Topic: [APPROVED] Here's an actual BUR for changing the family relation tags into lore. Good luck.

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #4650 is active.

remove implication mother_and_son (0) -> son (0)
create implication mother_and_son_(lore) (12755) -> son_(lore) (25025)
remove alias son_and_mother (0) -> mother_and_son (0)
remove alias mother/son (0) -> mother_and_son (0)
remove alias son/mother (0) -> mother_and_son (0)
remove implication father_and_son (0) -> son (0)
create implication father_and_son_(lore) (11798) -> son_(lore) (25025)
remove alias son_and_father (0) -> father_and_son (0)
remove alias father/son (0) -> father_and_son (0)
remove alias son/father (0) -> father_and_son (0)
remove alias father_son (0) -> father_and_son (0)
remove alias son_father (0) -> father_and_son (0)
remove alias grand_child (0) -> grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchilds (0) -> grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childs (0) -> grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildren (0) -> grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_children (0) -> grandchild (0)
remove alias gran_children (0) -> grandchild (0)
remove alias granchildren (0) -> grandchild (0)
remove alias gran_childs (0) -> grandchild (0)
remove alias granchilds (0) -> grandchild (0)
remove alias gran_child (0) -> grandchild (0)
remove alias granchild (0) -> grandchild (0)
remove implication grandparent_and_grandchild (0) -> grandchild (0)
create implication grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956) -> grandchild_(lore) (1037)

Reason: All scripts in this thread have been (somewhat hastily) automatically generated, so the reviewer is invited to take my skills at coding at 5am into account.

Part 1: Necessary preamble

Page 1/17

EDIT: The bulk update request #4650 (forum #363836) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4663 (forum #) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4664 (forum #) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4651 is active.

remove alias grand_child_and_grand_parent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_child_and_grand_parents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_child_and_grandparent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_child_and_grandparents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_child/grand_parent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_child/grand_parents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_child/grandparent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_child/grandparents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_children_and_grand_parent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_children_and_grand_parents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_children_and_grandparent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_children_and_grandparents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_children/grand_parent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_children/grand_parents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_children/grandparent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_children/grandparents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childs_and_grand_parent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childs_and_grand_parents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childs_and_grandparent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childs_and_grandparents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childs/grand_parent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childs/grand_parents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childs/grandparent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childs/grandparents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)

Reason: Part 1 page 2/17

EDIT: The bulk update request #4651 (forum #363838) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4652 is active.

remove alias grand_childss_and_grand_parent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childss_and_grand_parents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childss_and_grandparent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childss_and_grandparents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parent_and_grand_child (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parent_and_grand_children (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parent_and_grand_childs (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parent_and_grand_childss (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parent_and_grandchild (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parent_and_grandchildren (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parent_and_grandchilds (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parent_and_grandchildss (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parent/grand_child (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parent/grand_children (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parent/grand_childs (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parent/grandchild (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parent/grandchildren (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parent/grandchilds (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parents_and_grand_child (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parents_and_grand_children (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parents_and_grand_childs (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parents_and_grand_childss (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parents_and_grandchild (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parents_and_grandchildren (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parents_and_grandchilds (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)

Reason: Part 1 page 3/17

EDIT: The bulk update request #4652 (forum #363839) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4653 is active.

remove alias grand_parents_and_grandchildss (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parents/grand_child (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parents/grand_children (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parents/grand_childs (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parents/grandchild (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parents/grandchildren (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_parents/grandchilds (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchild_and_grand_parent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchild_and_grand_parents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchild_and_grandparent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchild_and_grandparents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchild/grand_parent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchild/grand_parents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchild/grandparent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchild/grandparents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildren_and_grand_parent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildren_and_grand_parents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildren_and_grandparent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildren_and_grandparents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildren/grand_parent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildren/grand_parents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildren/grandparent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildren/grandparents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchilds_and_grand_parent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchilds_and_grand_parents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)

Reason: Part 1 page 4/17

EDIT: The bulk update request #4653 (forum #363840) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4654 is active.

remove alias grandchilds_and_grandparent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchilds_and_grandparents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchilds/grand_parent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchilds/grand_parents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchilds/grandparent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchilds/grandparents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildss_and_grand_parent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildss_and_grand_parents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildss_and_grandparent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildss_and_grandparents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparent_and_grand_child (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparent_and_grand_children (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparent_and_grand_childs (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparent_and_grand_childss (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparent_and_grandchildren (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparent_and_grandchilds (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparent_and_grandchildss (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparent/grand_child (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparent/grand_children (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparent/grand_childs (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparent/grandchild (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparent/grandchildren (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparent/grandchilds (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparents_and_grand_child (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparents_and_grand_children (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)

Reason: Part 1 page 5/17

EDIT: The bulk update request #4654 (forum #363841) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4655 is active.

remove alias grandparents_and_grand_childs (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparents_and_grand_childss (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparents_and_grandchild (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparents_and_grandchildren (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparents_and_grandchilds (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparents_and_grandchildss (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparents/grand_child (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparents/grand_children (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparents/grand_childs (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparents/grandchild (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparents/grandchildren (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandparents/grandchilds (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
remove implication grandmother_and_grandchild (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
create implication grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore) (435) -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956)
remove alias grand_child_and_grand_mother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_child_and_grand_mothers (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_children_and_grand_mother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_children_and_grand_mothers (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childs_and_grand_mother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childs_and_grand_mothers (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_mother_and_grand_child (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_mother_and_grand_children (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_mother_and_grand_childs (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_mothers_and_grand_child (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_mothers_and_grand_children (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)

Reason: Part 1 page 6/17

EDIT: The bulk update request #4655 (forum #363842) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4656 is active.

remove alias grand_mothers_and_grand_childs (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_ma_and_grand_child (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_ma_and_grand_children (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_ma_and_grand_childs (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchild_and_grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchild_and_grandmothers (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildren_and_grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildren_and_grandmothers (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchilds_and_grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchilds_and_grandmothers (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandmothers_and_grandchild (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandmothers_and_grandchildren (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandmothers_and_grandchilds (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandma_and_grandchild (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandma_and_grandchildren (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandma_and_grandchilds (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_child/grand_mother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_child/grand_mothers (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_children/grand_mother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_children/grand_mothers (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childs/grand_mother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childs/grand_mothers (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_mother/grand_child (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_mother/grand_children (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_mother/grand_childs (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)

Reason: Part 1 page 7/17

EDIT: The bulk update request #4656 (forum #363843) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4657 is active.

remove alias grand_mothers/grand_child (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_mothers/grand_children (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_mothers/grand_childs (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_ma/grand_child (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_ma/grand_children (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_ma/grand_childs (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchild/grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchild/grandmothers (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildren/grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildren/grandmothers (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchilds/grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchilds/grandmothers (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandmothers/grandchild (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandmothers/grandchildren (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandmothers/grandchilds (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandma/grandchild (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandma/grandchildren (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandma/grandchilds (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandmother/grandchild (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
remove implication grandmother_and_grandson (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
create implication grandmother_and_grandson_(lore) (251) -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore) (435)
remove alias grandson_and_grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandson (0)
remove alias grandmother/grandson (0) -> grandmother_and_grandson (0)
remove alias grandson/grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandson (0)
remove alias grandma_and_grandson (0) -> grandmother_and_grandson (0)

