Topic: Speaking My Mind - e621 Political Bias

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Over the past few months and years, I've seen many people get banned or marked over political issues. If anything, the site has a heavy bias regarding political topics and issues. When it comes to people criticizing specific political or ideological movements, downvoting or upvoting comments, or making jokes, the people that get disciplined the most are the ones who don't lean left on the subject.

For example, people criticize posts posted after the Nashville shooter in March. Those people got banned or marked. People who use right-leaning, centrist, or libertarian political commentators as sources get disciplined. No, I'm not just talking about The Daily Wire types of commentators: I'm talking about Tim Pool and Short Fat Otaku types - milk-toast fence-sitter commentators.

For crying out loud, people who commented a death threat to someone 'phobic' got a neutral make while the said 'phobe is banned.

Users who call people Nazis, racist, and homophobic rarely get banned, yet when other users say those words are watered-down, they get barred.

I believe the mods are biased, and they should be politically neutral.


"Bigots don't deserve to live," some may say. "Instaphobes can't be negotiated with."

There is a black man who's known for deradicalizing KKK members. Yet, people call him a White Surpremeses and a Nazi because he has some right-leaning views - how does that make sense?

Some deeply radicalized people may never change their minds, but I believe the rest can have their minds changed.

"Bigots want us dead," some say, "They are passing laws that are killing us."

Some of the current bills being passed and presented in The States are questionable and stupid at worst: the outright banning of drag shows; having transgender people wait until they're 26 for genital reconstruction surgery or hormone replacement treatments. I believe those are wrong. What I'm mainly, and many others, are worried about is minors getting such treatments and being exposed to adult performances. I believe that if a minor gets top surgery or genital surgery, it's for medical emergencies - unable to save the body part or cancer.

"Puberty blockers and hormone treatments existed for a long time. You can't ban such beneficial treatment."

Yes, I know. I believe that an underdeveloped minor should have access to hormone treatments. Does the juvenile have a low level of testosterone or estrogen? Let's give them the therapy to help build their body. Early puberty? Let's use the blockers to delay their body's change until they're at a better suitable age.

"Bigots want Pride merchandise banned for stores."

Why should there be baby and children's clothes that say "Queer," "My First PRIDE," and similar? I'll roll my eyes if I see an adult with those clothing in public, but what can I do? Is there adult imagery on them? No? Okay, we're good. But why minors? Plus, putting 'tuck-friendly' swimsuits in the front of a store is inappropriate for kids. I do not want to explain to my kids - who are under 13 - what that means. I agree that such merchandise shouldn't be banned, but it shouldn't be for minors.

No, I don't have kids yet.

"Trans people exist. You are denying their existence as human beings."

I know. No, I'm not. I'll treat them with respect as long as they are decent human beings. My main concern for transgender has to do with medical treatments. The male and female bodies have different tolerances to meds. Medical testing on females for drugs rarely happen till the mid to early 1990s.

"Trans Rights are Human Rights."


"Trans women are women; trans men are men."

They should be treated as their identified gender, yes. But the 'trans' modifier already makes that statement false. Again, I will treat you as you identified gender, but I refer to you as a trans man or trans woman.

"Black Lives Matter."

The statement is true, but not the group.

"All Cops Are Bastards."

I don't trust cops most of the time. Some of the laws that law enforcement arbitrarily enforces are evil. But yet, you cheer on the cops when your ideological enemies are arrested or shot. If we're to abolish police officers, then everyone should be armed.

"Guns kill people. We must regulate those dangerous things."

Then cars, knives, and hammers kill people then. We can regulate those things, but people will always find a way to murder someone.


With people being deeply divided in political discourse now, I highly doubt the mods and other users will listen to me. If anything, I'll be banned for being a 'troll.'

Updated by Earlopain

steel_snake said:
Over the past few months and years, I've seen many people get banned or marked over political issues. If anything, the site has a heavy bias regarding political topics and issues. When it comes to people criticizing specific political or ideological movements, downvoting or upvoting comments, or making jokes, the people that get disciplined the most are the ones who don't lean left on the subject.

Cite examples?

