Topic: How much music do you have saved right now?

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At the moment, I have well over 13,000 individual files of music, ranging from video game soundtracks, intrumentals, movie soundtracks, anime soundtracks, popular band music, oddball music, epic motivational music, etc.

In fact, I have so much music on my smartphone that I've just about filled up my 64 GB MicroSD card, and will soon purchase a 128 GB MicroSD card when I've listened through it all and delete tracks that I feel are too brief, too quiet, and/or not memorable enough for my tastes. I have a few more GB of music on my laptop's hard drive, and will no doubt go into my smartphone when I've made more space available.

I'd list the music that I have, but I'll save that for later, after hearing what generally interests you all, and when I'm not uploading images or updating tags/wiki pages.

Please feel free to list the type of music you listen to, and even put a link to them (such as through YouTube) of your favorite tracks.

Here's a good start from me.

"Archangel" - Two Steps From Hell

Updated by Juicy

Not a byte. I do have a couple playlists on youtube but that's it.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Lemme check...
17835 files (minus cover art), for total of 140GB.

180K scrobbles on, so on average, ten listens per song.

I tend to listen to power metal while tagging. Such as Virgin Steele, Falconer, and Dreamtale.

Updated by anonymous

1,278 songs on my iPod... I'd have more on there if my computer had the capicity to downloas more without crashing.

Updated by anonymous

Most of my music is either EDM or instrumental, and seldom has lyrics. I'm generally very picky with what I keep, so I can fit most of my library on a 16 GB phone with room for apps.

Oh, and I suppose I'll throw dubstep/DnB in there. I have a pair of M-80s which hit the sub-bass well enough for the price without sacrificing the mids or coloring the sound too much. I like a wide variety from Tempa to Monstercat, Rusko to Au5. And some borderline/overlapping artists like Glitch Mob and Lindsey Stirling.

Updated by anonymous

387 songs on my phone and 1,066 songs on my computer. Includes all genres from hip hop to rock to classical. (But no reggae, I dislike that with a passion)

Updated by anonymous

I pay for spotify premium, and have a lot of playlists on youtube, but that's about it. But I do occasionally listen to pandora to try and find new artists n stuff.

Oh, and similar to Parasprite's types of music. Mostly instrumental, EDM, and dub, but with a lot of chiptune thrown in there too.

Updated by anonymous

As for what I like: rock and classical. I like David Bowie's work in particular.
Not usually a fan of love songs, mainly because there's a billion of them.
My favorite, though, is vidya game music. I could go on all day about my favorite video game songs, which ones helped the ambience the most, which ones didn't play enough... But I don't plan on writing all day.

Updated by anonymous

651 files, 2.94GB

  • 439 in MP3, 2.93GB (18 hidden, 118.67MB)

212 Console music

    • 201 SNES SPC, 12.32MB

10 NES NSF, 394.79KB
1 GBC GSF (Shantae), 304.23KB

Right now listening to: Self vs. Self - Pendulum + In Flames

I lost ~250 MP3s when my HDD died. Several Molotov albums and about 80 Hatsune Miku/Vocaloid songs :I (think I still have them in an old computer)

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
[curiosity intensifies]

14 Instrumental (Pendulum's Immersion album, 95.95MB) and the other 4 are RC88's soundtrack part of Fighting is Magic (22.72MB)

Updated by anonymous

1255 files in the music folder... somehow. Looked a little closer, and when I cut out the bloat, a much more accurate number is 938 files since I started listening to and collecting music around 10 years ago. Ignoring the 2 albums for a moment, that's 847 individually selected songs.

My process...

My tradition has always been to positively identify songs that I like from wherever, amidst the dullness of all the other music. I write those songs down until I've accumulated enough to enjoy their diversity as a group rather than focus on and overplay individual songs, which is usually about 20+ songs in a broad, even rap-rock mix. It's mostly just some standouts from the mainstream stuff getting played, mostly not eclectic or obscure.

When I feel like it, which can be months or years apart, I'll download all those pending songs. Then I go through a testing phase where I either learn to appreciate the songs I acquired (about 95%) or I judge a few songs undesirable and cut them. I'll replay the list here and there until it just begins to seem stale and then file the lot of them away, fearing that I'll lose all enjoyment for them if I continue. My interest in music usually enters a cooling off period at that point, but I'll probably restart the selection process before I enter full hibernation. Another months' or longer interlude, and I'll go full circle again. I am most certainly a creature of ritualistic habit.

Presently, I've probably amassed a good 40 30 songs to collect and try out, I think about going on another expedition for remixed game music with increasing frequency, and I've been slowly making my way into the classical genre during trips.

Here's, uh, whatever:

Peter Gabriel
The Offspring
Dark Cecil13 & Injury
Gustav Holst

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
14 Instrumental (Pendulum's Immersion album, 95.95MB) and the other 4 are RC88's soundtrack part of Fighting is Magic (22.72MB)

I also have those songs from the soundtrack

Just curious though, why are they hidden?

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I also have those songs from the soundtrack

Just curious though, why are they hidden?

Because they reappear again every time I add a new song. It's not that I don't like them, since I still listen to them but it gets kinda annoying to have removed them from the main playlist and reappear again :/

I do unhide them every now and then, though

also because my family doesn't know I like MLP ._.

except my youngest brother and my nephew (16 and 12, resp.) who may have gotten an idea after seeing some things. Luckily, those things were SFW n_n;

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Because they reappear again every time I add a new song. It's not that I don't like them, since I still listen to them but it gets kinda annoying to have removed them from the main playlist and reappear again :/

That makes sense. I've probably done something similar.

[/quote]except my youngest brother and my nephew (16 and 12, resp.)[/quote]

They know. They always know.

Updated by anonymous