Reason: Part 1 page 8/17

EDIT: The bulk update request #4657 (forum #363844) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4658 is active.

remove alias grandson_and_grandma (0) -> grandmother_and_grandson (0)
remove alias grandma/grandson (0) -> grandmother_and_grandson (0)
remove alias grandson/grandma (0) -> grandmother_and_grandson (0)
remove implication grandmother_and_granddaughter (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild (0)
create implication grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore) (197) -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore) (435)
remove alias granddaughter_and_grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_granddaughter (0)
remove alias grandmother/granddaughter (0) -> grandmother_and_granddaughter (0)
remove alias granddaughter/grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_granddaughter (0)
remove alias grandma_and_granddaughter (0) -> grandmother_and_granddaughter (0)
remove alias granddaughter_and_grandma (0) -> grandmother_and_granddaughter (0)
remove alias grandma/granddaughter (0) -> grandmother_and_granddaughter (0)
remove alias granddaughter/grandma (0) -> grandmother_and_granddaughter (0)
remove implication grandfather_and_grandchild (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild (0)
create implication grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore) (513) -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956)
remove alias grand_child_and_grand_father (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_child_and_grand_fathers (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_children_and_grand_father (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_children_and_grand_fathers (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childs_and_grand_father (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childs_and_grand_fathers (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_father_and_grand_child (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_father_and_grand_children (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_father_and_grand_childs (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_fathers_and_grand_child (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_fathers_and_grand_children (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)

Reason: Part 1 page 9/17

EDIT: The bulk update request #4658 (forum #363845) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4659 is active.

remove alias grand_fathers_and_grand_childs (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_pa_and_grand_child (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_pa_and_grand_children (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_pa_and_grand_childs (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchild_and_grandfather (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchild_and_grandfathers (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildren_and_grandfather (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildren_and_grandfathers (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchilds_and_grandfather (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchilds_and_grandfathers (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandfathers_and_grandchild (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandfathers_and_grandchildren (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandfathers_and_grandchilds (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandpa_and_grandchild (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandpa_and_grandchildren (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandpa_and_grandchilds (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_child/grand_father (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_child/grand_fathers (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_children/grand_father (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_children/grand_fathers (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childs/grand_father (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_childs/grand_fathers (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_father/grand_child (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_father/grand_children (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_father/grand_childs (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)

Reason: Part 1 page 10/17

EDIT: The bulk update request #4659 (forum #363846) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4660 is active.

remove alias grand_fathers/grand_child (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_fathers/grand_children (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_fathers/grand_childs (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_pa/grand_child (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_pa/grand_children (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grand_pa/grand_childs (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchild/grandfather (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchild/grandfathers (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildren/grandfather (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchildren/grandfathers (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchilds/grandfather (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandchilds/grandfathers (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandfathers/grandchild (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandfathers/grandchildren (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandfathers/grandchilds (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandpa/grandchild (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandpa/grandchildren (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandpa/grandchilds (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove alias grandfather/grandchild (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
remove implication grandfather_and_grandson (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
create implication grandfather_and_grandson_(lore) (370) -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore) (513)
remove alias grandson_and_grandfather (0) -> grandfather_and_grandson (0)
remove alias grandfather/grandson (0) -> grandfather_and_grandson (0)
remove alias grandson/grandfather (0) -> grandfather_and_grandson (0)
remove alias grandpa_and_grandson (0) -> grandfather_and_grandson (0)

Reason: Part 1 page 11/17

EDIT: The bulk update request #4660 (forum #363847) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4661 is active.

remove alias grandson_and_grandpa (0) -> grandfather_and_grandson (0)
remove alias grandpa/grandson (0) -> grandfather_and_grandson (0)
remove alias grandson/grandpa (0) -> grandfather_and_grandson (0)
remove implication grandfather_and_granddaughter (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild (0)
create implication grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore) (146) -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore) (513)
remove alias granddaughter_and_grandfather (0) -> grandfather_and_granddaughter (0)
remove alias grandfather/granddaughter (0) -> grandfather_and_granddaughter (0)
remove alias granddaughter/grandfather (0) -> grandfather_and_granddaughter (0)
remove alias grandpa_and_granddaughter (0) -> grandfather_and_granddaughter (0)
remove alias granddaughter_and_grandpa (0) -> grandfather_and_granddaughter (0)
remove alias grandpa/granddaughter (0) -> grandfather_and_granddaughter (0)
remove alias granddaughter/grandpa (0) -> grandfather_and_granddaughter (0)
remove implication granddaughter (0) -> grandchild (0)
create implication granddaughter_(lore) (347) -> grandchild_(lore) (1037)
remove alias grand_daughter (0) -> granddaughter (0)
remove alias grandaughter (0) -> granddaughter (0)
remove alias granddaughters (0) -> granddaughter (0)
remove alias grand_daughters (0) -> granddaughter (0)
remove alias gran_daughter (0) -> granddaughter (0)
remove alias grandaughters (0) -> granddaughter (0)
remove alias gran_daughters (0) -> granddaughter (0)
remove implication grandson (0) -> grandchild (0)
create implication grandson_(lore) (665) -> grandchild_(lore) (1037)
remove alias grandsons (0) -> grandson (0)
remove alias grand_sons (0) -> grandson (0)

Reason: Part 1 page 12/17

EDIT: The bulk update request #4661 (forum #363848) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4662 is active.

remove alias grand_son (0) -> grandson (0)
remove alias granson (0) -> grandson (0)
remove alias gran_son (0) -> grandson (0)
remove alias gransons (0) -> grandson (0)
remove alias gran_sons (0) -> grandson (0)
remove alias parents (0) -> parent (0)
remove implication father (0) -> parent (0)
create implication father_(lore) (20911) -> parent_(lore) (47024)
remove alias dad (0) -> father (0)
remove implication mother_and_father (0) -> father (0)
create implication mother_and_father_(lore) (473) -> father_(lore) (20911)
remove alias father_and_mother (0) -> mother_and_father (0)
remove alias father/mother (0) -> mother_and_father (0)
remove alias mother/father (0) -> mother_and_father (0)
remove implication father_and_child (0) -> father (0)
create implication father_and_child_(lore) (18896) -> father_(lore) (20911)
remove alias child_and_father (0) -> father_and_child (0)
remove alias father/child (0) -> father_and_child (0)
remove alias child/father (0) -> father_and_child (0)
remove alias father_child (0) -> father_and_child (0)
remove alias child_father (0) -> father_and_child (0)
remove implication father_and_daughter (0) -> father_and_child (0)
create implication father_and_daughter_(lore) (7217) -> father_and_child_(lore) (18896)
remove alias daughter_and_father (0) -> father_and_daughter (0)
remove alias father/daughter (0) -> father_and_daughter (0)

Reason: Part 1 page 13/17

EDIT: Help, I'm in forum jail. Pages 14 and 15 failed to generate a forum post - they're at BUR #4663 and BUR #4664.

