Topic: viewer dependent perspective vs. subject dependent perspective

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Viewer dependent perspective (anything looking strait down at the ground)
post #1335734 post #1189010 post #28668 post #4966820 post #4935714
Subject dependent Perspective (top = above the spine in quads/above the head in standing or sitting bipeds or upright apodes(ex:nagas/lamia))
post #4135992 post #1154654 post #3354764 post #3648681 post #4320465

Viewer dependent perspective (anything looking strait up at the sky)
post #12872 post #3055251 post #4958062 post #4908959
Subject dependent Perspective (bottom = directly under feet)
post #388044 post #2693653 post #855106 post #2510455 post #865435

(these are not mutually exclusive)

We have a side_view, front_view and rear_view, as well as a bottom view but without a wiki. However I have noticed while compiling the turnaround wiki that top_view was aliased away. front, side and rear usually conform to the subject dependent perspective however high-angle_view (which top_view is aliased to) and low-angle_view rarely do and their wikis also specifically reference the camera rather than the subject as the origin point for defining the perspective.

What I would like is to have the alias of top_view to be removed unless we have a tag that is specifically defines a view above the characters head. Or would anyone have any other ideas for differentiating these?


Sure, top_view would work. Alternatively, above_head_view or overhead_view/over_head_view could work. It might make sense to imply bird's-eye_view or at least high-angle_view. If the tag weren't limited to those situations, it would just be a tag for any pic where the top of a head/shoulders are visible, which might not be as useful:
post #2560621 (top of weregarurumon's head visible) post #63662 (pretend the bottom picture is as depicted in the thumbnail, rather than a rapidly moving animation)

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