Topic: Archiving Amarian art?

Posted under General

blitzveeteam said: They will delete their gallery soon and then disappear. Is it allowed to archive their art here? (At the moment I don't have time to do it)

Best to ask the artist for permission first before uploading to e6, but I know a lot of people don't bother :P But then the artist might get upset and file a takedown. (And be mad at the person who did it.) It is allowed though as long as this artist isn't on the DNP list.

You might look into archiving via the wayback machine.

There is a relatively new archive of the artist's gallery here -

If you (or anybody else) wants to archive their artworks here on e621, ideally you would want to get their permission first before reuploading here.
You could also just upload it here without getting any permissions. Chances are they will either not care about it, or will request for their artworks to be nuked here as well.

thegreatwolfgang said:
There is a relatively new archive of the artist's gallery here -

If you (or anybody else) wants to archive their artworks here on e621, ideally you would want to get their permission first before reuploading here.

73 amarian posts at e621 so far,
earliest posted in 2017, with NO deleted posts so far. (ie. hopefully means they won't request deletion from e621 in future)

A related-issue is
it would be nice to complete Wayback Machine's archive of Amarian thumbnails before they get deleted.*/

While amarian's FA webpages are now mostly blank "..pending deletion...", the thumbnails (of uploads pending deletion) are STILL AVAILABLE.

(BUT uploads deleted BEFORE recent "pending deletion" have already had associated thumbnails deleted)

If archiving with Wayback Machine, please include the medium-size thumbnails that appear when you mouse-over a regular thumbnail on an artist's FA userpage.
(To avoid archive error, try to restrict yourself to archiving ONE image PER minute)

Example: archived the medium-size thumbnails (that were not already archived) at
example: "Charr grin" (looks rated-GENERAL)[email protected]


listerthesquirrel said:
73 amarian posts at e621 so far,
earliest posted in 2017, with NO deleted posts so far. (ie. hopefully means they won't request deletion from e621 in future)

A related-issue is
it would be nice to complete Wayback Machine's archive of Amarian thumbnails before they get deleted.*/

While amarian's FA webpages are now mostly blank "..pending deletion...", the thumbnails (of uploads pending deletion) are STILL AVAILABLE.

(BUT uploads deleted BEFORE recent "pending deletion" have already had associated thumbnails deleted)

If archiving with Wayback Machine, please include the medium-size thumbnails that appear when you mouse-over a regular thumbnail on an artist's FA userpage.
(To avoid archive error, try to restrict yourself to archiving ONE image PER minute)

Example: archived the medium-size thumbnails (that were not already archived) at
example: "Charr grin" (looks rated-GENERAL)[email protected] Hmm, this is touching on the anti-piracy policy so probably best to just go ask Amarian... Just for laughs: "Too late!" I already knew what it would say, but heh figured I'd do it just to show the message.
Protip: Deleting entire galleries is NOT the same as hiding the gallery nor the same as hiding the user page. AFAIK, you can selectively just hide the profile or gallery list. Oddly, links still work until actually deleted.

BTW: Backed up the database export (e621) for the first last night to It hasn't been done in months.


Turns out the full-images pending-deletion are still online,
and can be archived.


now archived at

(i figures out the image URL by going to that TheGreatWolfgang linked to,
right-click on thumbnail, & "view image", and copying the lastparts of URL
and then expanding to FA image URL-style

(not sure what official word of "UPLOADnumber" is)


EDIT: list, sorted by order at furarchiver :(rated G = rated General)

1) open for commissions (looks rated G):

2) white (croc?)(looks rated G):

3) Taura (looks rated G):

5) surfing shark (rated G or M?):

9) Korvus: already at
"General Rating".

10) "Charr grin" (looks rated G):

(page 2 at furarchiver)

B6) cholericrat (colored):


TBH, when FA had their purge this year, a LOT of people were using that direct 'Download' image URL method before telling the site to mass-delete things. You can actually subscribe to Wayback, if I understand it right. Then you can archive your own content without getting into the (free tier) public queue. You can also ask that they setup a job? If you host these files on a domain you own, you can just do it that way, then tell people it's archived as well as on your site. Like that Divine Acid comic has it's own domain. If using Wayback, Lord Maru would not have to worry about viewers losing access for whatever reason. will not do anything other than SFW posts (unless you have direct image URLs), so there's that, as well.

Sorry if it's a nosy question, but did they say why they were deleting all their stuff everywhere or why they're 'disappearing'?
Always loved their art, so it's kind of disappointing to see this happening.

bahebros said:
Sorry if it's a nosy question, but did they say why they were deleting all their stuff everywhere or why they're 'disappearing'?
Always loved their art, so it's kind of disappointing to see this happening.

i think she said that she didn't find making art fulfilling anymore, although her website is still up and she seems to not have any plans to delete it:

i did send her a not on FA asking if she's alright wither her art being here, and she replied with "I don't know if I will feel comfortable if anyone does a gallery with my works though. Sorry about that!"

dripen_arn said:
i think she said that she didn't find making art fulfilling anymore, although her website is still up and she seems to not have any plans to delete it:

i did send her a not on FA asking if she's alright wither her art being here, and she replied with "I don't know if I will feel comfortable if anyone does a gallery with my works though. Sorry about that!"

