Topic: Tag alias: umbreon_ear_kink -> ear_play

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Is this some sort of meme reference? seems oddly specific otherwise

Every single addition is by Xaviournos over about a five minute period earlier today. The idea seems to be just treating the ears (which lack any obvious openings like most creatures' ears would) as phallic objects.
It's certainly novel, but i don't currently see why this wouldn't include other characters like Renamon and Pikachu that have the same "cylindrical ear with no apparent opening" design, and yet I have completely failed to find any non-Umbreon examples of this kind of content.
If such content can be proven to exist for other characters/species then I'd rather alias to something broader that still indicates treating the ears as phallic objects, vs. the broader sphere of non-phallic ear play.
post #4548841

I'm mixed. This is definitely ear play, and it definitely shouldn't be named this, but also it's pretty specific.

Apologies for disappearing, had to go to the ER yesterday lol

lafcadio said:
Every single addition is by Xaviournos over about a five minute period earlier today. The idea seems to be just treating the ears (which lack any obvious openings like most creatures' ears would) as phallic objects.
It's certainly novel, but i don't currently see why this wouldn't include other characters like Renamon and Pikachu that have the same "cylindrical ear with no apparent opening" design, and yet I have completely failed to find any non-Umbreon examples of this kind of content.
If such content can be proven to exist for other characters/species then I'd rather alias to something broader that still indicates treating the ears as phallic objects, vs. the broader sphere of non-phallic ear play.
post #4548841

Apparently it is based off one artist doing it with umbreons and then other people started doing it. Maybe a new tag for it then? Perhaps aliasing it to phallic_ear_play and then having that implicate ear_play ?

regsmutt said:
I'm mixed. This is definitely ear play, and it definitely shouldn't be named this, but also it's pretty specific.

Yeah, it’s a little too specific especially with what lafcadio said, because this could be done with other species with similar ear structures.

snpthecat said:
Also there's ear riding, which seems to be a subset of that tag

Yeah, this is kind of a mess. I feel like ear_riding should be removed and replaced with phallic_ear_play or whatever tag we can figure out to replace the overly specific ones.

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