Topic: Thin_Calves Wiki Decision

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

The DuckDuckGo app just erased all my progress on writing this because I kept leaving the app to check spellings of words, so I am a little angry right now. And since the app prevents me from using the speech-to-text function for some stupid reason, I have no way to bubble check spelling without leaving the app, which I can not do. So expect spelling errors.

So I've been banned because of the unclarity the thin_calves tag, so I guess it is necessary to develop the wiki.

I believe these to be the offending edits: post #4893604 post #4617980

I was said to be suspended for tagging "thick thighs and thin calves on posts wher the legs literally the width all the way down" which describes neither of these posts. But there the only ones I could find that be mistaken for that, so I'll use them as examples.

In the first one the gastrocnemius area (gastrocnemius appears to be the name of the muscle that is on the back of the calf, I don't know any better names for this lump on the back of the calf) does make the calves appear as thick as the thighs, but the main calf is still visible, and there is still a noticeable taper downwards, so I would count it as thin. Unless the gastrocnemius area is hyper big, if the heel is thin and the main part isn't completely covered in fat and/or muscle the I would argue it is thin.

Same goes for the second post, but the tapering is less noticeable, but the distinction between the gastrocnemius area and the rest of the calf is more noticeable.

I've been ablieing the tag to calves that are just average so far, but I can see an argument for having a sprit medium_calves tag.

Some rules of thumb:

The calves are usually thinner then the thighs. So just because the thigh is thin that doesn't mean the calf is too.

Despite this, if the thigh is thin enough and the calf is behind the thigh, then it is safe to assume that the calf is thin too. And vice versa is true too.

If the leg tapers downward, then the calf is probably thin. Though it is technically possible for both the thigh and the calf to be thick while the leg tapers down, but this is rare. I have yet to see an example of this.

It makes sense that the calf would be the same width as thigh at the nee, as they are connected at the nee, but that doesn't mean the calf is thick when the thigh is. It is important to look at the heal and front portion of the calf too.

The gastrocnemius area on the back of the calf might add some girth, but if the rough shape of the calf's bone is visible, then it might still have a thin impression. This is a gray area.


Tapering down to the ankle is how legs work? There doesn't seem to be any content tagged thin_calves but if there were, I doubt anyone searching it would expect or want big beefy calf muscles no matter how stick like the ankles were.

regsmutt said:
Tapering down to the ankle is how legs work? There doesn't seem to be any content tagged thin_calves but if there were[...]

Misspelling on OP, thin_calves

1eyed-rosd said:

I will state first of all that this particular character in her armor suit with the exposed joint areas is probably not the best example, the exposed joint areas do make it rather hard to gauge the proportions of the thighs and calves in relation to each other and the rest of the body unless they are really extreme and in these specific examples it just isnt the case, in both the calves do seem average. some of the images you tagged do have the characters shot in a perspective or pose were the proportions are unclear or even were the calves(dont confuse the arch of a digitigrade foot for a calf), thighs or both are actually not even visible.

Secondly is your seeming focus on muscular details in your specifications here, just throw those all out. As regsmutt mentioned no one searching thin calves will likely be expecting to find any muscle definition there beyond the shallow bulge right were the upper leg and lower leg join on the backside - that is visible when viewing the leg from its side but not visible from the front or back - when searching thin calves.

Thin calves to me are calves that have no muscles and are significantly thinner than both the thigh, torso and usually feet if they are visible while still having knees to distinguish the upper leg and lower leg.
post #4941332 post #2756770 post #242606 post #4702668 post #258633


ryu_deacon said:
Misspelling on OP, thin_calves

I will state first of all that this particular character in her armor suit with the exposed joint areas is probably not the best example, the exposed joint areas do make it rather hard to gauge the proportions of the thighs and calves in relation to each other and the rest of the body unless they are really extreme and in these specific examples it just isnt the case, in both the calves do seem average. some of the images you tagged do have the characters shot in a perspective or pose were the proportions are unclear or even were the calves(dont confuse the arch of a digitigrade foot for a calf), thighs or both are actually not even visible.

Secondly is your seeming focus on muscular details in your specifications here, just throw those all out. As regsmutt mentioned no one searching thin calves will likely be expecting to find any muscle definition there beyond the shallow bulge right were the upper leg and lower leg join on the backside - that is visible when viewing the leg from its side but not visible from the front or back - when searching thin calves.

Thin calves to me are calves that have no muscles and are significantly thinner than both the thigh, torso and usually feet if they are visible while still having knees to distinguish the upper leg and lower leg.
post #4941332 post #2756770 post #242606 post #4702668 post #258633

You make good points. Honestly, I half made this because I was salty about my suspension, so it's mostly a attempt to argue my case as to why I thought it unreasonable.

You have convinced me that we definitely need a medium thighs tag. Sense the thighs are usually very close to the minimum of what they can be in real life I've been considering the average to be thin. But given what you said, medium_thighs mite be good for the gray areas.

I mustly used it because when the thin_thighs tag had barely any examples some of them clearly didn't fit, but I thought it was there for a reason, and the thinn_calves tag was already there, so that was my comprise. I barely know how the site worked then.

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