Topic: Artists: What was the worst thing you've been commissioned to draw? (Or outright say NOPE)

Posted under Art Talk

Dear artists of e621, I have a pretty oddly specific question or a few bundled into one. What was the most disturbing, gross, weird, and/or most depraved thing you've been paid to draw for customers? What made you say "NOPE!" to a commission that pushed your limits too far? The most cursed stuff I've seen is surpisingly not on e621 believe it or not *cough* DevientArt *cough*.

I'm just morbidly curious like the guy who sees car crashes on the side of the highway as a form of entertainment and can only guess what happened.

Is there stuff too gross or disturbing that you very reluctantly did for a suspicously large sum of money but aren't allowed to post on e621? Some of what people on this site are into sorta makes me glad I grew up in a strict christian family in the days before the internet gained mainstream traction..... Much younger me dialing-up to use the World Wide Web on Windows 95 would be horrified by most of the stuff I've been desensitized to for a while now.

I've always wanted to doodle gore,
Not a blood bath but just a
blood-themed doodle.

Something is just so rad about the idea
of a vampiric peep having his pray offer their
blood to them. Not in a e254e kinda way but in a-

"I don't care that you're a vampire! Your my friend
and I understand this is just who you are! Bite me!
Take as much blood as you need, I trust you. Even if it kills me."
Pressing their friend's head into their bare neck with
a look of sheer conviction and trust as the vampire
is in stunned silence before embracing them back.
Cutting to a silhouette of the two, showing the vamp
lift their head THAN!- *Music!*

Such a dark light, Like offering love to a demon and
having them accept it. Showing a part of themselves
they didn't know they had. Feeling like a person and
not just a monster to their victims! So Rad, Dood~!

One of my main rules is that I don't do super gore
but I'd love to make an exception real soon for this
scenario, Dood!


notkastar said:
I've always wanted to doodle gore,
Not a blood bath but just a
blood-themed doodle.

Something is just so rad about the idea
of a vampiric peep having his pray offer their
blood to them. Not in a e254e kinda way but in a-

"I don't care that you're a vampire! Your my friend
and I understand this is just who you are! Bite me!
Take as much blood as you need, I trust you. Even if it kills me."
Pressing their friend's head into their bare neck with
a look of sheer conviction and trust as the vampire
is in stunned silence before embracing them back.
Cutting to a silhouette of the two, showing the vamp
lift their head THAN!- *Music!*

Such a dark light, Like offering love to a demon and
having them accept it. Showing a part of themselves
they didn't know they had. Feeling like a person and
not just a monster to their victims! So Rad, Dood~!

One of my main rules is that I don't do super gore
but I'd love to make an exception real soon for this
scenario, Dood!

I specialize in gore as well; I've had some practice ghostwriting short horror stories or even parts of novels, I don't do it in a weird e621 way or anything like that. I ghostwrite horror, not yiff.

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