Topic: Big meme BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #7329 is pending approval.

create implication i_can_still_hear_his_voice (13) -> meme (54315)
create implication i_think_we're_gonna_have_to_kill_this_guy (78) -> meme (54315)
create implication asked_for_no_pickles (22) -> meme (54315)
create implication kys_loser (6) -> meme (54315)
create implication we'll_be_right_back (21) -> meme (54315)
create implication inside_you_there_are_two_wolves (24) -> meme (54315)
create implication i'm_stuff (16) -> meme (54315)
create implication do_you_fart (3) -> meme (54315)
create implication is_that_your_fucking_fursona (3) -> meme (54315)
create implication i'm_full_of_cum (67) -> meme (54315)
create implication he_just_nut_in_me_and_started_playing (20) -> meme (54315)
create implication low_tier_god (39) -> meme (54315)
create implication full_of_milk/soup_(meme) (53) -> meme (54315)
create implication no_thoughts_head_empty (43) -> meme (54315)
create implication sad_cat_dance (96) -> meme (54315)
create implication couple_texting_in_bed (12) -> meme (54315)
create implication lesbians_doing_makeup (8) -> meme (54315)
create implication stop_touching_me_i_am_the_night (12) -> meme (54315)
create implication lucky_skebe (71) -> meme (54315)

Reason: These are all memes. (I'm collecting meme tags that are missing implications.)


The bulk update request #7330 is pending approval.

create implication elmo_rise (11) -> meme (54315)
create implication because_you're_epic (10) -> meme (54315)
create implication anime_kubrick_stare (45) -> meme (54315)
create implication praise_da_booty_(meme) (269) -> meme (54315)
create implication my_day_be_so_fine (3) -> meme (54315)
create implication draw_the_squad (12) -> meme (54315)
create implication human_i_request_your_assistance_(meme) (4) -> meme (54315)
create implication pondering_my_orb (69) -> meme (54315)
create implication finally_synthetic_watermelon (2) -> meme (54315)
create implication shut_(meme) (9) -> meme (54315)
create implication femboy_hooters (579) -> meme (54315)
create implication navy_seal_copypasta (9) -> meme (54315)
create implication do_not_fist_android_girls (12) -> meme (54315)
create implication cat_no_like_banana (22) -> meme (54315)
create implication reaction_guys (12) -> meme (54315)
create implication sandwich_censorship (25) -> meme (54315)
create implication drakeposting (71) -> meme (54315)
create implication i_turned_this_person_into_a_furry (12) -> meme (54315)
create implication sweating_towel_guy (57) -> meme (54315)
create implication hiding_from_terminator_(meme) (3) -> meme (54315)
create implication hey_kid_ever_had_ya_dick_sucked (49) -> meme (54315)
create implication i've_only_had_arlo_for_a_day_and_a_half (17) -> meme (54315)

Reason: More memes. Part 2 of who knows how many. I wish we had Danbooru's system where "meme" is automatically added for any tag that ends in (meme)... Though I guess then we'd still have to do a bunch of BURs to alias older meme tags to add the suffix, so there's not exactly a win in this situation.


The bulk update request #7331 is pending approval.

create implication pop_cat (35) -> meme (54315)
create implication amogus (277) -> meme (54315)
change category amogus (277) -> copyright
create implication rayman_eating_sushi (109) -> meme (54315)
create implication grapefruit_technique (12) -> meme (54315)
create implication polite_cat (10) -> meme (54315)
create implication stop_thinking_about_sex (98) -> meme (54315)
create implication they_don't_know (5) -> meme (54315)
create implication forklift_certified (16) -> meme (54315)
create implication man_meme (7) -> meme (54315)
create implication elon_musk_smoking_weed (3) -> meme (54315)
create implication surprised_fast_food_worker (4) -> meme (54315)
create implication gf_type_(meme) (28) -> meme (54315)
create implication go_do_a_crime (12) -> meme (54315)
create implication i'm_in_danger_(meme) (26) -> meme (54315)
create implication think_mark_think! (148) -> meme (54315)
create implication smug_cat (62) -> meme (54315)
create implication skill_issue_(meme) (11) -> meme (54315)
create implication pufferfish_eating_carrot (14) -> meme (54315)
create implication he_was_forced_to_eat_cement_when_he_was_6 (3) -> meme (54315)
create implication cover_them_up_slut (144) -> meme (54315)
create implication oh_no_he's_hot_(meme) (13) -> meme (54315)
create implication homophobic_dog (16) -> meme (54315)
create implication bepis (96) -> meme (54315)
create implication juice_that_makes_you_cum (191) -> meme (54315)

Reason: Part 3... Okay, to be fair, it's fun to hunt these down. Also putting amogus in copyright because it's too big to change myself.


