The tag alias #61586 c2503j -> drakethefox has been approved.
Reason: c2503j is the FA name of the artist
EDIT: The tag alias c2503j -> drakethefox (forum #359677) has been approved by @furrypickle.
Updated by auto moderator
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
The tag alias #61586 c2503j -> drakethefox has been approved.
Reason: c2503j is the FA name of the artist
EDIT: The tag alias c2503j -> drakethefox (forum #359677) has been approved by @furrypickle.
Updated by auto moderator
Another victim of FA's inability to change user names. For once, the wiki page provides a source link that we can trust:
If you are referring to then use drakethefox instead. (Proof: Contact links on the FA profile).
That's actually pretty useful. :)
I proposed this the other way around in BUR #3287 / topic #35256 a few months ago. If this alias gets approved, it's probably a good idea to reject that BUR at the same time.
(The second item in that BUR is for a character tag, which wouldn't need to change if this artist's canonical tag is drakethefox .)
The tag alias c2503j -> drakethefox (forum #359677) has been approved by @furrypickle.