Topic: Which Pokémon would you bang?

Posted under General

If you could have sex with one Pokémon (besides Gardevoir) which one would it be?

I'd like to get busy with a pretty Florges. She looks like a real classy lady.

Good question
My old "Smash or Pass" list went up to about 150 since SV came out

Though I prefer smaller cutesy types like Pikachu and Wigglytuff over the most obvious like Lucario or Delphox

The choice is big. Sylveon, delphox, braixen, lopunny, florges, zoroark, florges, eevee, meloetta. I can go on like this for a long time, but these are my best picks.

🎶Scorbunny likes it faster🎶
🎶Machoke is gonna rock it🎶
🎶Who wouldn't wanna master a harem in your pocket?🎶
(Furrýmon: Gotta Smash ’Em All! by The Chalkeaters, post #3712502)

Charizard, I guess? Like half of pokemon are smash-able, and there's so many tempting choices... Charizard, Feraligatr, Incineroar, Zangoose, Jolteon, Umbreon, Houndour, Litten, Totodile, Salandit, Nidoking...

pineathyl said:
incineroar incineroar incineroar incineroar incineroar incineroar

You can't convince me that Game Freak (Creatures Inc.?) didn't design Incineroar to intentionally be pure furbait... Definitely not complaining.


My choices would be Scorbunny, any of the Eeveelutions, Charmelion, and Lucario. Male or Female.

Please, direct your attention to MY SET
I clearly know what kinds of Pokemon I like.

Needs update tbh since a new god damn geneeration is out, FML

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