Topic: Quick Question About Frame By Frame, Motion Tweening and the Gray Area of Doodles that use Both Theories, Dood ╹‿╹)

Posted under Art Talk

The more I thought about this the more I wanted
to know what You thought about this, Dood ╹‿╹)

Here's the thought and the doodle that started it all!
post #4983893

The Peep was Doodled frame by frame but, tackled with
Motion Tweening theory in mind. Frame-by-frame allows
for a far greater level of freedom in mini elements like
arching backs and ready feet that motion tweening
alone can't exactly pull off fluently without A TON of

But, Motion Tweening is incredibly practical,
Elements aside from the core players could be
tweened, All be it manually so with subtle
differences since it's all one line but, with
the idea of practicality tweening allows.
While It all has to be done by hand, you
can still tween on a canvas.

Adjust, Export, review, and repeat
till you reach the level of fluid each
frame has with each other, Dood!

That's all and well good but, What about motion tweening done frame by frame?

Is it still Motion tweening or is that something else
entirely different from frame-by-frame and motion-tweening.

a brand new animation style that combines-

The Creative Freedom that Frame by Frame allows
post #4490851 post #4401357

With the sheer practicality of Motion Tweening:
post #4016326 post #2355581



How would you describe "Frame by Tweening"
and how would you tag that here?

My take is that you would tag both:
Frame by Frame & Motion_Tween
To be safe.

What's yours, Dood?╹‿╹)

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