Topic: [Feature] More intuitive way to create BURs in existing topics

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

The way I understand it now, to create a BUR within an existing topic, I have to put the topic id into the field "Forum topic" at the bottom of the form.
It is not really intuitive to figure this out on your own, especially if that field is not documented anywhere.
I've found the wiki page, which describes how BURs work, but there is no mention of the input field "Forum topic" there.

This also seems to be inconsistent with other parts of this site, like the "Reply" feature at the top of the page on each topic.
That shows a numeric field called "Topic ID" with the current topic id already filled out.
With such a name, it is much easier to figure out that I need to put the topic Id into that field.

I suggest adding a new button called "Request BUR in topic" similar to the "Reply" button at the top. (Or slightly changing how the button "Request BUR" works)
This button would then forward the user to the BUR creation page, but with the field "Forum topic" (Ideally renamed to Topic ID and changed to a numeric field) already filled out with the topic Id.


+1 to this, adding a button doesn't seem like it'd be too hard, and would make BURs seem less scary to newcomers

Should probably only make this feature available in the "Tag alias & implication suggestions" section tho

snedmano said:
The way I understand it now, to create a BUR within an existing topic, I have to put the topic id into the field "Forum topic" at the bottom of the form.
It is not really intuitive to figure this out on your own, especially if that field is not documented anywhere.
I've found the wiki page, which describes how BURs work, but there is no mention of the input field "Forum topic" there.

That shows a numeric field called "Topic ID" with the current topic id already filled out.
With such a name, it is much easier to figure out that I need to put the topic Id into that field.

I suggest adding a new button called "Request BUR in topic" similar to the "Reply" button at the top. (Or slightly changing how the button "Request BUR" works)
This button would then forward the user to the BUR creation page, but with the field "Forum topic" (Ideally renamed to Topic ID and changed to a numeric field) already filled out with the topic Id.


This also seems to be inconsistent with other parts of this site, like the "Reply" feature at the top of the page on each topic.

Huh, never used that before, and can't see why I ever would

snpthecat said:
Huh, never used that before, and can't see why I ever would

I honestly just randomly clicked through all the buttons to see what they would do and noticed “Hey wait, this is different”.
Perhaps it’s a legacy feature from a time before you could hit reply on the bottom of the topic form?

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