Pages 16 and 17 just went "nope" when I tried to submit. Here's what they would have been:

Page 16
unimplicate uncle_and_niece -> niece
implicate uncle_and_niece_(lore) -> niece_(lore)
unalias niece_and_uncle -> uncle_and_niece
unalias grandparents -> grandparent
unalias grand_parent -> grandparent
unalias grand_parents -> grandparent
unimplicate grandmother -> grandparent
implicate grandmother_(lore) -> grandparent_(lore)
unalias grandma -> grandmother
unimplicate grandmother_and_grandfather -> grandmother
implicate grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore) -> grandmother_(lore)
unalias grandmother/grandfather -> grandmother_and_grandfather
unalias grandfather_and_grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandfather
unalias grandfather/grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandfather
unalias grandma_and_grandpa -> grandmother_and_grandfather
unalias grandpa_and_grandma -> grandmother_and_grandfather
unalias grandma/grandpa -> grandmother_and_grandfather
unalias grandpa/grandma -> grandmother_and_grandfather
unimplicate grandfather -> grandparent
implicate grandfather_(lore) -> grandparent_(lore)
unalias grand_dad -> grandfather
unalias granddad -> grandfather
unalias granfather -> grandfather
unalias grandpa -> grandfather
unalias grand_pa -> grandfather
Page 17
unalias gramps -> grandfather
unalias gramp -> grandfather
unalias grandfathers -> grandfather
unalias grand_father -> grandfather
unalias grand_fathers -> grandfather
unalias grandpaw -> grandfather
unalias grand_paw -> grandfather
unalias gran_father -> grandfather
unalias gran_fathers -> grandfather
unalias granfathers -> grandfather
unalias granpa -> grandfather
unalias gran_pa -> grandfather
unalias granpas -> grandfather
unalias gran_pas -> grandfather
unalias granpaw -> grandfather
unalias gran_paw -> grandfather
unalias granpaws -> grandfather
unalias gran_paws -> grandfather
unalias grandpaws -> grandfather
unalias grand_paws -> grandfather
unalias cousin -> cousins
unimply uncle_and_nephew -> uncle
imply uncle_and_nephew_(lore) -> uncle_(lore)
unalias nephew_and_uncle -> uncle_and_nephew

And here's part 2 (aliasing the existing canonical tags):

Part 2

alias son -> son_(lore)
alias mother_and_son -> mother_and_son_(lore)
alias father_and_son -> father_and_son_(lore)
alias grandchild -> grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparent_and_grandchild -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandmother_and_grandchild -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandmother_and_grandson -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandmother_and_granddaughter -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandfather_and_grandchild -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandfather_and_grandson -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandfather_and_granddaughter -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias granddaughter -> granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandson -> grandson_(lore)
alias parent -> parent_(lore)
alias father -> father_(lore)
alias mother_and_father -> mother_and_father_(lore)
alias father_and_child -> father_and_child_(lore)
alias father_and_daughter -> father_and_daughter_(lore)
alias mother -> mother_(lore)
alias mother_and_child -> mother_and_child_(lore)
alias mother_and_daughter -> mother_and_daughter_(lore)
alias parent_and_child -> parent_and_child_(lore)
alias sibling -> sibling_(lore)
alias twins -> twins_(lore)
alias twincest -> twincest_(lore)
alias triplets -> triplets_(lore)
alias brother -> brother_(lore)
alias brother_and_sister -> brother_and_sister_(lore)
alias brothers -> brothers_(lore)
alias sister -> sister_(lore)
alias sisters -> sisters_(lore)
alias quadruplets -> quadruplets_(lore)
alias niece -> niece_(lore)
alias uncle_and_niece -> uncle_and_niece_(lore)
alias grandparent -> grandparent_(lore)
alias grandmother -> grandmother_(lore)
alias grandmother_and_grandfather -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore)
alias grandfather -> grandfather_(lore)
alias cousins -> cousins_(lore)
alias daughter -> daughter_(lore)
alias uncle -> uncle_(lore)
alias uncle_and_nephew -> uncle_and_nephew_(lore)
alias nephew -> nephew_(lore)

I'll leave part 3 (restoring the previous aliases) for tomorrow, as it's very long and as you can see above, some of those existing aliases are... questionable at best.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4662 (forum #363849) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

Amazing to see someone willing to put the effort in fixing this widely discussed problem. Hopefully you are keeping track of all the tags so that they’ll be aliased to their respective *_(lore) tags later on.

You can insert BUR into any forum post
The bulk update request #4663 is active.

remove alias daughter/father (0) -> father_and_daughter (0)
remove implication mother (0) -> parent (0)
create implication mother_(lore) (28757) -> parent_(lore) (47024)
remove alias mothers (0) -> mother (0)
remove alias mom (0) -> mother (0)
remove alias moms (0) -> mother (0)
remove implication mother_and_child (0) -> mother (0)
create implication mother_and_child_(lore) (22719) -> mother_(lore) (28757)
remove alias child_and_mother (0) -> mother_and_child (0)
remove alias mother/child (0) -> mother_and_child (0)
remove alias child/mother (0) -> mother_and_child (0)
remove alias mother_child (0) -> mother_and_child (0)
remove alias child_mother (0) -> mother_and_child (0)
remove implication mother_and_daughter (0) -> mother_and_child (0)
create implication mother_and_daughter_(lore) (9793) -> mother_and_child_(lore) (22719)
remove alias daughter_and_mother (0) -> mother_and_daughter (0)
remove alias mother/daughter (0) -> mother_and_daughter (0)
remove alias daughter/mother (0) -> mother_and_daughter (0)
remove implication parent_and_child (0) -> parent (0)
create implication parent_and_child_(lore) (39732) -> parent_(lore) (47024)
remove alias child_and_parent (0) -> parent_and_child (0)
remove alias siblings (0) -> sibling (0)
remove implication twins (0) -> sibling (0)
create implication twins_(lore) (9168) -> sibling_(lore) (48777)
remove alias twin (0) -> twins (0)

Here's how you do it: (bur:4663) but with square brackets

The bulk update request #4666 is active.

remove implication uncle_and_niece (0) -> niece (0)
create implication uncle_and_niece_(lore) (588) -> niece_(lore) (1051)
remove alias niece_and_uncle (0) -> uncle_and_niece (0)
remove alias grandparents (0) -> grandparent (0)
remove alias grand_parent (0) -> grandparent (0)
remove alias grand_parents (0) -> grandparent (0)
remove implication grandmother (0) -> grandparent (0)
create implication grandmother_(lore) (832) -> grandparent_(lore) (1479)
remove alias grandma (0) -> grandmother (0)
remove implication grandmother_and_grandfather (0) -> grandmother (0)
create implication grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore) (0) -> grandmother_(lore) (832)
remove alias grandmother/grandfather (0) -> grandmother_and_grandfather (0)
remove alias grandfather_and_grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandfather (0)
remove alias grandfather/grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandfather (0)
remove alias grandma_and_grandpa (0) -> grandmother_and_grandfather (0)
remove alias grandpa_and_grandma (0) -> grandmother_and_grandfather (0)
remove alias grandma/grandpa (0) -> grandmother_and_grandfather (0)
remove alias grandpa/grandma (0) -> grandmother_and_grandfather (0)
remove implication grandfather (0) -> grandparent (0)
create implication grandfather_(lore) (614) -> grandparent_(lore) (1479)
remove alias grand_dad (1) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias granddad (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias granfather (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias grandpa (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias grand_pa (0) -> grandfather (0)

Reason: Let's try this again.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4666 (forum #363881) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4667 is active.

