Over the past few months and years, I've seen many people get banned or marked over political issues. If anything, the site has a heavy bias regarding political topics and issues. When it comes to people criticizing specific political or ideological movements, downvoting or upvoting comments, or making jokes, the people that get disciplined the most are the ones who don't lean left on the subject.
For example, people criticize posts posted after the Nashville shooter in March. Those people got banned or marked. People who use right-leaning, centrist, or libertarian political commentators as sources get disciplined. No, I'm not just talking about The Daily Wire types of commentators: I'm talking about Tim Pool and Short Fat Otaku types - milk-toast fence-sitter commentators.
For crying out loud, people who commented a death threat to someone 'phobic' got a neutral make while the said 'phobe is banned.
Users who call people Nazis, racist, and homophobic rarely get banned, yet when other users say those words are watered-down, they get barred.
I believe the mods are biased, and they should be politically neutral.
"Bigots don't deserve to live," some may say. "Instaphobes can't be negotiated with."
There is a black man who's known for deradicalizing KKK members. Yet, people call him a White Surpremeses and a Nazi because he has some right-leaning views - how does that make sense?
Some deeply radicalized people may never change their minds, but I believe the rest can have their minds changed.
"Bigots want us dead," some say, "They are passing laws that are killing us."
Some of the current bills being passed and presented in The States are questionable and stupid at worst: the outright banning of drag shows; having transgender people wait until they're 26 for genital reconstruction surgery or hormone replacement treatments. I believe those are wrong. What I'm mainly, and many others, are worried about is minors getting such treatments and being exposed to adult performances. I believe that if a minor gets top surgery or genital surgery, it's for medical emergencies - unable to save the body part or cancer.
"Puberty blockers and hormone treatments existed for a long time. You can't ban such beneficial treatment."
Yes, I know. I believe that an underdeveloped minor should have access to hormone treatments. Does the juvenile have a low level of testosterone or estrogen? Let's give them the therapy to help build their body. Early puberty? Let's use the blockers to delay their body's change until they're at a better suitable age.
"Bigots want Pride merchandise banned for stores."
Why should there be baby and children's clothes that say "Queer," "My First PRIDE," and similar? I'll roll my eyes if I see an adult with those clothing in public, but what can I do? Is there adult imagery on them? No? Okay, we're good. But why minors? Plus, putting 'tuck-friendly' swimsuits in the front of a store is inappropriate for kids. I do not want to explain to my kids - who are under 13 - what that means. I agree that such merchandise shouldn't be banned, but it shouldn't be for minors.
No, I don't have kids yet.
"Trans people exist. You are denying their existence as human beings."
I know. No, I'm not. I'll treat them with respect as long as they are decent human beings. My main concern for transgender has to do with medical treatments. The male and female bodies have different tolerances to meds. Medical testing on females for drugs rarely happen till the mid to early 1990s.
"Trans Rights are Human Rights."
"Trans women are women; trans men are men."
They should be treated as their identified gender, yes. But the 'trans' modifier already makes that statement false. Again, I will treat you as you identified gender, but I refer to you as a trans man or trans woman.
"Black Lives Matter."
The statement is true, but not the group.
"All Cops Are Bastards."
I don't trust cops most of the time. Some of the laws that law enforcement arbitrarily enforces are evil. But yet, you cheer on the cops when your ideological enemies are arrested or shot. If we're to abolish police officers, then everyone should be armed.
"Guns kill people. We must regulate those dangerous things."
Then cars, knives, and hammers kill people then. We can regulate those things, but people will always find a way to murder someone.
With people being deeply divided in political discourse now, I highly doubt the mods and other users will listen to me. If anything, I'll be banned for being a 'troll.'
Updated by Earlopain