Topic: Should bloodless and goreless get invalidated?

Posted under General

bloodless goreless
The wiki states that the tag is for situations where you would expect blood/gore, but it isn't present.

However we already have blood and gore tags, and we shouldn't have both a tag and it's negation as a tag.



Since they're "for situations where you would expect blood/gore, but it isn't present", they're not exactly the negation of the blood and gore tags. Like when there's no blood despite an arm getting cut off. Other tags like no_underwear have similar uses, they're not for images that simply don't have the thing, but don't have them when they're expected.

If there's significant mistags and they're used a lot where blood/gore are not expected, then maybe invalidation or something is warranted.

watsit said:
Since they're "for situations where you would expect blood/gore, but it isn't present", they're not exactly the negation of the blood and gore tags. Like when there's no blood despite an arm getting cut off. Other tags like no_underwear have similar uses, they're not for images that simply don't have the thing, but don't have them when they're expected.

Its not very descriptive. I know what you mean, but a tag to describe body part removal fetishes without the obvious implication of decapitation or gore would be better and less likely to be mistagged by anybody.

I can't come up with a good name for that hypothetical tag however, but anything that those arbitrarily named tags describe can be described without them. Instead of goreless, let's use something like 'detachable_limbs' and 'synthetic_body'. Perhaps you can give me some ideas?

If there's significant mistags and they're used a lot where blood/gore are not expected, then maybe invalidation or something is warranted.

I'm on board!