remove alias gramps (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias gramp (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias grandfathers (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias grand_father (2) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias grand_fathers (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias grandpaw (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias grand_paw (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias gran_father (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias gran_fathers (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias granfathers (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias granpa (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias gran_pa (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias granpas (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias gran_pas (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias granpaw (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias gran_paw (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias granpaws (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias gran_paws (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias grandpaws (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias grand_paws (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove alias cousin (0) -> cousins (0)
remove implication uncle_and_nephew (0) -> uncle (0)
create implication uncle_and_nephew_(lore) (1113) -> uncle_(lore) (1762)
remove alias nephew_and_uncle (0) -> uncle_and_nephew (0)

Reason: And the last one.

waydence said:
Here's how you do it: (bur:4663) but with square brackets

Doesn't allow you to vote, sadly. I assume the BUR creation succeeded but the forum post creation failed because I'd made two non-BUR-related forum posts within the previous hour, thereby creating a permanently orphaned BUR due to an edge case I doubt anyone's considered before.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4667 (forum #363882) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

For the record, here's what the full contents of part 3 would be if we were to go the route of restoring every previous alias:

alias son_and_mother -> mother_and_son_(lore)
alias mother/son -> mother_and_son_(lore)
alias son/mother -> mother_and_son_(lore)
alias son_and_father -> father_and_son_(lore)
alias father/son -> father_and_son_(lore)
alias son/father -> father_and_son_(lore)
alias father_son -> father_and_son_(lore)
alias son_father -> father_and_son_(lore)
alias grand_child -> grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchilds -> grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childs -> grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren -> grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_children -> grandchild_(lore)
alias gran_children -> grandchild_(lore)
alias granchildren -> grandchild_(lore)
alias gran_childs -> grandchild_(lore)
alias granchilds -> grandchild_(lore)
alias gran_child -> grandchild_(lore)
alias granchild -> grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_child_and_grand_parent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_child_and_grand_parents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_child_and_grandparent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_child_and_grandparents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_child/grand_parent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_child/grand_parents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_child/grandparent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_child/grandparents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_children_and_grand_parent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_children_and_grand_parents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_children_and_grandparent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_children_and_grandparents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_children/grand_parent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_children/grand_parents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_children/grandparent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_children/grandparents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childs_and_grand_parent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childs_and_grand_parents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childs_and_grandparent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childs_and_grandparents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childs/grand_parent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childs/grand_parents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childs/grandparent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childs/grandparents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childss_and_grand_parent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childss_and_grand_parents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childss_and_grandparent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childss_and_grandparents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parent_and_grand_child -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parent_and_grand_children -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parent_and_grand_childs -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parent_and_grand_childss -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parent_and_grandchild -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parent_and_grandchildren -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parent_and_grandchilds -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parent_and_grandchildss -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parent/grand_child -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parent/grand_children -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parent/grand_childs -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parent/grandchild -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parent/grandchildren -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parent/grandchilds -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parents_and_grand_child -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parents_and_grand_children -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parents_and_grand_childs -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parents_and_grand_childss -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parents_and_grandchild -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parents_and_grandchildren -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parents_and_grandchilds -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parents_and_grandchildss -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parents/grand_child -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parents/grand_children -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parents/grand_childs -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parents/grandchild -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parents/grandchildren -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_parents/grandchilds -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild_and_grand_parent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild_and_grand_parents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild_and_grandparent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild_and_grandparents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild/grand_parent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild/grand_parents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild/grandparent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild/grandparents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren_and_grand_parent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren_and_grand_parents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren_and_grandparent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren_and_grandparents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren/grand_parent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren/grand_parents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren/grandparent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren/grandparents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchilds_and_grand_parent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchilds_and_grand_parents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchilds_and_grandparent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchilds_and_grandparents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchilds/grand_parent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchilds/grand_parents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchilds/grandparent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchilds/grandparents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildss_and_grand_parent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildss_and_grand_parents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildss_and_grandparent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
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alias grandparent_and_grand_child -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
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alias grandparent_and_grand_childss -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
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alias grandparent_and_grandchilds -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparent_and_grandchildss -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparent/grand_child -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparent/grand_children -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparent/grand_childs -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
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alias grandparents_and_grand_childs -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparents_and_grand_childss -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparents_and_grandchild -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparents_and_grandchildren -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparents_and_grandchilds -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparents_and_grandchildss -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparents/grand_child -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparents/grand_children -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparents/grand_childs -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparents/grandchild -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparents/grandchildren -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparents/grandchilds -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_child_and_grand_mother -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_child_and_grand_mothers -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_children_and_grand_mother -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_children_and_grand_mothers -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childs_and_grand_mother -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childs_and_grand_mothers -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_mother_and_grand_child -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_mother_and_grand_children -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_mother_and_grand_childs -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_mothers_and_grand_child -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_mothers_and_grand_children -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_mothers_and_grand_childs -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_ma_and_grand_child -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_ma_and_grand_children -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_ma_and_grand_childs -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild_and_grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild_and_grandmothers -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren_and_grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren_and_grandmothers -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchilds_and_grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchilds_and_grandmothers -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandmothers_and_grandchild -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandmothers_and_grandchildren -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandmothers_and_grandchilds -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