I was afraid to ask since I felt it would be inappropriate to do right after they announced it. But can respect their decision, just wished them the best.

(a "wayback" is an archived page at Wayback Machine)

Earliest wayback of Amarian's FA userpage:
All the hover-thumbnails of Amarian gallery part of that userpage now waybacked.
(Haven't gotten to the Favorites part of that userpage ... i figure they aren't pending-deletion so we have more time for the favs)

(as far as i can tell) Amarian's earliest FA upload is 16034072 :

earliest Amarian upload in main gallery with OLD FA horizontal-strip of thumbs: (4 of thumbnails in strip archived today

edit: checked first 24 uploads in FA main gallery (from 1st "Amarian wip" to 24th By the sea )

EDIT: e621 forum thread about archiving at topic #31378
(main thing to remember is if you looking at webpage,
is to UNcheck the "Save error pages" box. NO point in saving an error in my opinion.)


Just waybacked main art at
1) : "Spearfishing - by Amarian".(missing 2 thumbnails because previously deleted?)
2) : "Character Auction - closed - by Amarian".
3) "Mystical flares - by Amarian". (missing 1 thumbnail because previously deleted?)

(posting these replies in hopes of inspiring others to check out other parts of Amarian archives*/

& thus hopefully archiving more art still pending-deletion.


dripen_arn said:
i think she said that she didn't find making art fulfilling anymore, although her website is still up and she seems to not have any plans to delete it:

i did send her a not on FA asking if she's alright wither her art being here, and she replied with "I don't know if I will feel comfortable if anyone does a gallery with my works though. Sorry about that!"

Aaahhh... that's really unfortunate.
I always find it weird when an artist just decides to nuke everything, it honestly makes no sense to me, but ah well, can't be helped I guess.

blitzveeteam said: They will delete their gallery soon and then disappear. Is it allowed to archive their art here? (At the moment I don't have time to do it)

Looks like I'm late to the party. I tried clicking the link to read the journal, but t's pending deletion, in this state I can't run my utility and get an archive of their art.

Maybe its on

wolfmanfur said:
Looks like I'm late to the party. I tried clicking the link to read the journal, but t's pending deletion, in this state I can't run my utility and get an archive of their art.

Maybe its on

Their art is at FurArchiver (link posted by TheGreatWolfgang earlier in thread),
but images in Amarian's FA are still available,
(Edit: example link removed, now "403 Forbidden" other Amarian images still online)

so if you visit any FA amarian webpage URL via Wayback Machine you can hopefully give the Wayback Machine a nudge to get it to archive more Amarian images (the ones it doesn't already have).

If you don't see an image at Wayback Machine (and the image is still available online),
you can archive it by going to
A) (and entering the URL into box below "Explore more than 835 billion web pages saved over time", so make sure it isn't already archived ... and click on link to SEE what they archived ... it could be just a link that asks you to archive it)
B1) if not already archived, suggest going to, and
b2) putting the URL you want to archive into field below "Save Page Now",
b3) UNclick the "Save error pages" (no point saving an error),
and finally
b4) click on "SAVE PAGE" button.

edit: oh, and suggest you load only Wayback page at a time. (ie. wait for one Wayback page to finish downloading/progress-swirl-to-stop,
before opening the next Wayback tab or window)


FA Amarian images still available to archive.

I started with earliest upload i could find and slowly making my way to the latest (but i think I'm only a third of the way through)*
* = occasionally got distracted with cool art (from after 2017) i saw in Amarian gallery, which i archived.

Have gotten to Jan 19th, 2017 artwork:

Maybe you can start
A) with some 2019 artworks: examples at

B) with latest artworks: example (latest legit archive of gallery page1)
(apparently there was no successful archive in 2022, and gallery not archived this year)

FA Amarian images still available to archive.

Not going to link to an example, because linking to previous example (2 posts before this one)
seemed to result in that image becoming "403 Forbidden". (I'm guessing too many people looked at that image and FA decided to delete that image)

Seems like Amarian images now deleted from FA.

I think the latest I archived was morning of October 2 (UTC).*/*
says latest fullimage archived was amarian_star_adopt_bk.jpg archived 6thhour of 2023-Oct-02
at webpage

I thought i archived some images later on Oct2 (UTC), but maybe that was just an assumption.

Amarian thumbnails also seem to be deleted,
includes thumbnail for "Engineer Adopt (closed) with archive date 2023-10-02 (4th hour), but live URL now results in "Image Not Found".

Another example: Zaith, the Gnoll
page archived at
with the main image archived 2023-Sept-06 ,
but trying the live version now result in "Image Not Found".

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