For example, people criticize posts posted after the Nashville shooter in March. Those people got banned or marked. People who use right-leaning, centrist, or libertarian political commentators as sources get disciplined. No, I'm not just talking about The Daily Wire types of commentators: I'm talking about Tim Pool and Short Fat Otaku types - milk-toast fence-sitter commentators.

Sir, this is a furry art archive, not a discussion board for the rampage of the day.

For crying out loud, people who commented a death threat to someone 'phobic' got a neutral make while the said 'phobe is banned.

... Would you like them banned too? I'd be alright with that.

Users who call people Nazis, racist, and homophobic rarely get banned, yet when other users say those words are watered-down, they get barred.

Putin fanboys regularly get the boot for the Nazi thing. Most of the time, these accusations don't really come from nowhere. Do you have citations on where you have seen this?

I believe the mods are biased, and they should be politically neutral.

They're humans, you're asking for an impossibility.

"Bigots don't deserve to live," some may say. "Instaphobes can't be negotiated with."

There is a black man who's known for deradicalizing KKK members. Yet, people call him a White Surpremeses and a Nazi because he has some right-leaning views - how does that make sense?

Some deeply radicalized people may never change their minds, but I believe the rest can have their minds changed.

"Bigots want us dead," some say, "They are passing laws that are killing us."

Some of the current bills being passed and presented in The States are questionable and stupid at worst: the outright banning of drag shows; having transgender people wait until they're 26 for genital reconstruction surgery or hormone replacement treatments. I believe those are wrong. What I'm mainly, and many others, are worried about is minors getting such treatments and being exposed to adult performances. I believe that if a minor gets top surgery or genital surgery, it's for medical emergencies - unable to save the body part or cancer.

"Puberty blockers and hormone treatments existed for a long time. You can't ban such beneficial treatment."

Yes, I know. I believe that an underdeveloped minor should have access to hormone treatments. Does the juvenile have a low level of testosterone or estrogen? Let's give them the therapy to help build their body. Early puberty? Let's use the blockers to delay their body's change until they're at a better suitable age.

"Bigots want Pride merchandise banned for stores."

Why should there be baby and children's clothes that say "Queer," "My First PRIDE," and similar? I'll roll my eyes if I see an adult with those clothing in public, but what can I do? Is there adult imagery on them? No? Okay, we're good. But why minors? Plus, putting 'tuck-friendly' swimsuits in the front of a store is inappropriate for kids. I do not want to explain to my kids - who are under 13 - what that means. I agree that such merchandise shouldn't be banned, but it shouldn't be for minors.

No, I don't have kids yet.

"Trans people exist. You are denying their existence as human beings."

I know. No, I'm not. I'll treat them with respect as long as they are decent human beings. My main concern for transgender has to do with medical treatments. The male and female bodies have different tolerances to meds. Medical testing on females for drugs rarely happen till the mid to early 1990s.

"Trans Rights are Human Rights."


"Trans women are women; trans men are men."

They should be treated as their identified gender, yes. But the 'trans' modifier already makes that statement false. Again, I will treat you as you identified gender, but I refer to you as a trans man or trans woman.

"Black Lives Matter."

The statement is true, but not the group.

"All Cops Are Bastards."

I don't trust cops most of the time. Some of the laws that law enforcement arbitrarily enforces are evil. But yet, you cheer on the cops when your ideological enemies are arrested or shot. If we're to abolish police officers, then everyone should be armed.

"Guns kill people. We must regulate those dangerous things."

Then cars, knives, and hammers kill people then. We can regulate those things, but people will always find a way to murder someone.


With people being deeply divided in political discourse now, I highly doubt the mods and other users will listen to me. If anything, I'll be banned for being a 'troll.'

I for one motion that trying to engage in political discourse on here at all is stupid, regardless of the "side", and should get you a neutral record at minimum for starting it. 99.99% of the time it is completely and utterly irrelevant to begin with, and the .01% that it is relevant is just used as a springboard for whatever rants folks feel like making. I'm trying to think of situations where any of the examples you gave would be relevant, acceptable topics for this site. If you believe there are situations where they would be acceptable, please do elaborate, as I cannot.

steel_snake said:
"Trans women are women; trans men are men."

