Long chains are quite annoying to fix, so I decided to create a simple tool to do it.
I don't want to associate my Github with e621, so I'll just post the code here:
import json import os.path import requests as requests from ratelimit import limits, sleep_and_retry @sleep_and_retry @limits(calls=1, period=1) def api_limit(): pass def get_login() -> tuple[str, str]: if os.path.isfile("login.json"): with open("login.json", "r") as file: data = json.load(file) return data["username"], data["key"] username = input("Username: ") key = input("API key: ") if input("Save login (y/n): ") == "y": with open("login.json", "w") as file: json.dump({"username": username, "key": key}, file) return username, key def get_page(session: requests.Session, post_id: str) -> dict: api_limit() response = session.get(f"https://e621.net/posts/{post_id}.json") if not response: print(f"Unable to get {post_id}: Status {response.status_code}, response {response.text}") exit(1) post = response.json()["post"] return {"id": post_id, "parent": post["relationships"]["parent_id"], "pools": post["pools"]} def get_chain(session: requests.Session, start: str) -> list: print("Getting posts") post_id = start result = [] while post_id is not None: result.append(get_page(session, post_id)) print(f"Got {post_id}, pools: {result[-1]['pools']}") post_id = result[-1]["parent"] result.reverse() return result def get_category(): while True: response = input("category (series/collection): ") if response == "series" or response == "s": return "series" if response == "collection" or response == "c": return "collection" print("Invalid response") def create_pool(session: requests.Session, chain: list): payload = dict() payload["pool[name]"] = input("name: ") payload["pool[description]"] = input("description: ") payload["pool[category]"] = get_category() payload["pool[is_active]"] = "true" payload["pool[post_ids]"] = " ".join([str(post["id"]) for post in chain]) api_limit() response = session.post("https://e621.net/pools.json", data=payload) if response: print(f"Created pool: https://e621.net/pools/{response.json()['id']}") else: print(f"Failed to create pool: Status {response.status_code}, response {response.text}") def remove_parents(session: requests.Session, chain: list): for post in chain[1:]: payload = dict() payload["post[parent_id]"] = "" payload["post[old_parent_id]"] = str(post["parent"]) payload["post[edit_reason]"] = "Convert chain to pool (automatic update)" api_limit() response = session.patch(f"https://e621.net/posts/{post['id']}.json", data=payload) if response: print(f"Removed parent from post {post['id']}") else: print(f"Failed to remove parent from post {post['id']}: Status {response.status_code}, response {response.text}") def main(): login = get_login() start = input("ID of last post in chain: ") with requests.Session() as session: session.auth = login session.headers.update({"User-Agent": "ChainToPool/1.0 (by SCTH)"}) chain = get_chain(session, start) if input("Create pool (y/n): ") == "y": create_pool(session, chain) if input("Remove parents from chain (y/n): ") == "y": remove_parents(session, chain) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
I don't use Python much, but it is quite convenient for small things like this.