Topic: Tag Alias: political -> politics

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Approved all, except for one.

Implication of terrorism to --> politics is denied. I know that the word has been heavily politicized. But it's not by nature limited to politics. Even some of the official definitions for "terrorism" list it being motivated for a political or for a social purpose. And some uses of the word "terrorism" are focused just on the use of violence/coercion/intimidation/destruction for the purpose of inciting terror in a group of people, which is even broader... but still a fairly common interpretation. Some of the few images tagged with it are using it that way. Only some are clearly political, others are more about destruction and inciting terror.

Even if all of these variances in meaning were dismissed though, I'm not convinced that what people are looking for under the politics tag and what can be tagged under the terrorism tag are always the same. At the end of the day, terrorism is about as political as religion: a frequent theme in politics and often highly controversial, but not restricted to political use. So I think that one's better off left unimplicated for now.

Updated by anonymous

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