The bulk update request #7337 is pending approval.

create implication this_is_fine (76) -> meme (54315)
create implication this_ain't_about_him (5) -> meme (54315)
create implication press_x_to_doubt (6) -> meme (54315)
create implication comfort_character_car (18) -> meme (54315)
create implication bold_and_brash_(meme) (5) -> meme (54315)
create implication awkward_party_reaction (4) -> meme (54315)
create implication family_guy_death_pose (394) -> meme (54315)
create implication yamcha_death_pose (122) -> meme (54315)
create implication eat_yo_food_bitch_damn (3) -> meme (54315)
create implication how_hungry... (16) -> meme (54315)
create implication woman_scared_of_breasts (5) -> meme (54315)
create implication kill_(meme) (14) -> meme (54315)
create implication leonardo_dicaprio_toasting (4) -> meme (54315)
create implication epic_poggers_amongus (13) -> meme (54315)
create implication dick_flattening (64) -> meme (54315)
create implication pride_flag_question_mark (28) -> meme (54315)
create implication weed_smoking_girlfriends (3) -> meme (54315)
create implication i_know_what_you_are (14) -> meme (54315)
create implication shinji_holding_a_mug (4) -> meme (54315)
create implication loona_in_mexico (67) -> meme (54315)
create implication but_that's_none_of_my_business (9) -> meme (54315)
create implication pilk (54) -> meme (54315)
create implication please_don't_break_the_window (6) -> meme (54315)

Reason: Behold. Even more memes. (I promise this is the last one. For now.)




Seems like everything's a meme these days.

nimphia said:

I don't like tags being made out of a short phrase or text merely being in an image. There should be more to something than that to receive a tag (whether being comically long and detailed like vaporeon_copypasta, or being paired with a particular action or pose like fair_argument_(meme)), otherwise any pithy phrase that trends for the smallest time would get a tag.

nimphia said:
create implication sandwich_censorship (22) -> meme (45413)

Lots of weird things have been used for censorship, including post-it notes, grapefruits, rocks, and various emojis. Does a sandwich need its own specific tag where other things don't?

nimphia said:
create implication taller_lesbian_and_shorter_lesbian (20) -> meme (45413)
create implication tall_woman_lifting_short_woman (82) -> meme (45413)

These seem basically the same, and also quite generic. We try to avoid being gender-specific since a meme can be referenced using other genders, which also basically makes these the same as carrying_another or size_difference.

If the meme tag is going to be loosely applied to anything that has trended, I don't think "it's a meme" should then work as an excuse to bypass other rules and guidelines we use for tag validity.

nimphia said:
create implication bonk_(meme) (52) -> meme (45413)

Have we gone too far...?

watsit said:
Seems like everything's a meme these days.

I don't like tags being made out of a short phrase or text merely being in an image. There should be more to something than that to receive a tag (whether being comically long and detailed like vaporeon_copypasta, or being paired with a particular action or pose like fair_argument_(meme)), otherwise any pithy phrase that trends for the smallest time would get a tag.

Fair, I'd agree with that. I was just trying to gather up tags I'd seen around.

Lots of weird things have been used for censorship, including post-it notes, grapefruits, rocks, and various emojis. Does a sandwich need its own specific tag where other things don't?

It's a pretty common (and old) meme to replace dicks in hentai with subway sandwiches.

These seem basically the same, and also quite generic. We try to avoid being gender-specific since a meme can be referenced using other genders, which also basically makes these the same as carrying_another or size_difference.

Those are just... Descriptive names of the image being referenced. Because they're referencing a specific image. It's not actually making the meme gender specific, the same way woman_yelling_at_a_cat or math_lady aren't.

These are two different images being referenced:

post #4484746 post #4666824

If the meme tag is going to be loosely applied to anything that has trended, I don't think "it's a meme" should then work as an excuse to bypass other rules and guidelines we use for tag validity.

Have we gone too far...?

