Topic: Rejection of "X verbing Y" BURs

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Hello, people of the forum! You might have noticed that a bunch of seemingly valid BURs have just been rejected.

That is because the e621 staff got together and decided that creating the same chain of implications that we have for "penetration" for every applicable verb would be unfeasible.

Instead of having tags that combine genders/forms and actions for every possible action, we are going to implement a system that indicates who is doing something and who is having something done to them, without specifying what that "something" is.

Still in development, more details soon.

Thank you for understanding (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

P.S.: We're not getting rid of the existing penetration implications, they're grandfathered in

It's happening?

Oh, no, this looks like it's more like TMSU tag=value pairs (verb=noun) than the full on (object_id=tags) idea that's been discussed on occasion.

(tbh, this was like on a mental bingo card every time I check the forums: 'I learn of another oddly specific X_verb_Y tag')


sexygriffon said:
Am I misunderstanding this, or are more tags that I routinely use going away?

I think it is more they aren't doing anymore bulk update requests for this category because those burs would be redundant when they finish setting up a more dynamic(?) version of it.

sexygriffon said:
Am I misunderstanding this, or are more tags that I routinely use going away?

I'd imagine it's going to be something like using male_performing_on_female + rimming rather than male_rimming_female, but that's just speculation. We'll have to wait and see. Whatever it is, it sounds like it could potentially be quite useful.


Staff made the collective decision to reject implications in the format (adjective)_(gender/form) -> (gender/form) for the time being for similar reasons. Sorry about that, Sulmarobar

I probably won't get a confirm or deny for this, but per-character tagging? Or just a more flexible tagging system that allow tag combinations? (I'd assume the latter requires the former to be more useful for searching than the current system, although I can see how it would make wiki and implications much easier to maintain).

crocogator said:
I'd imagine it's going to be something like using male_performing_on_female + rimming rather than male_rimming_female, but that's just speculation. We'll have to wait and see. Whatever it is, it sounds like it could potentially be quite useful.

It's more like male_doing_something + rimming + female_having_something_done_to_her, but hopefully a little more concise

gattonero2001 said:
It's more like male_doing_something + rimming + female_having_something_done_to_her, but hopefully a little more concise

Oh boy, I can't wait for the top/bottom debate to start up all over again.

gattonero2001 said:
Staff made the collective decision to reject implications in the format (adjective)_(gender/form) -> (gender/form) for the time being for similar reasons. Sorry about that, Sulmarobar

I'm perfectly fine if there's a better system coming

I thought it would be nice if posts could have "threads", and have "threads" attached to tags







Then, if one searched, they could search for a skinny/overweight/whatever character getting penetrated (or whatever combination), and the tags on the post would be connected by threads
You could go really overboard and try to find a specific post of character wearing a choker or something by typing
Alicia_(character){1} {2}choker{1} red_clothing{2}
which would also resolve the tag explosion of [COLOR]/[NOUN] tags
In these examples, a key is assigned by putting it before the tag, and linked by putting it after the tag. There's probably a better way to present that.

and could also search
skinny{2} penetrated{2} female{2} overweight{1} male{1} penetrating{1}
to replace a tag like

on the backend, this is probably a headache to implement(and a huge effort to go back and edit post tags to use it). I've only learned some intro to sql at best


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