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alias grandma_and_grandchildren -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandma_and_grandchilds -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_child/grand_mother -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_child/grand_mothers -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_children/grand_mother -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_children/grand_mothers -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childs/grand_mother -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childs/grand_mothers -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
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alias grand_mother/grand_children -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_mother/grand_childs -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_mothers/grand_child -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_mothers/grand_children -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_mothers/grand_childs -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_ma/grand_child -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_ma/grand_children -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_ma/grand_childs -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild/grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild/grandmothers -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren/grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren/grandmothers -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchilds/grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchilds/grandmothers -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandmothers/grandchild -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandmothers/grandchildren -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandmothers/grandchilds -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandma/grandchild -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
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alias grandma/grandchilds -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandmother/grandchild -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandson_and_grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandmother/grandson -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandson/grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandma_and_grandson -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandson_and_grandma -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandma/grandson -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandson/grandma -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore)
alias granddaughter_and_grandmother -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandmother/granddaughter -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias granddaughter/grandmother -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandma_and_granddaughter -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias granddaughter_and_grandma -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandma/granddaughter -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias granddaughter/grandma -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias grand_child_and_grand_father -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_child_and_grand_fathers -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_children_and_grand_father -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_children_and_grand_fathers -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childs_and_grand_father -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childs_and_grand_fathers -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_father_and_grand_child -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_father_and_grand_children -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_father_and_grand_childs -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_fathers_and_grand_child -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_fathers_and_grand_children -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_fathers_and_grand_childs -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_pa_and_grand_child -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_pa_and_grand_children -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_pa_and_grand_childs -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild_and_grandfather -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild_and_grandfathers -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren_and_grandfather -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren_and_grandfathers -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchilds_and_grandfather -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchilds_and_grandfathers -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandfathers_and_grandchild -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandfathers_and_grandchildren -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandfathers_and_grandchilds -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandpa_and_grandchild -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandpa_and_grandchildren -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandpa_and_grandchilds -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_child/grand_father -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_child/grand_fathers -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_children/grand_father -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_children/grand_fathers -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childs/grand_father -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_childs/grand_fathers -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_father/grand_child -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_father/grand_children -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_father/grand_childs -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_fathers/grand_child -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_fathers/grand_children -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_fathers/grand_childs -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_pa/grand_child -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_pa/grand_children -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grand_pa/grand_childs -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild/grandfather -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild/grandfathers -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren/grandfather -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren/grandfathers -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchilds/grandfather -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchilds/grandfathers -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandfathers/grandchild -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandfathers/grandchildren -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandfathers/grandchilds -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandpa/grandchild -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandpa/grandchildren -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandpa/grandchilds -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandfather/grandchild -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandson_and_grandfather -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandfather/grandson -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandson/grandfather -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandpa_and_grandson -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandson_and_grandpa -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandpa/grandson -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandson/grandpa -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore)
alias granddaughter_and_grandfather -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandfather/granddaughter -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias granddaughter/grandfather -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandpa_and_granddaughter -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias granddaughter_and_grandpa -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandpa/granddaughter -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias granddaughter/grandpa -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias grand_daughter -> granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandaughter -> granddaughter_(lore)
alias granddaughters -> granddaughter_(lore)
alias grand_daughters -> granddaughter_(lore)
alias gran_daughter -> granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandaughters -> granddaughter_(lore)
alias gran_daughters -> granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandsons -> grandson_(lore)
alias grand_sons -> grandson_(lore)
alias grand_son -> grandson_(lore)
alias granson -> grandson_(lore)
alias gran_son -> grandson_(lore)
alias gransons -> grandson_(lore)
alias gran_sons -> grandson_(lore)
alias parents -> parent_(lore)
alias dad -> father_(lore)
alias father_and_mother -> mother_and_father_(lore)
alias father/mother -> mother_and_father_(lore)
alias mother/father -> mother_and_father_(lore)
alias child_and_father -> father_and_child_(lore)
alias father/child -> father_and_child_(lore)
alias child/father -> father_and_child_(lore)
alias father_child -> father_and_child_(lore)
alias child_father -> father_and_child_(lore)
alias daughter_and_father -> father_and_daughter_(lore)
alias father/daughter -> father_and_daughter_(lore)
alias daughter/father -> father_and_daughter_(lore)
alias mothers -> mother_(lore)
alias mom -> mother_(lore)
alias moms -> mother_(lore)
alias child_and_mother -> mother_and_child_(lore)
alias mother/child -> mother_and_child_(lore)
alias child/mother -> mother_and_child_(lore)
alias mother_child -> mother_and_child_(lore)
alias child_mother -> mother_and_child_(lore)
alias daughter_and_mother -> mother_and_daughter_(lore)
alias mother/daughter -> mother_and_daughter_(lore)
alias daughter/mother -> mother_and_daughter_(lore)
alias child_and_parent -> parent_and_child_(lore)
alias siblings -> sibling_(lore)
alias twin -> twins_(lore)
alias b/s -> brother_and_sister_(lore)
alias sister_and_brother -> brother_and_sister_(lore)
alias sister/brother -> brother_and_sister_(lore)
alias brother/sister -> brother_and_sister_(lore)
alias s/b -> brother_and_sister_(lore)
alias brother/brother -> brothers_(lore)
alias brother_and_brother -> brothers_(lore)
alias sister/sister -> sisters_(lore)
alias sister_and_sister -> sisters_(lore)
alias niece_and_uncle -> uncle_and_niece_(lore)
alias grandparents -> grandparent_(lore)
alias grand_parent -> grandparent_(lore)
alias grand_parents -> grandparent_(lore)
alias grandma -> grandmother_(lore)
alias grandmother/grandfather -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore)
alias grandfather_and_grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore)
alias grandfather/grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore)
alias grandma_and_grandpa -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore)
alias grandpa_and_grandma -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore)
alias grandma/grandpa -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore)
alias grandpa/grandma -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore)
alias grand_dad -> grandfather_(lore)
alias granddad -> grandfather_(lore)
alias granfather -> grandfather_(lore)
alias grandpa -> grandfather_(lore)
alias grand_pa -> grandfather_(lore)
alias gramps -> grandfather_(lore)
alias gramp -> grandfather_(lore)
alias grandfathers -> grandfather_(lore)
alias grand_father -> grandfather_(lore)
alias grand_fathers -> grandfather_(lore)
alias grandpaw -> grandfather_(lore)
alias grand_paw -> grandfather_(lore)
alias gran_father -> grandfather_(lore)
alias gran_fathers -> grandfather_(lore)
alias granfathers -> grandfather_(lore)
alias granpa -> grandfather_(lore)
alias gran_pa -> grandfather_(lore)
alias granpas -> grandfather_(lore)
alias gran_pas -> grandfather_(lore)
alias granpaw -> grandfather_(lore)
alias gran_paw -> grandfather_(lore)
alias granpaws -> grandfather_(lore)
alias gran_paws -> grandfather_(lore)
alias grandpaws -> grandfather_(lore)
alias grand_paws -> grandfather_(lore)
alias cousin -> cousins_(lore)
alias nephew_and_uncle -> uncle_and_nephew_(lore)

