Topic: Looking for a category of tag?

Posted under General

So 2 months ago or something I put a comment on this post explaining that bees make honey by swapping saliva and someone else replied "Dang why isn't this a tag?"
So now I want to find this category of bees or smth snowballing low nutrition stuff into high nutrition stuff by swapping it between each other... which I guess sounds like a kissing orgy of sorts???
post #4028790

The chemical process of converting sugar to honey seems to be called inversion. I did not find a term specific to bees/honey. A tag name for that could be sugar_inversion.

We don't really tag saliva transfer because determining saliva's origin and destination will often be very hard, so proving the A -> B "transfer" part is impossible most of the time. As a slang term, I believe people might say "swapping spit," which has the small tag saliva_swapping. There's also small tags like drooling_into_mouth, spitting_in_mouth, spit_fetish.

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