I don't even understand what the point here is supposed to be. They're memes. Recurring jokes and concepts and challenges. There's a lot of meme tags because people love memes and a lot of memes exist. Just look at how many implications meme already has.

bonk_(meme) is specifically referencing this, I believe, but I'm not fond of it:

post #2973751 post #2838680

I'm gladly willing to remove any specific tags from the BURs, like I said, I was just gathering them up.

Removed bonk_(meme) and submissive_and_breedable_(meme) for now, as well as hoes_mad.

Vast majority of these memes listed have a KYM page.


I edited the first BUR to add KYM links for reference and removed a couple I couldn't find much on. I'll do the other BURs in a bit.

Honestly taller_lesbian_and_shorter_lesbian feels like a bad name for that one just because it misses that the meme focuses on the pose having the taller character rest their head on the shorter's breasts with a smug look.

post #4190345 post #4153343



nimphia said:
Those are just... Descriptive names of the image being referenced. Because they're referencing a specific image. It's not actually making the meme gender specific, the same way woman_yelling_at_cat isn't.

That just seems to be a not-uncommon pose for that kind of thing. That video likely went with that for the scene because someone had seen it elsewhere and wanted to replicate it in their lesbian porn movie. A drawing referencing an image depicting a generic activity is still a drawing depicting a generic activity, if it's not uniquely identifiable as being from that source.

See my previous complaints against treating jack-o'_pose as a meme: a character from a video game makes a pose that people got a chuckle out of and made loose interpretations/copies of, which is very close to some basic yoga poses, such that there are drawings similar to it by artists that never heard of the game or meme and drawings similar to it that were made before the game was even created. Retroactively tagging someone's art as a meme for depicting a fairly generic pose (that they didn't or couldn't have known about being a meme when making the art), just rubs me the wrong way.

nimphia said:
I don't even understand what the point here is supposed to be. They're memes. Recurring jokes and concepts and challenges. There's a lot of meme tags because people love memes and a lot of memes exist.

There are lots of recurring concepts and things that we don't tag due to being unnecessarily exclusive, too generic, or subjective. Or because we have other tags already that are good enough. We have tags for humor where something is meant to be funny, and tags for particular concepts and challenges that are unique enough to warrant tagging. But simply being a recurring joke, concept, or challenge seems too low of a bar for tagging purposes to me. To some people, furry art itself is a meme.

nimphia said:
bonk_(meme) is specifically referencing this, I believe

That's another issue, when the underlying idea of a particular meme is desirable enough that people will tag it because of the underlying concept rather than the particular meme. People tagging bonk_(meme) because a character is getting bonked rather than being a clear reference to the cheems image, or an image being tagged submissive_and_breedable_(meme) because a character is bottom that's trying to look "submissive and breedable" rather than reference some identifiable source image.

Interestingly, it seems there are actually two different "bonk" memes:
And it seems there are different versions of the cheems one, one with the cheems using a bat on someone (the no-horny-like one), and another with a hammer being used on a deformed image of a dog. So really three different memes.

The bulk update request #7339 is pending approval.

create alias tall_woman_lifting_short_woman (103) -> lauren_phillips_lifting_alice_merchesi (3)
create implication lauren_phillips_lifting_alice_merchesi (3) -> meme (54315)
create alias taller_lesbian_and_shorter_lesbian (34) -> smug_booba_pose (0)
create implication smug_booba_pose (0) -> meme (54315)

Reason: I think these are better names for these two memes that makes it clearer they're based off two different pictures.

Taken from KYM:

watsit said:
That just seems to be a not-uncommon pose for that kind of thing. That video likely went with that for the scene because someone had seen it elsewhere and wanted to replicate it in their lesbian porn movie. A drawing referencing an image depicting a generic activity is still a drawing depicting a generic activity, if it's not uniquely identifiable as being from that source.

See my previous complaints against treating jack-o'_pose as a meme: a character from a video game makes a pose that people got a chuckle out of and made loose interpretations/copies of, which is very close to some basic yoga poses, such that there are drawings similar to it by artists that never heard of the game or meme and drawings similar to it that were made before the game was even created. Retroactively tagging someone's art as a meme for depicting a fairly generic pose (that they didn't or couldn't have known about being a meme when making the art), just rubs me the wrong way.

I mean, that doesn't seem to be an issue here, the images in these tags are deliberately referencing those specific images in this case. While I agree about poses in general and generic "memes", I feel like these two are fine. I separated them in a different BUR anyways, mainly to rename them to more specific names, but also for this reason.