They should be treated as their identified gender, yes. But the 'trans' modifier already makes that statement false. Again, I will treat you as you identified gender, but I refer to you as a trans man or trans woman.

internet user discovers the concept of adjectives

describing you as a cis man (or cis woman, if you'd prefer) doesn't suddenly make you any less of a man (or a woman)

steel_snake said:
political shitflinging

Of course the e621 moderation is political. Literally everything you can possibly think of is political. That doesn't make it incorrect. The statement "Climate change is a huge problem" is political and biased. It's also true. The statement "Humans evolved from apes" is political and biased. It's also true. The reason right wingers get punished more is because they're bigoted more. It's that simple.

Dim Tool is absolutely a right-winger and he only pretends otherwise for Enlightened Centrist points. I don't know Short Fat Otaku, but it sounds like he's just another spreader of disinformation. Also, it's "milquetoast".

I won't comment on any specific disciplinary events since I don't have all the context.

Perhaps the problem is that Nazis, racists and homophobes feel far more emboldened to spread their nonsense everywhere. Don't believe me? Guess who was protesting outside of Disney. These terms aren't watered down at all, they're a realistic assessment of the threat we face.

Have you looked into the process for minors getting gender-affirming care? There's a lot of gatekeeping and safeguarding involved. The patient, their parent and their doctor all have to consent. It's not as though someone expresses gender incongruence and they're scheduled for bottom surgery the next day.

The TikTok purporting the tuck-friendly swimsuit was in the children's section was faked. She took it from another section, brought it to the children's section and recorded there. Right wingers lie constantly, don't believe a thing they say without fact checking. (Though, if you don't want to explain anything to your kids, perhaps you shouldn't become a parent. Fact of the matter is, if you don't explain it, Google will, or their peers will. They will find what they want to know.)

Of course AMAB and AFAB people have different tolerances to meds. Medical professionals study very hard to properly treat them. I doubt you've taken these medical courses.

"Trans" is just an adjective, same as "Cis" is an adjective. "Woman" is an umbrella term, composed of a lot of different people. Black women and white women, tall women and short women, gay women and straight women, autistic women and allistic women, trans women and cis women. All of them are different, absolutely, but they're all still women. Same with men, for that matter.

Black lives absolutely matter and we should be more concerned with what we can do to advance that rather than focus on the misdeeds of certain organizers. For instance, renaming military bases from Confederate generals. Traitors seeking to uphold slavery shouldn't be honored for it.

The purpose of the police is to act as an enforcer for the State. They're class traitors, through and through. That being said, right wing terrorists who commit crimes absolutely should be arrested. I don't know of any in particular who were shot, though (unless you're referring to Ashli Babbit, who, at gunpoint, ignored a warning not to cross a broken door while in a building she had no right to be in, crossed it anyway and got shot. That's a simple case of "fuck around and find out".)

Firearms are absolutely a huge force multiplier in any situation and they're far, far more lethal than cars, knives and hammers. What do you think the number one killer of children is? It seems extremely prudent to restrict the ability of lunatics to get their hands on them. That being said, I absolutely think the Left should be armed to the teeth. There is absolutely no reason for them to disarm themselves, and vulnerable minorities (such as trans people) in particular should be able and willing to defend themselves from those seeking to do them harm.

People are divided because the Right has completely lost its grip on reality and lives in an alternate universe entirely. They're just waging the same old culture war with the same rhetoric from the Satanic Panic and the marriage equality fight. Remember how much they whined about those?

strikerman said:
internet user discovers the concept of adjectives

describing you as a cis man (or cis woman, if you'd prefer) doesn't suddenly make you any less of a man (or a woman)

With the descriptive word 'Cis,' it's more of a slur than an adjective. I've never seen that word before, let alone used 'till mid-2021 to early 22. I see directed as an insult to those who don't agree on certain issues.

Man already mean 'adult human male.' With the modifier 'trans' to 'trans man,' now it mean 'one who identifies as an adult human male.' Same can be said for 'trans woman.' Why add 'cis' as a modifier?

