Topic: Don't You Secretly Love It When FA Is Down?

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That means e6 gets the rebound traffic and possibly new users to possibly see ads on a regular basis which means possibly more $$$ and the possibility of growing better and larger and possibly making the users happier as a result. Possibly.

Updated by hsauq

Why "secretly"? I openly like watching their userbase self-inflicted suffering.

Updated by anonymous

I love it when FA is down. The poor programming, the tendency for the worst kinds of people to gather there... it needs to go away forever someday.

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
I love it when FA is down. The poor programming, the tendency for the worst kinds of people to gather there... it needs to go away forever someday.

This site 504's half the time you try to use it, I'd say it's more in danger of disappearing than anything...

And honestly the same could be said in reverse, that the people on FA are much better than the one's on here. Depends on who you ask entirely.

Updated by anonymous

I wouldn't say that we would get ALL of the traffic, but we do get a bit when FA is down. Most of the traffic would go to an artist's alternate site like Tumblr, DeviantArt, Weasyl, etc.

Updated by anonymous

Well, I love it, but more like a platonic way, though :P

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
I wouldn't say that we would get ALL of the traffic, but we do get a bit when FA is down. Most of the traffic would go to an artist's alternate site like Tumblr, DeviantArt, Weasyl, etc.

How much is a bit, though? Is it a particularly large bit, or just a fraction of what the other sites get?

Updated by anonymous

No, I don't really.
Most artists uses FA as their main hub for art.
In turn considerably slowing down the flow of art from FA to E6 when the former goes down.

Updated by anonymous

I didn't miss it much when it went down after that big ddos attack, but it's not to say that I would love to see it go away because some people still like it.

Updated by anonymous

E6 sometimes gets clogged up at certain times whenever fa goes down due to the mass exodus over here, and while I love to watch that train wreck burn, it's pretty nice to see that most of the awfulness is contained there instead of seeping onto this site.

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
E6 sometimes gets clogged up at certain times whenever fa goes down due to the mass exodus over here, and while I love to watch that train wreck burn, it's pretty nice to see that most of the awfulness is contained there instead of seeping onto this site.

I thought most of the awfulness was on flist and inkbunny and whatever that furry fanfiction site is called

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
How much is a bit, though? Is it a particularly large bit, or just a fraction of what the other sites get?

A lil' bit

Updated by anonymous

I believe I was elated the first time I became aware that FA was down, after enough comments and information here and there seemed to validate my low opinion of that site in general. Probably the second time too. Isn't it the best kind of validation when the suspect service self-destructs from its own shabbiness? That feeling and validation was further reinforced by the rumors and specific facts that surfaced about FA during those outages.

At this point, however, my reaction to FA going down would be oh, they're down again. It's kind of sad when FA goes down, really. In spite of my low opinions of FA--in spite of everything bad over there--I don't harbor any ill will toward the targets of those low opinions. Although there is arguably some endemic decadence at all levels of FA, I don't think it's right to gain satisfaction from FA displacing its "innocent" members, even though they would inevitably perpetuate my low opinions. It's like gaining satisfaction from an idiot getting their comeuppance who has never personally slighted me and is very likely too ignorant to even realize that they are (deservedly) suffering for their flaws.

I say let the FA community indulge in their shabbiness, call a weed a flower, and make a mockery for prying eyes, but that kind of foolishness is relatively harmless and it's too bad that they end up paying for it in site downtime or poor performance.

tl;dr: I did, but I'm past it. Let FA be FA with full uptime.

Updated by anonymous

I love any site with a large fanbase go down.

except f-list.

Updated by anonymous

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