Topic: [Feature] If content is already found here make the msg less annoying when closing/updating tab

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Fine, throw in my face that this pixiv or twitter content has already been uploaded but don't humiliate me further if I try to update or close the tab saying "ArE yOu SuRe? YoU wIlL lOsE yOuR dAtA..."

My suggestion are:
- If it's going to be a dupe, ask if you want to automatically copy the tags and sources to the content already on the page.
- If trying to close/update the tab with the uploader after it found that it's going to be a dupe, ask if the user want to clean the fields or at least don't show "you will lose the written info" and just close/update it already.

versperus said:
If you want to save yourself some headache I would suggest just running the image through first, it will check the hash for the image against existing content on e6 before you even go through the effort of the upload page.

That only works for an exact match, right? e621 has a built in similar image checker, which I think catches cases like different resolution.



scth said:
That only works for an exact match, right? e621 has a built in similar image checker, which I think catches cases like different resolution.

SauceNAO doesn't only find exact matches, it will find similar looking images too (different resolution, and even different details; it'll often find an image's alts if there are any).

I'd prefer if it just ran the md5 check at the moment you enter the URL instead of making you do all the work of entering the tags first.

wat8548 said:
I'd prefer if it just ran the md5 check at the moment you enter the URL instead of making you do all the work of entering the tags first.

Considering that most of my posts I already knew I was the only one uploading... Yeah, only got caught by this once, and it was because the image I uploaded wasn't tagged properly with the character (if I remember right).

versperus said:
If you want to save yourself some headache I would suggest just running the image through first, it will check the hash for the image against existing content on e6 before you even go through the effort of the upload page.

That's double the effort of uploading 30 to more images, I just want an if with a boolean that deactivate the warning...

wat8548 said:
I'd prefer if it just ran the md5 check at the moment you enter the URL instead of making you do all the work of entering the tags first.

alternatively, i kinda want a, "check for similar images button" aswell in the upload page. would be better than needing to keep another tab open.