted above, you don't need to master how this tool works, but you should understand the basics that it describes.

As far as payment, I want to set up a Patreon and share profit that comes from that. But right now, without having writers to add more content and without me finishing porting the game to the new engine, there's no point in being a patron for it.

Deadline is basically up. Check the latest post instead.


"And then he came.... He missed and it fell all over the floor because he's a moron."

When do I start?

Updated by anonymous

i feel as if i've seen this before a while back. wonder how much, if any, progress has been made.

edit: well, the first thing i've noticed is the game seems to have serious loading issues. for example, i just finished the profile stuff from the title screen and...nothing, its just a black screen since that was the only stuff that loaded.

upon loading the page for the first time, players (currently) will more than likely need to hit F5 and refresh to actually force the game to load correctly.

meh, seems about the same as i remember it.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
i feel as if i've seen this before a while back. wonder how much, if any, progress has been made.

edit: well, the first thing i've noticed is the game seems to have serious loading issues. for example, i just finished the profile stuff from the title screen and...nothing, its just a black screen since that was the only stuff that loaded.

upon loading the page for the first time, players (currently) will more than likely need to hit F5 and refresh to actually force the game to load correctly.

meh, seems about the same as i remember it.

Well it is pre-alpha. I mean even though it's been in development for 2 years it's obvious that the project still has a lot of drive behind it, which is awesome to see.

For what it's worth it did load just fine in my iPad which means it's written in good old html5. I'm assuming you probably use IE. :P

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Well it is pre-alpha. I mean even though it's been in development for 2 years it's obvious that the project still has a lot of drive behind it, which is awesome to see.

For what it's worth it did load just fine in my iPad which means it's written in good old html5. I'm assuming you probably use IE. :P

EW, of course not, i never use IE for anything if i can help it. i like firefox.

2 years, huh? i didn't even remember how old it was then.

Updated by anonymous

You can see the reasons why there's little apparent progress by reading the blog, as well as the original post here; I made a new engine.

If you had read the post, you'd see the game you're playing is, yes, old. How is anything you said at all relevant to the post if you actually read it?...

Cutedementia said:
"And then he came.... He missed and it fell all over the floor because he's a moron."

When do I start?

Huh? What's the point in even responding like that? :/

Updated by anonymous

Sadako said:
Huh? What's the point in even responding like that? :/

It's a joke

Updated by anonymous

it's also high quality text smut, if compared to other smut I've seen.

I'd say hire em

Updated by anonymous

Waba_Grill said:
It's a joke

Perhaps he didn't mean to be rude by it like the other two.

Updated by anonymous

I don't know. Theoretical Pateon profit for a large amount of work... I mean, okay, first of all, this project isn't relevant to my interests (I prefer feral animals, aliens and sci-fi monsters aren't my thing), so I'm talking in general here, not for me specifically... But if I were interested in this project, that seems like an unreliable incentive. Then again, if I was really excited about the project in general, I'd probably feel differently.

I guess I'm rambling.

Updated by anonymous

You might be able to entice some people from Literotica. I don't go there much because they don't allow the subject matter that I like most *cough*, but I have still read stories there featuring aliens, monstergirls, and other monsters. Literotica has a huge pool of writers, and they seem mature individuals judging from their writing. They seem like a good fit for your project.

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
I don't know. Theoretical Pateon profit for a large amount of work... I mean, okay, first of all, this project isn't relevant to my interests ...

But if I were interested in this project, that seems like an unreliable incentive. Then again, if I was really excited about the project in general, I'd probably feel differently.

Ha, well you pretty much nailed it. It's really a "feeling" thing.

On one hand, if you aren't interested in it, the normal rate you'd get from erotic writing commissions wouldn't be worth it either. It's peanuts. You're probably not a good fit to make stuff that the people that like this want.

But for someone that actually likes it, well they can have fun with it on top of potentially getting what they really deserve.

GameManiac said:
I don't know. You tell me if I'm remotely qualified or not. It's not something that I'm experienced in writing, but I can be adaptable. I already have experience writing regardless.

Some of this reminds me of SCP, which is cool and can fit in some place.

