Topic: Minus8 needs your help!

Posted under General

I'm not sure where to put this, but here we go!

lately Minus8, a really fantastic NSFW artist (creator of Shygals and was the forerunner of THAT Ankha animation) has been getting harassed and doxed. They've been forced to lay low, and has been struggling to make content. I'm surprised that no one is talking about this so I wanted to get the word out to support them any way I can! Please show them some love and support during this tough time!

Also I want to make it clear that I am not associated with Minus8. I am just a big fan and I don't want to see them disappear from the internet because of some bullies!

Thanks for reading!

Probably some idiots focusing on his admittance to having had bad thoughts, despite having never acted on them. Everybody has some bad thought or another, it's the ones who act on them that are bad people.

I wasn't aware of any of this, but I hope minus8 is doing ok.
Some people have too much free time on their hands and use it to harrass others over pity stuff, being miserable themselves they can only find joy in making others as miserable as them.


furrin_gok said:
[…] his admittance to having had bad thoughts, despite having never acted on them.

For those out of the loop, we’re talking about his admittance of having pedophilic thoughts, but never acting upon them.

Remember, people:
Wishing the artist would rot in prison, or saying he deserves death penalty, will do nothing but:
1) Put you in trouble
2) Push the artist, and whoever else has similar thoughts, to further isolate themselves rather than seek help.

If thought crimes were real, then the developers of Pay Day would be spending some mad time in prison for spectacular bank and casino robberies.
Nobody does anything wrong by simply thinking things.
What’s truly wrong is to act upon these thoughts and bring them to reality, which Minus8 is already deeply aware of.

I don’t think he poses any threat to anyone nor deserves any of the hate he’s getting.

simonknuckle said:
I'm not sure where to put this, but here we go!

lately Minus8, a really fantastic NSFW artist (creator of Shygals and was the forerunner of THAT Ankha animation) has been getting harassed and doxed. They've been forced to lay low, and has been struggling to make content. I'm surprised that no one is talking about this so I wanted to get the word out to support them any way I can! Please show them some love and support during this tough time!

Also I want to make it clear that I am not associated with Minus8. I am just a big fan and I don't want to see them disappear from the internet because of some bullies!

Thanks for reading!

I have a question.

Does Minus8 go to a psychologist to treat those thoughts of attraction to minors?

I haven't heard from him in a while apart from his confession on tumblr.

i'm surprised they're getting heat for that, but they ARE one of the biggest names in the r34 community... and the ankha dance origin...

massive shame.

cutefox123 said:
hang on this event was from over two years ago 6 years ago , why is this being brought up now? like I hope they got the help they needed but like.

They did get some therapy help and has rid themselves of those thoughts that disturbed them, even given up on drawing those artworks and removing them from their galleries.

However, recently they had apparently became the target of an online troll group that is digging around for old dirt and personal information just to harass and dox them.

thegreatwolfgang said:
They did get some therapy help and has rid themselves of those thoughts that disturbed them, even given up on drawing those artworks and removing them from their galleries.

However, recently they had apparently became the target of an online troll group that is digging around for old dirt and personal information just to harass and dox them.

Which is a damn shame. Tried reporting some people on DA doing something similar, but moderation there is pretty much non-existent.

never trust a website that ends with a .party, because it's always gonna be the group of raiders, pillagers and murderers kinda party

ninitito said:
It's sad how modern society openly promotes this.

You mean this? Troll attacks. If troll sites get pushed into the dark web because everybody know they'tre awful then no. This is what happened to that stalker site in September of last year.

dimoretpinel said:
For those out of the loop, we’re talking about his admittance of having pedophilic thoughts, but never acting upon them.

Remember, people:
Wishing the artist would rot in prison, or saying he deserves death penalty, will do nothing but:
1) Put you in trouble
2) Push the artist, and whoever else has similar thoughts, to further isolate themselves rather than seek help.

If thought crimes were real, then the developers of Pay Day would be spending some mad time in prison for spectacular bank and casino robberies.
Nobody does anything wrong by simply thinking things.
What’s truly wrong is to act upon these thoughts and bring them to reality, which Minus8 is already deeply aware of.

I don’t think he poses any threat to anyone nor deserves any of the hate he’s getting.

Damn, didn't know all of that, way to start 2024 I guess. Anyway, I hope Minus8 manages to recover from the hate and seek help (if he already hasn't/isn't)

And removing it just encourages more abuse. Fuck me running. Can't win either way. Remove it and bullies win. Keep it and again... bad.

Also, now i regret researching to see what happened because my paranoia of being a target of online harrasment is arrived again

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