Hi y'all,
I know some of you were angry off about the recent changes made here and I saw a whole bunch of people talking about moving to Gelbooru to archive artwork regular or otherwise due to the mistrust, the simple answer is you won't be able to, Gelbooru is a heavily "Japanese" site with a rule in their TOS:
"In addition, you may not use the Site to upload any of the following:
Off-topic: Gelbooru is an English-language gallery for Japanese-themed art. Anything not drawn by a Japanese artist must be drawn in a Japanese style or feature Japanese characters/copyrights. Posts that do not meet any of these criteria will be deleted unless given prior exception by the moderation team for quality!"
With that being said I hope y'all find somewhere you can archive, maybe one of you will create a Booru of your own but the answer is not Gelbooru, I hope for the sake of archiving y'all will continue to archive where you can though, whether it's on E621, Rule 34 (Paheal or XXX), Hypnohub, Gelbooru (for Japanese Artists) or whatever comes in the future, Archiving is important and even if it's not my sort of content I appreciate those who spend their time doing it
Hope y'all have a wonderful day