Topic: Pride Flags - Lesbian

Posted under General

I hope to get a genuine answer because everywhere I look I get several different answers and I'm always confused on what it means but I've seen two different flags represent Lesbian, the modern sunset colours and the purple one with a double sided axe, why isn't the cooler axe one being used these days? Is it because it's not uniform with the standard modern flags or is it's something more?

Labrys flag has mostly fallen into disuse because the main group using it nowadays are TERFs. There's also the pink flag, which is also barely used anymore for reasons related to the creator of the flag.

nimphia said:
Labrys flag has mostly fallen into disuse because the main group using it nowadays are TERFs. There's also the pink flag, which is also barely used anymore for reasons related to the creator of the flag.

Oof why is it always fascists who ruin cool things :(

also, just like, from a vexillological standpoint the orange and pink one is clearly superior.

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