I do not think this is a good idea. Here's my alternative proposal, which cuts out most of the more ridiculous grandparent aliases to reduce the length from 357 lines to 127:

alias son_and_mother -> mother_and_son_(lore)
alias mother/son -> mother_and_son_(lore)
alias son/mother -> mother_and_son_(lore)
alias son_and_father -> father_and_son_(lore)
alias father/son -> father_and_son_(lore)
alias son/father -> father_and_son_(lore)
alias father_son -> father_and_son_(lore)
alias son_father -> father_and_son_(lore)
alias grandchildren -> grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild_and_grandparent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild_and_grandparents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild/grandparent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild/grandparents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren_and_grandparent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren_and_grandparents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren/grandparent -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren/grandparents -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparent_and_grandchildren -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparent/grandchild -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparent/grandchildren -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparents_and_grandchild -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparents_and_grandchildren -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparents/grandchild -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandparents/grandchildren -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild_and_grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren_and_grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandma_and_grandchild -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandma_and_grandchildren -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild/grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren/grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandma/grandchild -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandma/grandchildren -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandmother/grandchild -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandson_and_grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandmother/grandson -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandson/grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandma_and_grandson -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandson_and_grandma -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandma/grandson -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandson/grandma -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore)
alias granddaughter_and_grandmother -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandmother/granddaughter -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias granddaughter/grandmother -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandma_and_granddaughter -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias granddaughter_and_grandma -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandma/granddaughter -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias granddaughter/grandma -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandchild_and_grandfather -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren_and_grandfather -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandpa_and_grandchild -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandpa_and_grandchildren -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchild/grandfather -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandchildren/grandfather -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandpa/grandchild -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandpa/grandchildren -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandfather/grandchild -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore)
alias grandson_and_grandfather -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandfather/grandson -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandson/grandfather -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandpa_and_grandson -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandson_and_grandpa -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandpa/grandson -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore)
alias grandson/grandpa -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore)
alias granddaughter_and_grandfather -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandfather/granddaughter -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias granddaughter/grandfather -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandpa_and_granddaughter -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias granddaughter_and_grandpa -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandpa/granddaughter -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias granddaughter/grandpa -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandaughter -> granddaughter_(lore)
alias granddaughters -> granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandaughters -> granddaughter_(lore)
alias grandsons -> grandson_(lore)
alias parents -> parent_(lore)
alias dad -> father_(lore)
alias father_and_mother -> mother_and_father_(lore)
alias father/mother -> mother_and_father_(lore)
alias mother/father -> mother_and_father_(lore)
alias child_and_father -> father_and_child_(lore)
alias father/child -> father_and_child_(lore)
alias child/father -> father_and_child_(lore)
alias father_child -> father_and_child_(lore)
alias child_father -> father_and_child_(lore)
alias daughter_and_father -> father_and_daughter_(lore)
alias father/daughter -> father_and_daughter_(lore)
alias daughter/father -> father_and_daughter_(lore)
alias mothers -> mother_(lore)
alias mom -> mother_(lore)
alias moms -> mother_(lore)
alias child_and_mother -> mother_and_child_(lore)
alias mother/child -> mother_and_child_(lore)
alias child/mother -> mother_and_child_(lore)
alias mother_child -> mother_and_child_(lore)
alias child_mother -> mother_and_child_(lore)
alias daughter_and_mother -> mother_and_daughter_(lore)
alias mother/daughter -> mother_and_daughter_(lore)
alias daughter/mother -> mother_and_daughter_(lore)
alias child_and_parent -> parent_and_child_(lore)
alias siblings -> sibling_(lore)
alias twin -> twins_(lore)
alias b/s -> brother_and_sister_(lore)
alias sister_and_brother -> brother_and_sister_(lore)
alias sister/brother -> brother_and_sister_(lore)
alias brother/sister -> brother_and_sister_(lore)
alias s/b -> brother_and_sister_(lore)
alias brother/brother -> brothers_(lore)
alias brother_and_brother -> brothers_(lore)
alias sister/sister -> sisters_(lore)
alias sister_and_sister -> sisters_(lore)
alias niece_and_uncle -> uncle_and_niece_(lore)
alias grandparents -> grandparent_(lore)
alias grandma -> grandmother_(lore)
alias grandmother/grandfather -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore)
alias grandfather_and_grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore)
alias grandfather/grandmother -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore)
alias grandma_and_grandpa -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore)
alias grandpa_and_grandma -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore)
alias grandma/grandpa -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore)
alias grandpa/grandma -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore)
alias granddad -> grandfather_(lore)
alias granfather -> grandfather_(lore)
alias grandpa -> grandfather_(lore)
alias gramps -> grandfather_(lore)
alias granpa -> grandfather_(lore)
alias cousin -> cousins_(lore)
alias nephew_and_uncle -> uncle_and_nephew_(lore)

We could probably slim this down even further, considering the grandparent tags are not heavily used as it is. The main changes I made were removing any tags with the string "grand_" in them (I was not able to find any evidence of the underscore ever having been used) and all the various "childs" tags (ditto). I also removed the plural "grandmothers"/"grandfathers" tags and their variations (again, couldn't find anything in the edit history), all of the "grandpaw" tags (some kind of furry slang?), and the vast majority of "gran" without the "d" tags (unfortunately, gramps has been used in the past).

wat8548 said:
We could probably slim this down even further, considering the grandparent tags are not heavily used as it is. The main changes I made were removing any tags with the string "grand_" in them (I was not able to find any evidence of the underscore ever having been used) and all the various "childs" tags (ditto). I also removed the plural "grandmothers"/"grandfathers" tags and their variations (again, couldn't find anything in the edit history), all of the "grandpaw" tags (some kind of furry slang?), and the vast majority of "gran" without the "d" tags (unfortunately, gramps has been used in the past).

Now that we get to see a clear overview of every family-related tag, I’m completely stunned at how many there are. If most of these tags were never used, then why did users even bother making alias requests back then? Aren’t tags supposed to be aliased ONLY if it has been used at least once?

I agree, we should start off with fewer lines. If users will ever use the other tags, we can then alias them to the respective lore tags.


I have not proofread these yet, but I am in favor of the idea here. Also, I would be willing to do the shuffling, once it's all been proofed.

About possibly slimming it down: I've looked at the history behind some of the perhaps excessive versions. I think we can safely say that if there's none (or less than maybe 5) uses of it in the entire tag history at this point? then we probably don't need to worry about aliasing that spelling/version of it away. I think perhaps the 'future proofing' got a little bit carried away in this instance. And that we don't need to replicate the unnecessary extras when we move everything over to the lore versions. So feel free to slim it down with that in mind.

All else fails, if we drop a spelling/version that seemed never or barely used, and then it starts to get used in the next five years? We can always address it then.

The bulk update request #4759 is active.

remove implication brother_and_sister (0) -> sister (0)
remove implication father_and_child (0) -> parent_and_child (0)
remove implication father_and_daughter (0) -> daughter (0)
remove implication grandfather_and_grandchild (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove implication grandfather_and_granddaughter (0) -> granddaughter (0)
remove implication grandfather_and_grandson (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove implication grandfather_and_grandson (0) -> grandson (0)
remove implication grandmother_and_grandchild (0) -> grandmother (0)
remove implication grandmother_and_granddaughter (0) -> granddaughter (0)
remove implication grandmother_and_grandfather (0) -> grandfather (0)
remove implication grandmother_and_grandson (0) -> grandson (0)
remove implication grandparent_and_grandchild (0) -> grandparent (0)
remove implication mother_and_child (0) -> parent_and_child (0)
remove implication mother_and_daughter (0) -> daughter (0)
remove implication mother_and_father (0) -> mother (0)
remove implication uncle_and_niece (0) -> uncle (0)

Reason: Okay, this is awkward. It turns out that a line in the script that I put in to remove duplicate lines was in fact removing rather more than that. The good news is that there are no incorrect lines in the previous BURs, only missing ones. Also, no aliases appear to have been affected.

These are (probably) all the missing implications.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4759 (forum #364609) has failed: Implication for father_and_son not found

EDIT: The bulk update request #4759 (forum #364609) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4760 is active.

create implication brother_and_sister_(lore) (17486) -> sister_(lore) (31821)
create implication father_and_child_(lore) (18896) -> parent_and_child_(lore) (39732)
create implication father_and_daughter_(lore) (7217) -> daughter_(lore) (15830)
create implication grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore) (513) -> grandfather_(lore) (614)
create implication grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore) (146) -> granddaughter_(lore) (347)
create implication grandfather_and_grandson_(lore) (370) -> grandson_(lore) (665)
create implication grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore) (435) -> grandmother_(lore) (832)
create implication grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore) (197) -> granddaughter_(lore) (347)
create implication grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore) (0) -> grandfather_(lore) (614)
create implication grandmother_and_grandson_(lore) (251) -> grandson_(lore) (665)
create implication grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956) -> grandparent_(lore) (1479)
create implication mother_and_child_(lore) (22719) -> parent_and_child_(lore) (39732)
create implication mother_and_daughter_(lore) (9793) -> daughter_(lore) (15830)
create implication mother_and_father_(lore) (473) -> mother_(lore) (28757)
create implication uncle_and_niece_(lore) (588) -> uncle_(lore) (1762)

