Topic: Tag Implication: double_vaginal -> vaginal_penetration

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating double_vaginal → vaginal_penetration
Link to implication


Double_anal currently implies anal_penetration, so double_vaginal should be handled this way to be consistent.

Related implications:

Misc cleanup:

Not entirely necessary, but I try to clean things like this up when possible.

My only concern is posts with triple_penetration (2 anal, 1 vaginal) also being tagged double_penetration, which is sort of excessive. Unimplicating them would mean that double_anal (or double_vaginal) wouldn't automatically get tagged with double_penetration which is probably worse practicality-wise.


I thought that there was a consensus on the notion that in order for triple_penetration to occur, there must be penetration in 3 separate orifices.

That being said, implicating triple_penetration to double_penetration would always work because one of the criteria for triple_penetration to occur would be double_penetration.

quote from: triple_penetration

"A character who is being penetrated by a combination of 3 routes (oral, vaginal, or anal) all at the same time."

So, given the current wiki, any combination of triple_penetration without oral, vaginal & anal occurring simultaneously is an incorrect use of the tag, and to tag 2 anal, 1 vaginal, would be double_anal double_penetration vaginal, not triple_penetration.

So either we need a wiki clean up or an established definition of the term triple_penetration.

Updated by anonymous

That definition was moved into all_three_filled in forum #143920, I never got around to rewriting that bit except for editing out the gender-specific bits.

Here's the previous definition from 2011:

Images or animations depicting a female character who is being penetrated orally, vaginally, and anally, all at the same time.

It's a pretty simple rewrite so I'll do that now before I forget.

Updated by anonymous

The following changes were made:

I also made this change:

Because there are many cases where a character can have double anal penetration, but also be penetrated in another orifice, which should be tagged with triple_penetration instead.

Updated by anonymous

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