Topic: Make it official that complaining about missing tags in the comment section is against the rules.

Posted under General

Im seeing too often folks crying out missing tas, this is disruptive and can turn what would have otherwise been a normal conversation into an argument or cause mistags if the person yelling about the missing tag(s) happen to be wrong.

Sometimes, this is enforced which is right. Sometimes, it is not.
The first example was only enforced because the user was whining over a missing tag while they could have chosen to blacklist another tag.
With this said, not long ago someone received these records which I cant find the tickets for
So, the latter example is against the rules (maybe?) which was loosely enforced against them but nobody else?

I reckon there needs to be an actual rule against rallying or riling up folks by complaining about missing tags when the tags can be fixed by hand. I see it way too often and it annoys me.
I can cite over a dozen different examples of this happening that didn't get a record whether I reported them or not.

wolfmanfur said:
Im seeing too often folks crying out missing tas, this is disruptive and can turn what would have otherwise been a normal conversation into an argument or cause mistags if the person yelling about the missing tag(s) happen to be wrong.

Sometimes, this is enforced which is right. Sometimes, it is not.
The first example was only enforced because the user was whining over a missing tag while they could have chosen to blacklist another tag.
With this said, not long ago someone received these records which I cant find the tickets for
So, the latter example is against the rules (maybe?) which was loosely enforced against them but nobody else?

I reckon there needs to be an actual rule against rallying or riling up folks by complaining about missing tags when the tags can be fixed by hand. I see it way too often and it annoys me.
I can cite over a dozen different examples of this happening that didn't get a record whether I reported them or not.

Well, when it wasn't enforced, the person wasn't complaining, just asking to tag the post correctly in a nice way.
The rule itself is on the "use your blacklist" section.

I dunno, I think it's fine as it is. I also get annoyed at people whining in the comments rather than updating the tag themselves, but I wouldn't see it as disruptive to warrant a warning on people's accounts over it. It's all up to interpretation anyway. If the person is being a jackass about it, they should get a strike (as they are according to your examples), but if someone is making one of those "please tag" comments, it's just a comment. It's not causing any controversy or attacking anyone, so I don't see a reason for the mods to harp on it so hard. Seems like they have enough on their plate already to police the creeps, role-players and people causing controversy and fighting in the comments already.
Besides, things wont always be 100% enforced anyway. Things slip through the cracks, especially with the amount of users on this site these days.

Adding tag you wanted blocked is fine, but you have to admit that some people seem realllllly bad at tagging things that trigger people making that complaint. I don't see it really being a problem to complain if it keeps happening, but maybe reporting habitual offenders is more appropriate? Then again, you'd get soooooo many bad reports or reports on a single mistake. I thought we wanted it brought to attention of uploader and other taggers, so it can get fixed, anyways?

Making a World War III over bad tagging instead of fixing and reminding, and then moving on seems maybe ought to be warned against. I too have seen dozens of comments back and forth between two people over blacklists. XD It would be a type of baiting to say "use blacklist!" when you know damn well you didn't add it until afterwards. Instead of you know, admitting that you messed up and are taking it under advisement. THAT is the real problem. People don't like being gaslighted.

I mean, on TV Tropes, there's a relatively similar statement that hopefully should be applied: Repair, Don't Respond. Rather than complaining about missing or incorrect tags, it is in your ability to correct those small mistakes. Big, unilateral edits are another thing, and should be discussed with.

I'll be honest, I've never liked this. I remember the old administration being tougher on this and I think that's actually one of the few examples of where they did something right.

It takes longer to write a shitty comment complaining about the tagging than fixing it themselves, and it's even worse still when they leave a comment but continue to not fix it despite full well knowing that the tag belongs there.

It's easy to fix it yourself, and if you keep seeing it you can report frequent offenders.1 There's no point filling the comment sections with pointless gripes about the tagging when they're supposed to be about the post itself for the most part. It's also really not fair on the artists when they spend hours making art and somebody posts it here and the comments are just complaints about the tags.

Admittedly it's a fine line, because comments like "Should this image be tagged with X?" should be deemed reasonable, but pointless complaints shouldn't be.

1. Or even send them a nice DMail, sometimes people aren't aware they're doing wrong. I've actually opted for that option quite a few times in the past and they've all ceased doing it.

faucet said:

Admittedly it's a fine line, because comments like "Should this image be tagged with X?" should be deemed reasonable, but pointless complaints shouldn't be.

Bad example, that creates a debate (especially for young tags) and basically waits for what the consensus/mods opinions are.

I'm not sure myself what the grey area of bad complaints and legit question would be.

... Isn't this literally what the image comment sections are intended for? Discussing the tagging?

faucet said:
I'll be honest, I've never liked this. I remember the old administration being tougher on this and I think that's actually one of the few examples of where they did something right.

It takes longer to write a shitty comment complaining about the tagging than fixing it themselves, and it's even worse still when they leave a comment but continue to not fix it despite full well knowing that the tag belongs there.

It's easy to fix it yourself, and if you keep seeing it you can report frequent offenders.1 There's no point filling the comment sections with pointless gripes about the tagging when they're supposed to be about the post itself for the most part. It's also really not fair on the artists when they spend hours making art and somebody posts it here and the comments are just complaints about the tags.

Admittedly it's a fine line, because comments like "Should this image be tagged with X?" should be deemed reasonable, but pointless complaints shouldn't be.

