Topic: Suggestion --- Species Gender sub-tag

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Would it be at all possible to search for a specific gender under species category ?


I want to search for anthro female canines. If I search for those tags specifically, I might get results of male canines with females of another species.

Instead, a search tag like "canine:female" ? So it'll result all pictures containing female canines in them.

Updated by savageorange

It's been brought up before... it would require a radical change in the tagging system, one we're not ready for. Would be nice, though.

Updated by anonymous

Could be introduced, all new pictures since introduction will make use of the new tags, and all previous pictures would be flagged as requiring an update for anyone willing to help edit them in.

Updated by anonymous

Among other things, hybrids would make this even more confusing than it already is.

It's hard enough to get everything tagged with a solo/duo/group, species, gender, and straight/gay/etc. I can't imagine the headache in trying to get people to correctly link species to gender.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Among other things, hybrids would make this even more confusing than it already is.

It's hard enough to get everything tagged with a solo/duo/group, species, gender, and straight/gay/etc. I can't imagine the headache in trying to get people to correctly link species to gender.

Dunno if you read the full thread, Char proposes a specific group-based interface... click to add a group, it prompts you for basic stuff like character tag, species, gender, then you can add other tags.
If we did this, then we could easily classify tags into ones that are group-only (eg. male, female, herm) and ones that cannot be in a group (eg. blue_background), and perhaps also offer species and gender suggestions when the user selects a character tag.

Obviously this wouldn't completely stop people from putting tags in the wrong group, but IMO the interface he proposes would be substantially easier and less error prone to use than the current one.

(for example, proper usage -- one group per character per post -- would make the solo/duo/group tags obsolete, as you could query groupcount:1, groupcount:2, groupcount:>2 instead)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

post #517663

I'm not keen on that idea. It'd take far more time to tag each character one by one, and we already have too much trouble simply trying to get the posts tagged as solo, duo, or group.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
post #517663

I'm not keen on that idea. It'd take far more time to tag each character one by one, when we already have so much trouble trying to tag posts as solo, duo, or group.

Meh, it doesn't seem like it would be incompatible with such pictures. You'd just need an additional option to mass-add groups based on a list of character tags.

A notes-based interface to groups is a new and separate issue, but I believe it would enhance usability of grouping functionality a lot, being able to drag out a rectangle and say 'here, we have X, with Y Z W attributes; there, we have Z...'. I've mostly implemented this locally on top of TMSU, and for me, at least, this is much more easy to approach than simply 'look at the whole picture -- list terms that apply' -- having an "active rectangle" helps me to focus.

Updated by anonymous

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