Reason: And the lore equivalents.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4760 (forum #364610) has failed: Error: grandfather_and_grandson_(lore) already implies grandfather_(lore) through another implication (create implication grandfather_and_grandson_(lore) -> grandfather_(lore))

EDIT: The bulk update request #4760 (forum #364610) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4903 has been rejected.

create alias son (0) -> son_(lore) (25025)
create alias mother_and_son (0) -> mother_and_son_(lore) (12755)
create alias father_and_son (0) -> father_and_son_(lore) (11798)
create alias father (0) -> father_(lore) (20911)
create alias mother_and_father (0) -> mother_and_father_(lore) (473)
create alias father_and_child (0) -> father_and_child_(lore) (18896)
create alias father_and_daughter (0) -> father_and_daughter_(lore) (7217)
create alias mother (0) -> mother_(lore) (28757)
create alias mother_and_child (0) -> mother_and_child_(lore) (22719)
create alias mother_and_daughter (0) -> mother_and_daughter_(lore) (9793)
create alias parent_and_child (0) -> parent_and_child_(lore) (39732)
create alias sibling (0) -> sibling_(lore) (48777)

Reason: Part 2 page 1/2

EDIT: The bulk update request #4903 (forum #366821) has been rejected by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4904 has been rejected.

create alias brother (0) -> brother_(lore) (31841)
create alias brother_and_sister (0) -> brother_and_sister_(lore) (17486)
create alias brothers (0) -> brothers_(lore) (12867)
create alias sister (0) -> sister_(lore) (31821)
create alias sisters (0) -> sisters_(lore) (12804)
create alias daughter (0) -> daughter_(lore) (15830)

Reason: Part 2 page 2/2

EDIT: Oookay, I guess these are being done manually instead?

EDIT: The bulk update request #4904 (forum #366822) has been rejected by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4905 is active.

create alias son_and_mother (0) -> mother_and_son_(lore) (12755)
create alias mother/son (0) -> mother_and_son_(lore) (12755)
create alias son/mother (0) -> mother_and_son_(lore) (12755)
create alias son_and_father (0) -> father_and_son_(lore) (11798)
create alias father/son (0) -> father_and_son_(lore) (11798)
create alias son/father (0) -> father_and_son_(lore) (11798)
create alias father_son (0) -> father_and_son_(lore) (11798)
create alias son_father (0) -> father_and_son_(lore) (11798)
create alias grandchildren (0) -> grandchild_(lore) (1037)
create alias grandchild_and_grandparent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956)
create alias grandchild_and_grandparents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956)
create alias grandchild/grandparent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956)
create alias grandchild/grandparents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956)
create alias grandchildren_and_grandparent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956)
create alias grandchildren_and_grandparents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956)
create alias grandchildren/grandparent (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956)
create alias grandchildren/grandparents (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956)
create alias grandparent_and_grandchildren (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956)
create alias grandparent/grandchild (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956)
create alias grandparent/grandchildren (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956)
create alias grandparents_and_grandchild (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956)
create alias grandparents_and_grandchildren (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956)
create alias grandparents/grandchild (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956)
create alias grandparents/grandchildren (0) -> grandparent_and_grandchild_(lore) (956)
create alias grandchild_and_grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore) (435)

Reason: Might as well make a start on part 3 then. This is based on my proposal from forum #363883, since nobody objected to it.

Page 1/6

EDIT: The bulk update request #4905 (forum #366823) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4906 is active.

create alias grandchildren_and_grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore) (435)
create alias grandma_and_grandchild (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore) (435)
create alias grandma_and_grandchildren (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore) (435)
create alias grandchild/grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore) (435)
create alias grandchildren/grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore) (435)
create alias grandma/grandchild (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore) (435)
create alias grandma/grandchildren (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore) (435)
create alias grandmother/grandchild (0) -> grandmother_and_grandchild_(lore) (435)
create alias grandson_and_grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore) (251)
create alias grandmother/grandson (0) -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore) (251)
create alias grandson/grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore) (251)
create alias grandma_and_grandson (0) -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore) (251)
create alias grandson_and_grandma (0) -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore) (251)
create alias grandma/grandson (0) -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore) (251)
create alias grandson/grandma (0) -> grandmother_and_grandson_(lore) (251)
create alias granddaughter_and_grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore) (197)
create alias grandmother/granddaughter (0) -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore) (197)
create alias granddaughter/grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore) (197)
create alias grandma_and_granddaughter (0) -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore) (197)
create alias granddaughter_and_grandma (0) -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore) (197)
create alias grandma/granddaughter (0) -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore) (197)
create alias granddaughter/grandma (0) -> grandmother_and_granddaughter_(lore) (197)
create alias grandchild_and_grandfather (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore) (513)
create alias grandchildren_and_grandfather (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore) (513)
create alias grandpa_and_grandchild (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore) (513)

Reason: Part 3 page 2/6

EDIT: The bulk update request #4906 (forum #366824) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4907 is active.

create alias grandpa_and_grandchildren (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore) (513)
create alias grandchild/grandfather (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore) (513)
create alias grandchildren/grandfather (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore) (513)
create alias grandpa/grandchild (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore) (513)
create alias grandpa/grandchildren (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore) (513)
create alias grandfather/grandchild (0) -> grandfather_and_grandchild_(lore) (513)
create alias grandson_and_grandfather (0) -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore) (370)
create alias grandfather/grandson (0) -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore) (370)
create alias grandson/grandfather (0) -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore) (370)
create alias grandpa_and_grandson (0) -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore) (370)
create alias grandson_and_grandpa (0) -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore) (370)
create alias grandpa/grandson (0) -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore) (370)
create alias grandson/grandpa (0) -> grandfather_and_grandson_(lore) (370)
create alias granddaughter_and_grandfather (0) -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore) (146)
create alias grandfather/granddaughter (0) -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore) (146)
create alias granddaughter/grandfather (0) -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore) (146)
create alias grandpa_and_granddaughter (0) -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore) (146)
create alias granddaughter_and_grandpa (0) -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore) (146)
create alias grandpa/granddaughter (0) -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore) (146)
create alias granddaughter/grandpa (0) -> grandfather_and_granddaughter_(lore) (146)
create alias grandaughter (0) -> granddaughter_(lore) (347)
create alias granddaughters (0) -> granddaughter_(lore) (347)
create alias grandaughters (0) -> granddaughter_(lore) (347)
create alias grandsons (0) -> grandson_(lore) (665)
create alias parents (0) -> parent_(lore) (47024)

Reason: Part 3 page 3/6

EDIT: The bulk update request #4907 (forum #366825) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4908 is active.