There are lots of recurring concepts and things that we don't tag due to being unnecessarily exclusive, too generic, or subjective. Or because we have other tags already that are good enough. We have tags for humor where something is meant to be funny, and tags for particular concepts and challenges that are unique enough to warrant tagging. But simply being a recurring joke, concept, or challenge seems too low of a bar for tagging purposes to me. To some people, furry art itself is a meme.

I mean, I see it the same as tagging any other copyright tag or whatever. Personally, I like memes and I like when I can find more images related to a specific one. While I agree there are some times where something is too generic, I'll often tag a meme because I end up finding more images related to it later without intending to.

There's definitely a point where it gets too far, though, you're right. But I feel like if something is identifiable as a meme there's no harm in tagging it so people can find or avoid it the same way there's no harm in tagging, say, a brand like starbucks or patreon or something when it's relevant.

That's another issue, when the underlying idea of a particular meme is desirable enough that people will tag it because of the underlying concept rather than the particular meme. People tagging bonk_(meme) because a character is getting bonked rather than being a clear reference to the cheems image, or an image being tagged submissive_and_breedable_(meme) because a character is bottom that's trying to look "submissive and breedable" rather than reference some identifiable source image.

Oh, absolutely, I've seen the a_cat_is_fine_too shenanigans. That's why, like I said, I removed those two from the BUR for now. :)

Interestingly, it seems there are actually two different "bonk" memes:
And it seems there are different versions of the cheems one, one with the cheems using a bat on someone (the no-horny-like one), and another with a hammer being used on a deformed image of a dog. So really three different memes.

What a mess, sigh.

Anyways, updated all the BURs to include a list of reference links for each meme.


nimphia said:
The bulk update request #7329 is pending approval.

create implication i_can_still_hear_his_voice (13) -> meme (54315)
create implication i_think_we're_gonna_have_to_kill_this_guy (78) -> meme (54315)
create implication asked_for_no_pickles (22) -> meme (54315)
create implication kys_loser (6) -> meme (54315)
create implication we'll_be_right_back (21) -> meme (54315)
create implication inside_you_there_are_two_wolves (24) -> meme (54315)
create implication i'm_stuff (16) -> meme (54315)
create implication do_you_fart (3) -> meme (54315)
create implication is_that_your_fucking_fursona (3) -> meme (54315)
create implication i'm_full_of_cum (67) -> meme (54315)
create implication he_just_nut_in_me_and_started_playing (20) -> meme (54315)
create implication low_tier_god (39) -> meme (54315)
create implication full_of_milk/soup_(meme) (53) -> meme (54315)
create implication no_thoughts_head_empty (43) -> meme (54315)
create implication sad_cat_dance (96) -> meme (54315)
create implication couple_texting_in_bed (12) -> meme (54315)
create implication lesbians_doing_makeup (8) -> meme (54315)
create implication stop_touching_me_i_am_the_night (12) -> meme (54315)
create implication lucky_skebe (71) -> meme (54315)

Reason: These are all memes. (I'm collecting meme tags that are missing implications.)

create implication is_that_your_fucking_fursona (10) -> meme (45645)

topic #32752

snpthecat said:
create implication is_that_your_fucking_fursona (10) -> meme (45645)
topic #32752

Is there a reason to rename this tag? I don't understand how the current tag isn't clear already

The bulk update request #8268 is pending approval.

create implication panzer_of_the_lake (3) -> meme (54315)

is a meme.

Putting this here to consolidate meme implications in fewer threads, and also to bump this thread for more discussion and voting on the above BURs before I approve them. It looks pretty good to me, but nobody's bothered to vote yet, so...

nimphia said:

The bulk update request #7337 is pending approval.

create implication this_is_fine (76) -> meme (54315)
create implication this_ain't_about_him (5) -> meme (54315)
create implication press_x_to_doubt (6) -> meme (54315)
create implication comfort_character_car (18) -> meme (54315)
create implication bold_and_brash_(meme) (5) -> meme (54315)
create implication awkward_party_reaction (4) -> meme (54315)
create implication family_guy_death_pose (394) -> meme (54315)
create implication yamcha_death_pose (122) -> meme (54315)
create implication eat_yo_food_bitch_damn (3) -> meme (54315)
create implication how_hungry... (16) -> meme (54315)
create implication woman_scared_of_breasts (5) -> meme (54315)
create implication kill_(meme) (14) -> meme (54315)
create implication leonardo_dicaprio_toasting (4) -> meme (54315)
create implication epic_poggers_amongus (13) -> meme (54315)
create implication dick_flattening (64) -> meme (54315)
create implication pride_flag_question_mark (28) -> meme (54315)
create implication weed_smoking_girlfriends (3) -> meme (54315)
create implication i_know_what_you_are (14) -> meme (54315)
create implication shinji_holding_a_mug (4) -> meme (54315)
create implication loona_in_mexico (67) -> meme (54315)
create implication but_that's_none_of_my_business (9) -> meme (54315)
create implication pilk (54) -> meme (54315)
create implication please_don't_break_the_window (6) -> meme (54315)