Same can be said for 'transgender male' and 'transgender female.' A 'transgender male' is an 'trans woman.'

steel_snake said:
With the descriptive word 'Cis,' it's more of a slur than an adjective. I've never seen that word before, let alone used 'till mid-2021 to early 22. I see directed as an insult to those who don't agree on certain issues.

Man already mean 'adult human male.' With the modifier 'trans' to 'trans man,' now it mean 'one who identifies as an adult human male.' Same can be said for 'trans woman.' Why add 'cis' as a modifier?

Same can be said for 'transgender male' and 'transgender female.' A 'transgender male' is an 'trans woman.'

The term "cis" just means you identify with the gender that was assigned to you at birth. It's not a slur by any means, it's an entirely neutral descriptor. The term was coined in 1994, you just haven't heard of it until now because now is when the culture war blew up.

"The word cisgender is the antonym of transgender[2][3] (which refers to someone whose gender identity or gender expression does not correspond with the sex they were assigned at birth). The prefix cis- is Latin and means 'on this side of'. The term cisgender was coined in 1994 and entered into dictionaries starting in 2015 as a result of changes in social discourse about gender.[4][5]"

Are you familiar with the difference between linguistic descriptivisim and linguistic prescriptivism? Linguistic descriptivists understand that you can't control how language is used and develops, whereas linguistic prescriptivists seek to proscribe, or force, a certain usage. Language is invented, not discovered, and as such, I believe it should be used to serve the most good to humans. It's a social construct, not a command from God.

Many dictionaries have been moving over to trans-inclusive definitions for man and woman. Language constantly grows and evolves. You're not going to just be able to debatebro people into how you feel language should be used.

peacethroughpower said:
Of course the e621 moderation is political. Literally everything you can possibly think of is political. That doesn't make it incorrect. The statement "Climate change is a huge problem" is political and biased. It's also true. The statement "Humans evolved from apes" is political and biased. It's also true. The reason right wingers get punished more is because they're bigoted more. It's that simple.

Dim Tool is absolutely a right-winger and he only pretends otherwise for Enlightened Centrist points. I don't know Short Fat Otaku, but it sounds like he's just another spreader of disinformation. Also, it's "milquetoast".

I won't comment on any specific disciplinary events since I don't have all the context.

Perhaps the problem is that Nazis, racists and homophobes feel far more emboldened to spread their nonsense everywhere. Don't believe me? Guess who was protesting outside of Disney. These terms aren't watered down at all, they're a realistic assessment of the threat we face.

Have you looked into the process for minors getting gender-affirming care? There's a lot of gatekeeping and safeguarding involved. The patient, their parent and their doctor all have to consent. It's not as though someone expresses gender incongruence and they're scheduled for bottom surgery the next day.

The TikTok purporting the tuck-friendly swimsuit was in the children's section was faked. She took it from another section, brought it to the children's section and recorded there. Right wingers lie constantly, don't believe a thing they say without fact checking. (Though, if you don't want to explain anything to your kids, perhaps you shouldn't become a parent. Fact of the matter is, if you don't explain it, Google will, or their peers will. They will find what they want to know.)

Of course AMAB and AFAB people have different tolerances to meds. Medical professionals study very hard to properly treat them. I doubt you've taken these medical courses.

"Trans" is just an adjective, same as "Cis" is an adjective. "Woman" is an umbrella term, composed of a lot of different people. Black women and white women, tall women and short women, gay women and straight women, autistic women and allistic women, trans women and cis women. All of them are different, absolutely, but they're all still women. Same with men, for that matter.

Black lives absolutely matter and we should be more concerned with what we can do to advance that rather than focus on the misdeeds of certain organizers. For instance, renaming military bases from Confederate generals. Traitors seeking to uphold slavery shouldn't be honored for it.

The purpose of the police is to act as an enforcer for the State. They're class traitors, through and through. That being said, right wing terrorists who commit crimes absolutely should be arrested. I don't know of any in particular who were shot, though (unless you're referring to Ashli Babbit, who, at gunpoint, ignored a warning not to cross a broken door while in a building she had no right to be in, crossed it anyway and got shot. That's a simple case of "fuck around and find out".)

