Topic: Tag Alias: glacierclear -> glo-in-the-dark

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Glacierclear name (2 tumblrs and a DA) seems to be primarily pony, while glo-in-the-dark (FA and patron) seems to be primarily non-pony art. Things have been made under both names very recently and with overlapping time-frames/subject-matter.

Given no clear "current" alias, this one might be a good one for asking artist which they'd prefer be primary association.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, got in touch with artist and my take was correct:

Usually GlacierClear is to reference my pony art, while Glo is for more anthro art.

Going to +1 on the alias since anthro/furry identity is better fit for e621 in general, and since FA account is what is used to verify artists for takedowns in any case.

Updated by anonymous

Verified and approved

Thank you for taking time to contact the artist. :3

Updated by anonymous

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