Topic: What's the difference between equid and equine?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

What the title says. The wiki pages for equid and equine don't explain when it's appropriate to use one but not the other. They both explain the horse family. The best I can find is that equid includes a couple extinct species from early equine development but equine does not.

Neither should really be used directly, and equine is a subfamily of equid

There's the same situation with canid and canine where the umbrella tag adds only one or two rarely drawn extinct species.

Tbh I think equine could be safely aliased into equid and canine into canid because this site is for art, not taxonomy.

regsmutt said:
There's the same situation with canid and canine where the umbrella tag adds only one or two rarely drawn extinct species.

Tbh I think equine could be safely aliased into equid and canine into canid because this site is for art, not taxonomy.

I agree with this. I also hope that we soon get tags for ungulate, artiodactyla, and odd-toed ungulate. Those are not hair-splitting tags, yet are useful for when you only want to see species with hooves (even if they're drawn plantigrade anthro).

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