Firearms are absolutely a huge force multiplier in any situation and they're far, far more lethal than cars, knives and hammers. What do you think the number one killer of children is? It seems extremely prudent to restrict the ability of lunatics to get their hands on them. That being said, I absolutely think the Left should be armed to the teeth. There is absolutely no reason for them to disarm themselves, and vulnerable minorities (such as trans people) in particular should be able and willing to defend themselves from those seeking to do them harm.

People are divided because the Right has completely lost its grip on reality and lives in an alternate universe entirely. They're just waging the same old culture war with the same rhetoric from the Satanic Panic and the marriage equality fight. Remember how much they whined about those?

Tim ain't a "right-winger." I don't think many 'right-wingers' support pro-choice - safe, legal, and rare; Marijuana usage; free health care - with limuts; and a few other things. He's argued with many right-wing personalities such as Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh and a few other over many issues. Tim doesn't always agree with them.

If you think that anyone to the right of you went 'far-right' or 'alt-right,' I believe you're wrong. It's the other way around. Most 'left-winger' were pro-choice - safe, legal, rare - back during the mid 1990s to mid 2000s, now they're bacicly pro-abortion, unrestricted to the point of birth. Right-wingers are still pro-life, if anything they're now adopting the old 'left-wing' choice.

steel_snake said:
Tim ain't a "right-winger." I don't think many 'right-wingers' support pro-choice - safe, legal, and rare; Marijuana usage; free health care - with limuts; and a few other things. He's argued with many right-wing personalities such as Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh and a few other over many issues. Tim doesn't always agree with them.

If you think that anyone to the right of you went 'far-right' or 'alt-right,' I believe you're wrong. It's the other way around. Most 'left-winger' were pro-choice - safe, legal, rare - back during the mid 1990s to mid 2000s, now they're bacicly pro-abortion, unrestricted to the point of birth. Right-wingers are still pro-life, if anything they're now adopting the old 'left-wing' choice.

Let's check Wikipedia.

"Timothy Daniel Pool (born March 9, 1986) is an American right-wing[5] political commentator and podcast host[6][7][8] who first became known for live streaming the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protests.[9][10] He joined Vice Media and Fusion TV in 2014, later working alone on YouTube and other platforms. "

Source on there? New York Times.

"According to The Independent, BuzzFeed News, and The Daily Dot, Pool has a "primarily right-wing audience," is "popular among the right," and "spouts" "an endless font of right-wing talking points and conspiracy theories."[57][66][67] "

"On August 24, 2020, Pool announced his support for Donald Trump in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, writing that he felt alienated by changes he perceived in the modern left.[57][71] In 2021, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) described Pool as a "reactionary".[86] On July 12, 2022, the United States House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack included clips of a 2020 video from Pool as part of a montage of videos showing support for Trump's announced rally on January 6.[87]" Here's more, if you want a bunch of quotes and best hits.

Dim Tool is absolutely a right-winger and denying that is simply denying reality. Most people are inconsistent with their worldviews and don't agree with every single issue. That doesn't make Dim Tool not right-wing. Libertarian types sometimes pretend to support LGBT rights and drug decriminalization, but in truth, that's all just a smokescreen for their desire for lower taxes and deregulation.

There should be no restrictions on abortion. Abortions in the third trimester happen very rarely, and when they do, it's usually because there's an abnormality with the fetus or a threat to the mother's life. Pointing at this is just a red herring meant to get the foot in the door. Anti-choicers have a goal of total prohibition and they'll try to get a foothold however they can.

All laws imply the violence necessary to enforce them and while that's necessary to an extent to live in a society, it certainly shouldn't be used to control pregnant people's bodies. Anti-choicer's true goal is to punish them for having sex.

... Jesus Christ, the point of the topic was a feeling of staff bias, don't turn this into another fucking political shitflinging fiesta on things that are ultimately irrelevant to both the site and the direct topic at hand. If you want to debate that, do it in DMs or something, it's nothing but a distraction from the original topic.