1. Or even send them a nice DMail, sometimes people aren't aware they're doing wrong. I've actually opted for that option quite a few times in the past and they've all ceased doing it.

LOL, following that same logic, I'll just downvote comments complaining when it's not someone deliberately not tagging those things. They'll become hidden to most users with default comment filter. Problem solved!

alphamule said:
LOL, following that same logic, I'll just downvote comments complaining when it's not someone deliberately not tagging those things. They'll become hidden to most users with default comment filter. Problem solved!

It ain't gonna happen because if it is on a divisive topic they will be upvoted. Your vote is worth the same as anybody else.

votp said:
... Isn't this literally what the image comment sections are intended for? Discussing the tagging?

It's intended to discuss the image and maybe changes before applying them once in a blue moon. Complaining that a tag that should be on the post is missing is again not conductive to a good discussion and it's annoying to see for the 20th or 30th time.

wolfmanfur said:
It ain't gonna happen because if it is on a divisive topic they will be upvoted. Your vote is worth the same as anybody else.

It's intended to discuss the image and maybe changes before applying them once in a blue moon. Complaining that a tag that should be on the post is missing is again not conductive to a good discussion and it's annoying to see for the 20th or 30th time.

TBF, I usually see such complaints nuked into -10 or worse.

I never understand people who will complain about missing tags, and then proceed to not add said tags they wanted onto the post.

leotheairwolf said:
I never understand people who will complain about missing tags, and then proceed to not add said tags they wanted onto the post.

Same here, if something is missing a tag, I add it and move on, it doesn't even rise to the level of being mad or frustrated for me. Maybe it would be understandable in a very specific circumstance where a single uploader has posted a number of images, and failed to add some pretty basic tags, though if it's just a single post that slipped through, it takes more time whining about it than it does to fix it, so why bother even making the comment?

But unless someone is making a lot of comments complaining about a missing tag (and not fixing it either), I don't think it's worth making more rules for the site.

maplebytes said:
Same here, if something is missing a tag, I add it and move on, it doesn't even rise to the level of being mad or frustrated for me. Maybe it would be understandable in a very specific circumstance where a single uploader has posted a number of images, and failed to add some pretty basic tags, though if it's just a single post that slipped through, it takes more time whining about it than it does to fix it, so why bother even making the comment?

But unless someone is making a lot of comments complaining about a missing tag (and not fixing it either), I don't think it's worth making more rules for the site. Said other member has gotten the hang of it, now. Pretty much all fluffy pony posts have tags that many, many people blacklist.

leotheairwolf said:
I never understand people who will complain about missing tags, and then proceed to not add said tags they wanted onto the post.

Adding tags requires learning how to use the tagging system while pretty much everyone already knows how to leave a comment. It's easy to learn, but I get it.

orangeleaf said:
Adding tags requires learning how to use the tagging system while pretty much everyone already knows how to leave a comment. It's easy to learn, but I get it.

what if some people are so repulsed by the tag thats missing that they'd rather not spend extra seconds thinking about it enough to add such a tag to the image? it would be rare, but some people really just wanna quickly leave that image behind rather than stay longer than necessary but still want to complain in hopes that someone with more composure for the tag than them can do it?

orangeleaf said:
Adding tags requires learning how to use the tagging system while pretty much everyone already knows how to leave a comment. It's easy to learn, but I get it.

By definition, if you know which tag is missing when you leave your comment complaining about a missing tag, you know which tag you should add.

watermelonbeckon said:
what if some people are so repulsed by the tag thats missing that they'd rather not spend extra seconds thinking about it enough to add such a tag to the image? it would be rare, but some people really just wanna quickly leave that image behind rather than stay longer than necessary but still want to complain in hopes that someone with more composure for the tag than them can do it?

The comment would have to be at most two words long, and not contain the name of the specific tag it was complaining about, in order to attain such a time saving.

Assuming these tags are considered objectionable tags (I.E. tags on the global blacklist); Not adding the objectionable tags upon uploading is disruptive. I think if an objectionable tag is missing and it is disruptive enough that people are commenting about it, both the person who is responsible for the missing tag (typically the uploader), and the commenter should get a record.

If it was up to me, the person responsible for the missing tag should get a record under rule 3.1:

Do not use any site tools in a fashion that can be construed as disruptive, spamming, or defamatory.

And the commenter would get a record under rule 1.5 and rule 3.1:

Do not complain about image and video content that could be blacklisted[...]

Do not use any site tools in a fashion that can be construed as disruptive, spamming, or defamatory.

Objectionable tags would be anything that is on the global blacklist. This wouldn't apply for something like forgetting to tag something like mlp, or even m/m or m/f.

wolfmanfur said:
Sometimes, it is not.

Even if this were a specific rule, I still wouldn't have given them a record. We don't typically give records for every little thing, especially if it's the only time they've done it. They made one comment, and left it at that. No action was needed. Could the comment be counted as disruptive? Sure. Was it disruptive enough to warrant a record? Not in my opinion. Additionally, there wasn't a blacklisting issue. It's very likely from their perspective, the uploader consistently forgets the tag. The comment could have been worded better, but mentioning it doesn't really harm anyone.
I've done something like this myself: comment #6177958
Post was uploaded with the incorrect rating, and I made a comment about it. Could I have not left the comment? Sure. Could I have DMailed them instead? Sure. Could I have reported them instead? Sure, though it may well have been dismissed. This comment was also reported, and swiftly dismissed - ticket #103353
Was anyone hurt by the comment? Not really.

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