Reason: Behold. Even more memes. (I promise this is the last one. For now.)

create implication family_guy_death_pose (318) -> meme (48514) has passed, see topic #45259

scaliespe said:
The bulk update request #8268 is pending approval.

create implication panzer_of_the_lake (3) -> meme (54315)

is a meme.

Putting this here to consolidate meme implications in fewer threads, and also to bump this thread for more discussion and voting on the above BURs before I approve them. It looks pretty good to me, but nobody's bothered to vote yet, so...

Theres no buttons for voting on yours

nimphia said:
The bulk update request #7329 is pending approval.

create implication i_can_still_hear_his_voice (13) -> meme (54315)
create implication i_think_we're_gonna_have_to_kill_this_guy (78) -> meme (54315)
create implication asked_for_no_pickles (22) -> meme (54315)
create implication kys_loser (6) -> meme (54315)
create implication we'll_be_right_back (21) -> meme (54315)
create implication inside_you_there_are_two_wolves (24) -> meme (54315)
create implication i'm_stuff (16) -> meme (54315)
create implication do_you_fart (3) -> meme (54315)
create implication is_that_your_fucking_fursona (3) -> meme (54315)
create implication i'm_full_of_cum (67) -> meme (54315)
create implication he_just_nut_in_me_and_started_playing (20) -> meme (54315)
create implication low_tier_god (39) -> meme (54315)
create implication full_of_milk/soup_(meme) (53) -> meme (54315)
create implication no_thoughts_head_empty (43) -> meme (54315)
create implication sad_cat_dance (96) -> meme (54315)
create implication couple_texting_in_bed (12) -> meme (54315)
create implication lesbians_doing_makeup (8) -> meme (54315)
create implication stop_touching_me_i_am_the_night (12) -> meme (54315)
create implication lucky_skebe (71) -> meme (54315)

low_tier_god should be moved to something like low_tier_god_(meme), there should be a better distinction between the meme and the dude.


nimphia said:
The bulk update request #7331 is pending approval.

create implication pop_cat (35) -> meme (54315)
create implication amogus (277) -> meme (54315)
change category amogus (277) -> copyright
create implication rayman_eating_sushi (109) -> meme (54315)
create implication grapefruit_technique (12) -> meme (54315)
create implication polite_cat (10) -> meme (54315)
create implication stop_thinking_about_sex (98) -> meme (54315)
create implication they_don't_know (5) -> meme (54315)
create implication forklift_certified (16) -> meme (54315)
create implication man_meme (7) -> meme (54315)
create implication elon_musk_smoking_weed (3) -> meme (54315)
create implication surprised_fast_food_worker (4) -> meme (54315)
create implication gf_type_(meme) (28) -> meme (54315)
create implication go_do_a_crime (12) -> meme (54315)
create implication i'm_in_danger_(meme) (26) -> meme (54315)
create implication think_mark_think! (148) -> meme (54315)
create implication smug_cat (62) -> meme (54315)
create implication skill_issue_(meme) (11) -> meme (54315)
create implication pufferfish_eating_carrot (14) -> meme (54315)
create implication he_was_forced_to_eat_cement_when_he_was_6 (3) -> meme (54315)
create implication cover_them_up_slut (144) -> meme (54315)
create implication oh_no_he's_hot_(meme) (13) -> meme (54315)
create implication homophobic_dog (16) -> meme (54315)
create implication bepis (96) -> meme (54315)
create implication juice_that_makes_you_cum (191) -> meme (54315)

also, I wonder if a larger juice_that_makes_you_x tag should exist, I've seen the format used for a few things other than just cumming. also, the original Juice That Makes You Explode is pretty dang old, but I have seen a few direct references to that bottle shape and lable around the internet.


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