Cite examples of the behaviour you find questionable, so we can actually see what you're talking about. Banned accounts, comments that have the red text saying they resulted in staff action, show us what you're talking about or nobody can make an honest judgement on it.

steel_snake said:
Tim ain't a "right-winger." I don't think many 'right-wingers' support pro-choice - safe, legal, and rare; Marijuana usage; free health care - with limuts; and a few other things. He's argued with many right-wing personalities such as Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh and a few other over many issues. Tim doesn't always agree with them.

If you think that anyone to the right of you went 'far-right' or 'alt-right,' I believe you're wrong. It's the other way around. Most 'left-winger' were pro-choice - safe, legal, rare - back during the mid 1990s to mid 2000s, now they're bacicly pro-abortion, unrestricted to the point of birth. Right-wingers are still pro-life, if anything they're now adopting the old 'left-wing' choice.

Again, with BLM, the statement is true, but not the group. I've yet to see them use that money to help black people.

With guns, an armed society is a polite society.

With the transgender and medicine issue, it's more referring to medical emergencies.

The left has been known for spreading 'misinformation.' Kyle Rittenhouse, killing three "black" protesters, Jussie Smollett, 'hands up, don't shoot,' the Nascar noose, and a few more.

I'll be the first one to admit the there crazies on the right, but the same can be true for the left.

peacethroughpower said:
The purpose of the police is to act as an enforcer for the State. They're class traitors, through and through.

How much do you think that US cities could exist without police?

That there was some episodes of police brutality that led to the BLM movement is undeniable. But the reference to "the State" and "class traitors" only shows your very extreme left-wing mentality, even Anarchist.

Of course, that a Furry site, especially if it contains much erotic material... has to lean somehow to the left and shy from right wing. Intuitively would be very far fetched to image a Furry site of our days that is say, pro-Trump o pro-AfD, just to give an example. Has to do with the evolution of Furry after its inceptions (which was much more neutral, just a out growth of Science Fiction) ... but that is what we have.

Now, how much "to the left" would be "too much"?

"Limitless" probably you would answer...

However, this Furry site is based in Arizona, a very conservative US State.

In my humble, outsider view, I don't see bad in recognizing, and believing, that what makes possible e6 is the strong legality and firm institutions, and freedom of thought that permeate the USA, as a Western, Capitalistic and Democratic society.

I don't know if your "intellectual" verbosity fools many here, but I know that you don't believe in any that. You believe in something else.

steel_snake said:
Again, with BLM, the statement is true, but not the group. I've yet to see them use that money to help black people.

With guns, an armed society is a polite society.

With the transgender and medicine issue, it's more referring to medical emergencies.

The left has been known for spreading 'misinformation.' Kyle Rittenhouse, killing three "black" protesters, Jussie Smollett, 'hands up, don't shoot,' the Nascar noose, and a few more.

I'll be the first one to admit the there crazies on the right, but the same can be true for the left.

Well, we're discussing police brutality now, aren't we? We're taking down statues of Confederates. We're ensuring police wear bodycams, which ensures accountability. We're having implicit bias training. All of that's just off the top of my head. That's certainly helping black people.

The United States is the only first-world country with a constant mass shooting problem. Mass shootings aren't really very polite. Children and Teens are more likely to die by guns than anything else. That's not very polite, either. Conservatives love gun control when it's black people with the guns. (Which, again, is another argument that the Left and vulnerable minorities should be armed to the teeth.

Well, I'm pretty sure medical professionals have a lot more training on how to deal with medical emergencies than you do. Unless you're actually a professional of some kind, I'm not sure why you're concerned about that.

Kyle Rittenhouse shouldn't have been there in the first place, but the court case was over a very narrow situation of how he acted at the time. I don't know which three black protestors you're referring to. Anecdotes about one guy faking a hate crime one time doesn't prove overall trends. I don't see the relevance of the slogan "Hands up, don't shoot". I don't care about sports, NASCAR included, so I'm not familiar with any nooses.

Right wing domestic terrorism is far, far more common than left wing terrorism. This is an objective fact, so this isn't a bothsides issue.

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