Topic: Tag alias: internal_organs -> organs

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #72659 internal_organs -> organs is pending approval.

Reason: with how the organs tag is defined these are synonymous:
"Organs are parts of the body the perform specific functions. Organs may be depicted as disembodied symbols, as part of an internal view or anatomical diagram, or if a character has suffered a major injury that exposes their organs. For tagging purposes this tag mainly involves internal organs. Other organs such as skin, and genitalia should not be tagged as this."



Maybe go the other way around?
Clearer tag names are preferred. Organs is more likely to accidentally get tagged by someone that didn't get the memo about the last sentence in your post. Yeah, it makes no damn sense to tag skin or eyes as 'organs'.

I wish more people would say why they object or don't care on a tag discussion. It makes it harder without feedback to not go off the rails. For example, I only left a neutral vote because of what I perceived as a flaw (direction of alias).
@SpuriousZabaione: Was it any of the reasons I stated, or other?

alphamule said:
Maybe go the other way around?
Clearer tag names are preferred. Organs is more likely to accidentally get tagged by someone that didn't get the memo about the last sentence in your post. Yeah, it makes no damn sense to tag skin or eyes as 'organs'.

I wish more people would say why they object or don't care on a tag discussion. It makes it harder without feedback to not go off the rails. For example, I only left a neutral vote because of what I perceived as a flaw (direction of alias).
@SpuriousZabaione: Was it any of the reasons I stated, or other?

I initially went for a neutral vote on the premise that some animal features are not necessarily internal organs and it would be nice to keep these separate under organ; trunks and pseudopenis came into mind but, on further reading, they're referred to as structures instead of organs so there's an interesting answer.

On the other hand, I am against doing it the other way around (organs -> internal organs) for the ff. reasons:
• number of tagged posts - internal_organs (76) vs. organs (9k) with a few of the 9k I saw featuring no internal organs at all (maybe they tagged it for wings, trunks, and stuff the same way I thought above)
post #5114639 post #5015588 post #4913840 post #4903572

• dictionary definitions go that the organ also describes internal organs but not necessarily all organs are of the internal kind (I think?); Merriam-Webster definition below

  • a differentiated structure (such as a heart, kidney, leaf, or stem) consisting of cells and tissues and performing some specific function in an organism
  • bodily parts performing a function or cooperating in an activity"
