Topic: Is resisting orgasm tag just not a popular tag or do people not realize when it should be used?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions
I don't know how to add pictures but here's a picture that was 7 days old and I had caught that this falls under resisting orgasm and it didn't have that tag. I had also added unwanted orgasm tags basically cause I thought it went hand in hand.
Anyway resisting orgasm is good fetish-based stuff that I'm really surprised there isn't more but I think just like this picture I did catch there are others that should have that tag but don't because of how unpopular it is.
But it's definitely like for me knowing about the Monster Girl Quest games and some other NSFW games I actually have built being obsessed with characters trying to prevent orgasms so I can definitely spot it.

gayfur said:
resisting orgasm is good fetish-based stuff

Yep, that's why I created the tag 8 years ago! It's a pretty niche tag, so if anything, it's surprising that it's accumulated so many posts. If you see any more posts missing it, just add the tag, of course. That's how tagging works.

EDIT: It's definitely both overtagged (stuff that probably shouldn't have it are tagged) and undertagged though. I just added two posts to it while going through some of edging dialogue orgasm_denial, and I'm going to continue going through that search for more.


I can imagine it's a pretty difficult thing to tag by TWYS. How do you tell visually that a character is resisting an orgasm? Note that the meaning of text/dialog doesn't count for TWYS (e.g. you don't tag a character male just because there's some dialog or text stating they are, you still need visual confirmation).

watsit said:
I can imagine it's a pretty difficult thing to tag by TWYS. How do you tell visually that a character is resisting an orgasm? Note that the meaning of text/dialog doesn't count for TWYS (e.g. you don't tag a character male just because there's some dialog or text stating they are, you still need visual confirmation).

Although I named the tag "resisting orgasm", I like to think that it really means "anti-orgasm motive", and perhaps that would've been a better name for it? This is the wiki I wrote for it:

When a character has a motive to hold off on having an orgasm. The motive can be some sort of reward, punishment, resulting situation, winning/losing a game, etc. The motive is generally explained with the use of text or dialogue.

So, it is a text-based tag, making it a problem with TWYS, but frankly other orgasm_denial-related stuff is often in a similar boat, as you can't see if someone is allowed to orgasm or not.

In practice, it does occasionally get tagged on non-text/dialogue posts, though that might just be people using external knowledge or making assumptions. For example, someone tagged it on this:
post #2742198
Presumably, the tagger was thinking it looks like he's try not to make too much noise and draw attention, and an orgasm might result in him moaning.

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