Wandered across some art yesterday at e621, where i sent myself down a small rabbithole (not sure if rabbithole is the correct word ... it's just that the answers seem elusive).
This has given me a bit of headache (and I'm hoping for feedback or suggestions on relevant tags).
https://www.furaffinity.net/user/acfay1 says
fayotter ..."
and with blog post with date "May 18, 2013"
"I am switching this account to a new one with a much better name.
So please, go out and watch fayotter for everything new!"
(side-note: 15 posts found with https://www.furaffinity.net/search/?q=acfay1
... a search which doesn't seem to find all the posts with "acfay1" in description)
newer account https://www.furaffinity.net/user/fayotter says
1) their twitter is at https://twitter.com/FayDonkey
2) latest FA blog post says "Mastodon
FayDonkey[at]meow.social "
{Latest tweet (from November) is "I'm stepping back from Twitter. I'll keep my accounts active for about a week".
So that twitter could get deleted.}
NOTE: latest art posted to fayotter FurAffinity is posted "Aug 24, 2020" (two years ago)
(possibly more recent art posted to Twitter ... not feeling up to looking at Twitter now)
Unsure how many characters they have.
SHORT summary about characters:
1) otter character
2) gator character
3) MLP pony
?) most of the art in their new FA is transformation art (mostly unclear what name of character who is transforming)
SUGGESTION #1: For when name of character is unclear, maybe have fayotter (or FayDonkey) as copyright tag?
(suggesting faydonkey because of username faydonkey at Twitter and Mastodon)
1) otter character seems to be their main character
1a) model_sheet/refsheet: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/10631142/ (general rating)
title: "Fay 2.0 Reference Sheet "
on the sheet it says:
The Otter".
(in artist gallery: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/10567296/ ... found via acfay1 userpage fav section ... doesn't show up via FA search for acfay1 ... weird )
(rest of otter art sorted by date ... early to latest)
1b) potentially useful but not posted to new account
"posted Jul 10, 2012"
https://www.furaffinity.net/view/8378451/ (general rating)
titled "Fay Otter - Fursuit Concept Art"
(only name on art is artist name)
1c) "posted May 18, 2013"
https://www.furaffinity.net/view/10622336/ (general rating)
art of (fake) game cartridge with "Super Fay Otter" on it.
1d) "posted May 4, 2016 "
https://www.furaffinity.net/view/19868621/ (general rating)
(titled "Amii-bb Card")
On art it says:
with "Mustelid" under & to the left
and with "Otter" under & to the right
(seems to say character named Fay)
What character tag for this character?
Fay_otter ?
OR fay_(otter)_(faydonkey) ??? (if we going with username at twitter and Mastodon)
* * * * * * *
2) gator sona?
2a) "posted Mar 17, 2014 "
https://www.furaffinity.net/view/12979165/ (general rating)
(title: "In Need of a Navi-Gator [Pt. 1]")
description "TF Commission of my first sona
Yes, I was a tubby Gator before being an Otter."
(in artist FA at: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/13015864/ )
2b) title "In Need of a Navi-Gator [Pt. 2]" (general rating)
Not sure what gator's name is.
(there could be more art of the character at FA.
Since (for example) some art with "acfay1" in description isn't showing up with FA search for "acfay1".
3) title "Fay MLP Ref"
name of "Fay" on art
tag as fay_(pony)(fayotter)
OR fay_(pony)_(faydonkey) ??? (if we going with username at twitter and Mastodon)
Those are all the characters that are obvious to me.
Potentially donkey character posted to their Twitter or Mastodon.
i think that is it
(started working on this post approx 27hours ago)