Topic: Difference between score and rank?

Posted under General

I see this on a lot of booru style sites but can't figure it out. When you sort by score (order:score) and rank (order:rank), what is the functional difference? I know there is a score per submission, but what is rank?



Score is simply direct votes, positive minus negative votes. Rank is a more complicated formula, using score and penalizing older posts to keep the front of order:rank largely newer posts.

The formula is rank = log3(score) + (time)/35000 where time is measured in seconds (when it's measuring from doesn't matter (exercise: show why this is true))
Highest rank is shown first, second highest is second, and so on.

scth said:
Score is simply direct votes, positive minus negative votes. Rank is a more complicated formula, using score and penalizing older posts to keep the front of order:rank largely newer posts.

I never knew about that, seems useful

Does it only work on the homepage? I tried to order:rank my own posts out of curiosity, but the search came up empty.

Also seems a bit weird that it doesn't take favorites into account. But I guess different people give favorites different levels of importance compared to scores; some consider favs more important, some consider score more important, some consider them equal, etc.


lendrimujina said:
Does it only work on the homepage? I tried to order:rank my own posts out of curiosity, but the search came up empty.

Also seems a bit weird that it doesn't take favorites into account. But I guess different people give favorites different levels of importance compared to scores; some consider favs more important, some consider score more important, some consider them equal, etc.

It only takes into account the top ≈4000 ranked posts it seems

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