Gone are the days of the big green button saying 'favorite'. Now, in this new era of e621, we have stars as our replacement ⭐️. The download button also changed!
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Posted under General
Gone are the days of the big green button saying 'favorite'. Now, in this new era of e621, we have stars as our replacement ⭐️. The download button also changed!
this is only viewable on mobile
Yes, it was in the changelog.
warhugo said:
Gone are the days of the big green button saying 'favorite'. Now, in this new era of e621, we have stars as our replacement ⭐️. The download button also changed!
this is only viewable on mobile
grrr i'm a discord user so ui update bad grrr (but fr it's nice i guess, really the only difference is that it makes the mobile webpage not look janky)
Its actually nice to get larger buttons for mobile, I no longer have to zoom to upvote for once
Did they change the "Unfavorite" button? It doesn't have a minus sign any more for me.
is it mobile only so far? i don't see it in desktop, but i saw it earlier on mobile
vulpes_artifex said:
Did they change the "Unfavorite" button? It doesn't have a minus sign any more for me.
it was changed from "+Favorite" and "-Favorite" to "Favorite" and "Unfavorite"
benjiboyo said:
is it mobile only so far? i don't see it in desktop, but i saw it earlier on mobile
it is mobile only
W change it was super duper hard to upvote posts because the justify was all the way to the left