Topic: Why did duckdraw/pca_duck leave e621 and made his work dnp ?

Posted under Art Talk

Maybe it's too late to ask this, but does anyone know why duckdraw left e621 ? I have looked on the forums and found nothing about it. On the takedown page, it says the reason was discussed with the mods privately on FA, so I have no clue what made him do this.

I normally wouldn't think much about something like this, but I feel leaving this site has been a very poor choice. The number of subs on patreon has been steadily declining and last year he complained about not being able to pay his bills with patreon income. I think things would be less bad if he had stayed and kept his old content up. It may have helped attract new patreon subs.

regsmutt said:
Ask the guy?

I might do, but I'm worried this might be something personal/serious, and I wouldn't want to bother him with something like that. So I'm asking here to see if anyone knows anything about it.

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