Topic: Could someone upload Chikn.Nuggit(kyrakupetsky)'s new content from TikTok?

Posted under Art Talk

I've noticed that kyrakupetsky's newer Chikn.Nuggit TikTok stuff hasn't been uploaded yet. I don't want to do it myself for personal reasons. Could anyone go through his newer* Chikn Nuggit content ans upload it to e6? Thanks in advance!

*what's been uploaded since the video from post #4078234

notknow said:
They don't mirror their stuff to youtube and twitter?

Definitely to Twitter, which I avoid for the same reason I avoid TikTok, but I don't think they mirror to YT.

hi, i'm one of the guys whose uploaded chikn nuggit content here over the years

i did it initially alongisde the guy who got this whole ball rolling after seeing them beg for help in the description of an episode they uploaded, they quit awhile ago and now i just let the current mvp ripperoftheworld do their thing until they want a break

however, after agreeing to upload in their place after they uploaded nonstop from mid-february to early-may of this year, i've been really shirking my duties due to my own exhaustion and life and other special interests kinda taking over.
the straw that broke the camel's back was the downloader i've been using (yt-downloader) becoming deprecated and unusable since the last time i used it, and that just totally deflated me from uploading this stuff

i'll try to get back in the swing of things however, i just got the brand-spanken-new fork of yt-downloader (yt-dlp, for those of you who care about command-line) and the youtube channel seems to have the highest quality version of these animations yet!

tell rotw i'm sorry for not living up, and that i'm now back in buissness

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