create alias dad (0) -> father_(lore) (20911)
create alias father_and_mother (0) -> mother_and_father_(lore) (473)
create alias father/mother (0) -> mother_and_father_(lore) (473)
create alias mother/father (0) -> mother_and_father_(lore) (473)
create alias child_and_father (0) -> father_and_child_(lore) (18896)
create alias father/child (0) -> father_and_child_(lore) (18896)
create alias child/father (0) -> father_and_child_(lore) (18896)
create alias father_child (0) -> father_and_child_(lore) (18896)
create alias child_father (0) -> father_and_child_(lore) (18896)
create alias daughter_and_father (0) -> father_and_daughter_(lore) (7217)
create alias father/daughter (0) -> father_and_daughter_(lore) (7217)
create alias daughter/father (0) -> father_and_daughter_(lore) (7217)
create alias mothers (0) -> mother_(lore) (28757)
create alias mom (0) -> mother_(lore) (28757)
create alias moms (0) -> mother_(lore) (28757)
create alias child_and_mother (0) -> mother_and_child_(lore) (22719)
create alias mother/child (0) -> mother_and_child_(lore) (22719)
create alias child/mother (0) -> mother_and_child_(lore) (22719)
create alias mother_child (0) -> mother_and_child_(lore) (22719)
create alias child_mother (0) -> mother_and_child_(lore) (22719)
create alias daughter_and_mother (0) -> mother_and_daughter_(lore) (9793)
create alias mother/daughter (0) -> mother_and_daughter_(lore) (9793)
create alias daughter/mother (0) -> mother_and_daughter_(lore) (9793)
create alias child_and_parent (0) -> parent_and_child_(lore) (39732)
create alias siblings (0) -> sibling_(lore) (48777)

Reason: Part 3 page 4/6

EDIT: The bulk update request #4908 (forum #366826) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4909 is active.

create alias twin (0) -> twins_(lore) (9168)
create alias b/s (0) -> brother_and_sister_(lore) (17486)
create alias sister_and_brother (0) -> brother_and_sister_(lore) (17486)
create alias sister/brother (0) -> brother_and_sister_(lore) (17486)
create alias brother/sister (0) -> brother_and_sister_(lore) (17486)
create alias s/b (0) -> brother_and_sister_(lore) (17486)
create alias brother/brother (0) -> brothers_(lore) (12867)
create alias brother_and_brother (0) -> brothers_(lore) (12867)
create alias sister/sister (0) -> sisters_(lore) (12804)
create alias sister_and_sister (0) -> sisters_(lore) (12804)
create alias niece_and_uncle (0) -> uncle_and_niece_(lore) (588)
create alias grandparents (0) -> grandparent_(lore) (1479)
create alias grandma (0) -> grandmother_(lore) (832)
create alias grandmother/grandfather (0) -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore) (0)
create alias grandfather_and_grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore) (0)
create alias grandfather/grandmother (0) -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore) (0)
create alias grandma_and_grandpa (0) -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore) (0)
create alias grandpa_and_grandma (0) -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore) (0)
create alias grandma/grandpa (0) -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore) (0)
create alias grandpa/grandma (0) -> grandmother_and_grandfather_(lore) (0)
create alias granddad (0) -> grandfather_(lore) (614)
create alias granfather (0) -> grandfather_(lore) (614)
create alias grandpa (0) -> grandfather_(lore) (614)
create alias gramps (0) -> grandfather_(lore) (614)
create alias granpa (0) -> grandfather_(lore) (614)

Reason: Part 3 page 5/6

EDIT: The bulk update request #4909 (forum #366827) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

wat8548 said:
EDIT: Oookay, I guess these are being done manually instead?

If I approved one BUR that affects 200000 posts at the same time, the entire site would experience various technical issues, like search results being not up to date and edits not going through.

mother_and_son became mother_and_son_(lore) and so on. What if it's not "lore" but something clearly indicated in the post, like a mother giving birth to a son?

There are 5 other BURs up there, BTW. They affect approximately 0 existing posts each.

lance_armstrong said:
mother_and_son became mother_and_son_(lore) and so on. What if it's not "lore" but something clearly indicated in the post, like a mother giving birth to a son?

Then I imagine you would search for birth instead?

Let's face it, incest is often pretty obvious from looking at the post too, but I wasn't the one who made the ruling that it must be inherently lore.

Isn't aliasing all of these to _(lore) versions a bit pointless? I was under the impression the _(lore) tags existed to differentiate them from the standard non-lore TWYS versions. Adding _(lore) to tags that don't have non-lore versions is akin to adding _(artist) to every artist, _(character) to every character, and so on. We don't do that because there are tag categories, including the "lore" category, to differentiate these tags. It just adds extra noise to the tags for no benefit.

But it's a little too late to do anything about it now, I guess. Oh well.



viousthoneo2 said:
Isn't aliasing all of these to _(lore) versions a bit pointless? I was under the impression the _(lore) tags existed to differentiate them from the standard non-lore TWYS versions. We don't do that because there are tag categories, including the "lore" category, to differentiate these tags.

Because of the way the system is set up, tags in the Lore category need to have the _(lore) suffix (and a tag can't have the _(lore) suffix if it's not in the Lore category).

viousthoneo2 said:
Isn't aliasing all of these to _(lore) versions a bit pointless? I was under the impression the _(lore) tags existed to differentiate them from the standard non-lore TWYS versions.

The admins decided, when the new site launched 3 years ago, to alias incest to incest_(lore), on the basis that family relations were invisible. The only reason this wasn't done at the same time is because of the ridiculous amount of work involved (gestures upwards).

You may not agree with that ruling, but there have been a ton of complaints on the forums during those three years about the inconsistency. In fact the event which prompted the approval of these BURs after a month was yet another such thread getting opened.

watsit said:
Because of the way the system is set up, tags in the Lore category need to have the _(lore) suffix (and a tag can't have the _(lore) suffix if it's not in the Lore category).

Wow, I didn't even consider there would be special conditions for a single tag category. I had to look it up, and sure enough, it's there in the code.

wat8548 said:
You may not agree with that ruling

Categorizing it as lore seems reasonable. Locking an entire category to tags with _(lore) seemed odd, but I assume they didn't want people re-categorizing existing tags.

The bulk update request #4942 is active.

create alias parent_and_daughter (0) -> parent_and_daughter_(lore) (15656)
create alias parent_and_son (0) -> parent_and_son_(lore) (23601)
create implication parent_and_daughter_(lore) (15656) -> daughter_(lore) (15830)
create implication parent_and_daughter_(lore) (15656) -> parent_and_child_(lore) (39732)
create implication parent_and_son_(lore) (23601) -> son_(lore) (25025)
create implication parent_and_son_(lore) (23601) -> parent_and_child_(lore) (39732)
remove implication father_and_daughter_(lore) (7217) -> daughter_(lore) (15830)
create implication father_and_daughter_(lore) (7217) -> parent_and_daughter_(lore) (15656)
remove implication father_and_son_(lore) (11798) -> son_(lore) (25025)
create implication father_and_son_(lore) (11798) -> parent_and_son_(lore) (23601)
remove implication mother_and_daughter_(lore) (9793) -> daughter_(lore) (15830)
create implication mother_and_daughter_(lore) (9793) -> parent_and_daughter_(lore) (15656)
remove implication mother_and_son_(lore) (12755) -> son_(lore) (25025)
create implication mother_and_son_(lore) (12755) -> parent_and_son_(lore) (23601)

Reason: Context in forum #367058. This canonises the existing widely-used parent_and_daughter and parent_and_son tags (which would need either nuking or changing to lore anyway), and changes the gendered-parent-and-gendered-child to neutral-parent-and-neutral-child implication tree to the double-inheritance model seen in many other places on the site.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4942 (forum #367060) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

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