I did read a bit of your narrative writing, but not a whole chapter. A few things popped out where, while not grammatical errors, they lead me to jump back and reread it to make sure I'm reading it correctly. IE:
"His parents, rarely home because of their career choice as mercenary soldiers, have left him alone for most of his childhood, with no one to look after him, and no one to befriend."
"... with no one to look after him, and no one to befriend." doesn't need that comma. With it, it seems like it's a serial list that's part of the previous comma separated phrases. And if there were three phrases instead of the two, I'd have separated it from the first part with a semicolon.

That's minor, but still thought I'd point it out since you showed me. You'd have to submit something that fits the game, as per the original post, for me to see for sure.

TheHuskyK9 said:
I vote for this dude

Also, 'sup Sadako. Haven't seen you in a while :V

Thanks. I can't really fiend forums hardly since I'm working on the time~

abadbird said:
You might be able to entice some people from Literotica. I don't go there much because they don't allow the subject matter that I like most *cough*, but I have still read stories there featuring aliens, monstergirls, and other monsters. Literotica has a huge pool of writers, and they seem mature individuals judging from their writing. They seem like a good fit for your project.

They have a very different style. Most people didn't like that the art was "cartoons". Others just don't "get" these games.
If you know someone, you could always point them to!

Updated by anonymous

Sadako said:
Some of this reminds me of SCP, which is cool and can fit in some place.

I did read a bit of your narrative writing, but not a whole chapter. A few things popped out where, while not grammatical errors, they lead me to jump back and reread it to make sure I'm reading it correctly. IE:
"His parents, rarely home because of their career choice as mercenary soldiers, have left him alone for most of his childhood, with no one to look after him, and no one to befriend."
"... with no one to look after him, and no one to befriend." doesn't need that comma. With it, it seems like it's a serial list that's part of the previous comma separated phrases. And if there were three phrases instead of the two, I'd have separated it from the first part with a semicolon.

That's minor, but still thought I'd point it out since you showed me. You'd have to submit something that fits the game, as per the original post, for me to see for sure.

You read my very first chapter, which is actually the shortest. It's not the one that does my writing experience justice because I've grown far more experienced since then. I would recommend reading (or skimming) through one of the 20,000+/30,000+ chapters to get a solid idea of my writing style, which mainly consists of squeezing in as much detail into the dialogue and fight sequences.

And now I find myself deeply interested in participating in this, for the sake of experience and a little money on the side (or a lot? I don't know, depends on the success of this).

Give me a day or two to familiarize myself with the game and write something. I'll see what I can do.

You're also quite lucky that you caught me JUST as I finished writing my sequel story.

TheHuskyK9 said:
I vote for this dude

Also, 'sup Sadako. Haven't seen you in a while :V

D'aww. Now I have Husky approval. I can't turn this opportunity down.

Updated by anonymous

...Nah. Sadly, I have to decline. It conflicts too heavily with my schedule.

Updated by anonymous

Ah, for the "SCP-like" comment, I meant things on the first page, just to clarify.

If you can't though, well that's fine.

Updated by anonymous

I'm going to be selecting writers on the 15th, so this is a bit of a "last call" for anyone that wants to get something in to try out for the team.

Updated by anonymous

Mkay. Writer stuff is basically closed. I think I'll have all that I need.

There are some new blog posts up since the past 10 days at as well, mostly about working toward the upcoming Alpha1 release.

But mainly I'm posting for this: I need some feedback on something important that I'm going to be working on.
In LEWD, you have those sliders for your descriptions. They tend to go smaller->larger, or feminine->masculine.
The sort of problem is: people can just write in any description they want there, making it say it's huge even though the slider is down small.
Also, for the role playing and player interaction side of things for multiplayer, I figured people should be basically able to change their descriptions at any time, or at least easily. But obviously this could really conflict with transformation that the game itself might do on the player. Does it matter that something made your dick huge if you can change it to something else? And maybe you don't like those huge dick descriptions, and want to change them.

So I'm not completely sure what would be the best way to handle that. To make sense of the variation between the hard set data that can't be changed, and descriptions that can.
A "Small Dicked Wonder" and "Not Compensating" trait that can get forced on someone might be better than really using the sliders for anything.
But... there's still the thing where the content might often want to change people around when I want people to really play their character that they want, that I'm not sure how exactly to work around. Those things really conflict with one another. I need to figure out some things to balance between the whole players playing the character they want, but also the game being able to change them.

Updated by anonymous