Do the mythology related tags have to be copyright tags? Previously if I for example wanted to look at dragons, but did not want to see fandom content mixed in, I could look up dragon copytags:0. Few false positives yeah, but it would save me from having to try manually exclude every fandom that kept clogging up results with what I did not want to see. Since there is multiple mythology tags for several geographical locations, copytags:1 does not work either. Currently there is really not even remotely sensible way to exclude fandom content from art of mythological critters. Only way I could think of to get around this would be changing the tag type of mythology tags.
I do recognize that this is little bit of a niche issue because normal well adjusted people are not out there playing 4D chess with the search box in this way, and I also do understand the choice of the tag category, but I do feel like mythology tags being categorized as copyright tags has quite negative impact to what can be done with the search feature.