Topic: Tag alias: older_on_cub -> adult_on_young

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Older is relative and doesn't always mean adult. A teenager/adolescent on child would qualify for older_on_cub, but not be adult_on_young.

watsit said:
Older is relative and doesn't always mean adult. A teenager/adolescent on child would qualify for older_on_cub, but not be adult_on_young.

Considering that cub was any anthro/feral/taur character up to age 18, the tag name does imply that the other character is an adult. If it’s just an older young character with a younger cub, that’s just young_on_young + age_difference. There’s no logical reason to specify "older on cub" unless the "older" is beyond the threshold of cub.

In any case, cub has been deprecated, so this tag needs to go. I think adult_on_young is probably the closest valid tag that we have.

It's not the same thing, but it's not a useful tag either imo and it should be done away with, same with older on young. older_on_cub/young is just a combination of adult_on_young and teenager_on_child (and I guess teenager_on_baby and child_on_baby as well), young age_difference accomplishes almost the exact same thing. I've gone ahead and cleared out the few instances of older_on_cub where adult_on_young wouldn't apply so the alias is good to go through now.

Donovan DMC

Former Staff

This tag has 1.8k entries and is still growing despite us having gotten rid of cub last year, something needs to be done with it (same with adult_on_loli)



Hmm, too bad there's no easy way to filter it by adult to make it easier to go through. Guess just have to do it by gender or age group first. :shrug:

Haha, wait a minute! What do you know?
Older_on_cub -adult_on_young has less than 250 results. These are all that are left. Remaining ones need to be determined if adult.
Could just remove older_on_cub from the ones already tagged adult_on_young, and then manually go through the rest?
older_on_cub adult_on_young -young_anthro -young_feral 8 results so I think all of these are tagged with appropriate young_* tags. I double-checked and these seem safe to remove the older_on_cub tag from.
older_on_cub adult_on_young young_anthro older_male -younger_anthro Were there even any cases in these results that wouldn't imply younger anthro? Glanced through while clicking on them in case of blatant mistags, but I guess it makes sense.
older_on_cub adult_on_young Home stretch after going through a lot of variants not listed above, but a lot of these will be slower to tag.

"Older_on_cub -adult_on_young has less than 250 results." These are all that are left. Remaining ones need to be determined if adult.
older_on_cub older_male -adolescent -older_male -older_female -older_intersex All of these have age difference, and almost all of the blatantly adult-looking characters got "adult_on_young" added. I can probably just safely remove the older on cub tag, entirely once I ensure older_<gender> is tagged. Actually, accidentally included older_male tag. These are done other than removing the tag off the non-adult ones.
older_on_cub older_male adolescent All 4 of these were duo images. Went ahead and removed the tag since age_difference and older_male are in all of them.

post #4132425 tulin_(tloz) ~red_skin ~blin_(tloz) With these two's images, they're all adult_on_young, right? Hard to tell with two different species with such different forms. It's not like they're almost humanoid in proportions.

There are 54 left on older_on_cub and it looks like they need some adolescent tags. I put them in this set (set:61052) that I'll remove after the alias goes through or they all get tagged with ages. Went ahead and removed the older_on_cub tag so we can move on to next part with the older_on_loli tag. I think pretty much any adult-looking characters got tagged, but am unsure of ages.




watsit said:
Older is relative and doesn't always mean adult. A teenager/adolescent on child would qualify for older_on_cub, but not be adult_on_young.

I tried to get every case of an adult separated from the teens, but some were kind of hard to tell/ambiguous.

donovan_dmc said:
This tag has 1.8k entries and is still growing despite us having gotten rid of cub last year, something needs to be done with it (same with adult_on_loli)

Older on cub is 90% done. Will update this post with status on adult_on_loli/adult_on_shota as I get through them.

Also of note:


older_on_baby -> older_<gender>/age_difference/baby?
older_on_toddler -> older_<gender>/age_difference/toddler?
older_on_child -> older_<gender>/age_difference/child?

older_on_younger -> Age_difference? If no adults, young on young + age groups?


Adult on shota Only had 4 results so this was super easy.
adult_on_loli -loli Yeah, this tag might go away but for now...
adult_on_loli -young_female female Surprising number weren't tagged. Have to make sure there are no intersex but this is not many to check.
All done on these 2!

older_on_loli -loli/older_on_loli -young_female Somehow these have different singular results. I could have sworn that loli impied young_female but only implies young+female. post #3895140 had a conflict between loli and gynomorph so I removed it. It already had young_gynomorph and older_female.
older_on_loli -older_male -older_female -older_intersex had 0 results so it looks like someone's already gone through them for the older characters.
older_on_loli young_intersex It seems that all the a/g/i/h/mh characters are covered as well.
older_on_loli -adult_on_young Single result of post #2812340 looks like it's adult_on_young.

older_on_shota -shota/older_on_shota -young_male There were 0 results here.
older_on_shota -older_male -older_female -older_intersex And same.
older_on_shota young_intersex And 0 yet again.
older_on_shota -adult_on_young These all look like possibly teenagers. If so, these should also get tagged young on young.

With the following BUR, ool/oos should be complete.




The bulk update request #8985 is pending approval.

create alias adult_on_loli (7) -> age_difference (71463)
create alias adult_on_shota (0) -> age_difference (71463)
create alias older_on_loli (71) -> loli (32469)
create alias older_on_shota (65) -> shota (38241)

Reason: Alternatively, to young_female and young_male since these are effectively the same as adult_on_young + loli/shota.
Also added older_on_loli/shota since they sort of go together. Might need to change to young_female/male?
